Processed Foods??

OK, I think I am lost and confused. Someone just told me I have too many processed foods for today. I had a home made egg sandwich (one egg on an English muffin), fresh tilapia (not out of a box, FRESH), and a cheeseburger with lettuce as the bun (again, not in a box, ground meat formed into patties and grilled on a charcoal grill). Now, the pasta salad yes was a box, but a family favorite to have with burgers, and the broccoli and cheese is frozen...but how is the rest considered processed food when it's all fresh?? Maybe I don't understand the definition of processed food? Can anyone help me out here? Maybe even look at my diary for today and tell me what exactly was processed just for today? I would really appreciate it because I am very confused i think...


  • moto813
    moto813 Posts: 8
    Processed food is anything that's from a box, bag or in the center of the store. To be safe, stick to fruit and veggies from the produce section, lean, grass fed meats and wild caught fish. Nuts and seeds that have shells can be protection from the processing. Good Luck!
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    You are entering foods as ones that are already put in... and if you look at how high your sodium is... that is why people think you are eating too much processed foods. Try entering your own recipes so that your sodium isn't so off.
  • musicgirl88
    musicgirl88 Posts: 504 Member
    You are entering foods as ones that are already put in... and if you look at how high your sodium is... that is why people think you are eating too much processed foods. Try entering your own recipes so that your sodium isn't so off.

    Actually, the tilapia and the egg sandwich are my own recipes...everything else I just hope is correct!! LOL
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    processed foods are any foods that are not in their natural state:

    bread is a processed food, whether or not you process it yourself or you pay for it to be processed for you. the wheat goes through a process to become flour and the flour goes through a process to become leavened. therefore it is processed.

    not all processed foods are bad for you. in fact, some natural foods are better for you when they are cooked, but both the amount of processing and by whom the processing is done are key indicators of healthfulness.

    this is just the definition of processed food and is not directed at your meals; i haven't looked yet.
  • liscar
    liscar Posts: 311 Member
    you are doing great - keep up the great work! People just try to help + when they see a high sodium level they assume it came out of a box. I wouldn't take it negatively - you are making WAY healthier choices than I bet you were back before you started, right? it's steps - and everyone is here to help and in the same boat. I bet that person suffered with processed foods and tends to want to make sure that no one else does. My "thing" is asking people to search for "eating exercise calories".....a lot of people don't and it made a huge diff for me, so that's my soap box hahaha. You are doing the deal and walking the walk ---- Keep Up The Great Work
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    people make a big deal out of processed foods. some arent that bad. dont worry about it.
  • barefootbeautiful
    To clarify, some people - specifically Paleo people - lump white flour foods, mainly any kind of grain, in with "processed" foods. Also in this group is lumped anything with additives. So from your examples, this would include: the English muffin, obviously the pasta salad, and even - wait for it - the cheese. I realize this is a little weird, ESPECIALLY to those who have never heard of this type of eating. I'm also not sure I agree with it all - I've always believed, and still do, that dairy is healthy for us (in portion). Personally, I think your menu for the day sounds pretty dang good. So..... :) Keep up the good work.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Hey SKREW people who try to make you feel Bad because you don't eat like them. Maybe you can't afford wild caught fish or grass fed beef or organic veggies and fruit. If you can, just try and eat more fresh fruit and veggies or frozen ones with no sauces and low/no sodium. I have NEVER seen any statistics that say if you eat organic or wild fish or grass fed beef that you will live longer, age less, have less disease, look better, are happier, have better sex and make more money!
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member

    Egg Sandwich, 1 serving
    Green Giant - Just for One Broccoli and Cheese Sauce, 1 tray
    Kellogg's - Fiber Plus Antioxidants Chewy Bar Chocolate Chip, 1 bar
    Betty Crocker - Suddenly (Pasta) Salad - Classic
    Sweets - Jelly Sticks, Raspberry, 1 pieces


    Generic - Banana - Medium 7 - 8"
    Lemon Pepper Tilapia
    Burger no bun (homemade), 1 serving
    Lettuce - Green leaf, raw, 2 leaf outer

    it's not to say that all the processed foods are "bad" and the unprocessed foods are "good" it's just that the processed foods are processed and the unprocessed foods are not. does that make sense?
  • moto813
    moto813 Posts: 8
    "What Foods Should I Avoid?
    Excessive consumption of high-glycemic carbohydrates is the primary culprit in nutritionally caused health problems. High glycemic carbohydrates are those that raise blood sugar too rapidly. They include rice, bread, candy, potato, sweets, sodas, and most processed carbohydrates. Processing can include bleaching, baking, grinding, and refining. Processing of carbohydrates greatly increases their glycemic index, a measure of their propensity to elevate blood sugar."

    I'm pretty sure diabetes is a pretty signifcant report on the dangers of processed food... If you would like some info, I would love to share.
    Also, when you eat clean, you don't eat as much. Therefore, it's not insanely expensive.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    now that i'm thinking about it more, even meat is processed. cooked meat is double processed.

    so this is a good example of how some processed foods can be good for you; you typically don't want to eat raw meat - especially not industrial raw meat; so the process of butchering and then cooking it makes it processed.

    but it doesn't make it necessarily bad for you.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
  • jencoz04
    jencoz04 Posts: 67 Member
    were you asking for suggestions on your food diary? i don't get when people make unsolicited comments on people's food diaries.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    were you asking for suggestions on your food diary? i don't get when people make unsolicited comments on people's food diaries.

    did you read the original post? She's a little confused about having "too much" processed foods and asked for clarification. I don't believe any of the advice so far has been unsolicited, but if it was, certainly it was unintentionally so.

    edit: or maybe you meant the reason for someone saying she had too many processed foods in the first place. i may be just confused :)