DavidHusky Member


  • I have friends/family in the area and was thinking about signing up for the race, mostly for nutella and birthday cake. I'm running the twin cities full 2 weeks later, so I think the half would be fun. very limited slots it looks like though, registration opens in ~30 minutes....
  • Trutein orange creamsickle, silk almondmilk, ice, greek yogurt. Benefit of having a vitamix is making lowish calorie ice cream: don't include any water/ice in the smoothie ingredients, blend in vitamix pour into ice cube tray freeze put back in vitamix blend scoop with ice cream scoop to get it to look like ice cream eat.
  • Green Tea and splenda by themselves should have no physiological impact on your weight loss by themselves (being nearly calorie-free). Having said that, if you are replacing double frappelatte moccachino high calorie beverage with green tea and splenda it should help your weight loss. In some people caffeine can be an…
  • in for strong talons
  • I track it, but only to help with water retention predictability (so i have a better idea of what is affecting scale fluctuations). I tend to be in the 1500 mg range on weekdays and 2500+ mg range on weekends due to eating out... so monday weigh ins always kill me.
  • rolled oats coffee protein powder nuts (walnut/almond/pecan)
  • Once you mix in enough sriracha, its hard to tell that its greek yogurt instead of mayo ;)
  • Don't log it, just make sure sure my urine is clear/lightly colored. Tuesday I was on the road all day and my liquid intake was 48 oz of gas station coffee (with h&h + liquid splenda flavor) and 20oz of diet coke and that was it. No hydration problems according to my criteria ;)
  • typically the pulldown will have a "1g" option and then you can enter the number of whole grams - otherwise if it only has 100g size you can do 0.78 for 78g for example. Sometimes you have to look at a few different entries to find one that has a single gram serving size. Meat that is fattier is always a challenge to…
  • Wouldn't that be considered circuit training? I always assumed HIIT was a single cardio-type exercise (running, biking, swimming rowing etc) where you alternated between high intensity and lower intensity intervals of said exercise. Where circuit training would be setting up 8-12 different resistance/cardio exercise…
  • Isn't it cheaper to buy stevia & sugar separately and mix them yourself? That what I found with the various splenda mixes...
  • Sorry to hear that - it looks like she was a great pup! I'm a first time dog owner, so I can't even imagine what it will be like when its time for the rainbow bridge to be crossed :(
  • Thanks! Here's one where he doesn't look so depressed:
  • Thanks for the advice - I'm running a 10 miler this spring. Last year I did a 10k for the 4th of july, but there is a half marathon I could sign up for this year... would help me get a feel for my pace.
  • I'm not real exact on the butter i guess i would say a "pat" since i slice off 1/4" or so of a slice off of the 1/2 pound (2 wide) stick of plugra butter i use. Jameson I usually do a half shot for 1 cup of (uncooked) oats, but don't put it in until the last 5 minutes or so. I was inspired by overnight irish cream porridge…
  • I just signed up for my first marathon that is scheduled for the first week of October. I started running almost exactly a year ago and I've ran 2 10ks and a half trail marathon. I'm trying to figure out what to do to transition into a marathon ramp up when I have a whole 8 months to go, most of the plans i see aren't more…
  • 1. No injuries 2. Finish the Twin Cities Marathon on 10/05 in under 4 hours 3. Run a 5k (shortest I've done is 10k)
  • Well this probably isn't going to help with calories, but I like to cook mine in apple juice. I usually only make it on the weekend and then i add jameson and european style butter. Needless to say I don't eat oatmeal very often (I use rolled oats all the time though).
  • Same thing happened to me (so now I have a bunch of XL shirts and a bunch of medium shirts :p). My wife's reaction: "I don't remember ordering a medium husband"
  • Hah - I'm going to the hockey city classic tomorrow, BWW is right next to TCF Bank... I'll need something to warm me up... hmmm
  • just had a holiday cookie exchange at work, so i decided to make it into a 2 day cookie cleanse (i cheated but only because someone made fudge instead of cookies). So far I can really feel the cookies working their magic and i'm pretty sure a PR'd a 5k on my normal run route (could be the sub zero temps pushing me too).
  • I bought a box of rice crispies to make energy bars for a bunch of hiking my wife and I were doing in the grand canyon. Of course the recipe used like 1/16th of the box, so i've been obsessively eating a couple cups a day of the stuff. mixed it with vanilla protein powder and honey and it tastes like rice crispy treats,…
  • Ever since I saw it on youtube a few years ago i've always thought parkour was really cool. Now that I've been really improving my fitness level over the past year, I actually am interested in doing this type of training. I love circuit training/bodyweight excercises and running, but am not crazy about freeweight strength…
  • Shouldn't the quotes be around "Turkey Bacon" (since it is the impostor)?
  • It's basically like 1/2-3/4 serving of regular soy protein powder and a multivitamin per serving with deceptive marketing.
  • Hah - our dog isn't an escape artist (nor the 5 other huskies we've fostered this past year), but the first few months we had him he got out 3-4 times. At the dog park someone opened both entry gates (supposed to keep at least 1 closed at all times) and we were on the complete opposite side and he got out - luckily someone…
  • bad/mediocre pizza (occasionally the pizza hut pan gets above "mediocre" but not often) bagels/muffins - because they have the nutritional profile of donuts/cupcakes and aren't frosted/iced/creme filled bad/mediocre french fries - double blanched and/or battered only gas station "cappuccino" drinks - used to pound a 20 oz…