Green tea and splenda??

I'm really curious about green tea and Splenda today. Does green tea help with weight loss at all? And I'm also curious about Splenda. Does it inhibit weight loss? I guess everyone has their own opinion and experience.
While I'm at it!...has anyone had adverse affects from drinking coffee?? I love coffee, but I'm not going to drink it if it's going to hurt my weight loss. I usually put Splenda in it (about 3 packets). I try to stay away from refined foods. But, I guess I'd rather use Splenda than sugar.
One more!! What do you think about lemon water? I heard it was good for flushing things out of your system. Pineapple is supposed to be good too. I just don't want to start shoveling these food down my throat (exaggeration) if they're not really going to have much of an effect. And I don't want to stop using Splenda if it's not a big deal.
You're ideas and opinions please :)


  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    green tea is just green tea. It doesn't make a massive difference in weight loss.
    Splenda doesn't either.
    Coffee doesn't matter if it fits. I drink a few cups of black coffee daily. Have since.. well.. yeah.
    Lemon water / pineapple water / cucumber water.. whatever. No magic benefits from any of it.
  • DavidHusky
    DavidHusky Posts: 112 Member
    Green Tea and splenda by themselves should have no physiological impact on your weight loss by themselves (being nearly calorie-free). Having said that, if you are replacing double frappelatte moccachino high calorie beverage with green tea and splenda it should help your weight loss. In some people caffeine can be an appetite suppressant, while others may find it to be the opposite. I'd say try it/keep using it if its working and ignore people who make wild and or/ absolute claims about specific foods/food groups.
  • ceciliaruns
    ceciliaruns Posts: 41 Member
    I love green tea for it's health benefits, Splenda on the other hand should just go in the trash!! If you need sweet in your tea, then a bit of honey, agave or stevia should do the trick.

    Splenda...stay far far away!
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    I drink green tea with a sugar substitute. Studies show it helps increase metabolism ever so slightly - you won't even notice that it does. It does help keep you regular though. And I always want to eat or drink something and I can only drink so much plain water that tea is a nice, warm substitute.

    Some people find artificial sweeteners raise theri sweet tooth for natural sugars so you will be more likely to want something more sweet afterwards. It's not everyone. It doesn't have that effect on me. Sweeteners aren't necessarily good for our bodies, but either is regular soda and that doesn't stop most people.

    Coffee is fine!! It's the sugar and cream that can make ita high calorie drink. Caffeine actually helps fuel workouts and coffee, for me, is an appetite suppresant. I typically drink 3-6 cups a day. I'm trying to switch to decaf in the afternoon but I haven't made the bold step yet even though I kow I'll probably sleep better. Coffee ina nd of itself has a minimal amount of calories.

    Lemon is also supposed to help things get moving and keep you regular. However, kinda like the green tea thing, you might not even notice it. I do add lemon sometimes for the potential benefits but more so because of flavor. I really hate regular water. A lot. Unless it's ice cold like - 12 ice cubes and a sip of water.

    Do what works for you, though. You will get a ton of different advice for this.
  • RozayJones
    RozayJones Posts: 409 Member
    I drink tea to help with my water in take....the only noticeable benefits I have seen is a much better complexion - best in years.
  • ALNoog
    ALNoog Posts: 413 Member
    I drink green tea because I like it.. But not for weight loss...... And I use sweet n low and it never causes any loss problems.. So I imagine Splenda wouldn't either.....

    I also drink cucumber water and lemon water because I like it... But also it doesn't do a thing for weight loss.

    As far as coffee.. I did have to stop it because it absolutely interferes with my weight loss because if it doesn't have gobs of flavored sugary creamer in it then I don't like it... But if you like it black or just with Splenda and maybe a dash of regular creamer or milk then I can't see it causing any issues.
  • Thanks everyone these tips are great :)
  • 4C makes green tea with splenda added. There are no calories in it or anything. You can find them at the grocery store and there is just enough splenda in them. I prefer the packets for the bottles. I found that drinking 2 quarts (64 ounces) a day with adding orange, lemon, and lime slices with regular exercise helped to lose weight
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    Green tea helps me in that I drink it instead of high-calorie drinks.

    Plus, I like it.
  • shyjaan
    shyjaan Posts: 19 Member
    I drink green tea with splenda all the time. It hasn't impacted my weight loss! :)
  • DebbieSusanne
    DebbieSusanne Posts: 18 Member
    I drink green tea with splenda most workdays, not for weight loss, I just like the taste. I brew up some and bring it in a big jug to work. I don't think it interferes with weight loss. I don't think it helps in weight loss, unless you are drinking it instead of high calorie beverages. I do try to drink plenty of water, as well. I have heard lots of bad stuff about artificial sweeteners but I personally have used them for years and haven't had any adverse side effects.