

  • Welcome - the Irish half of me is from Wexford so hello! This is a very good site with lots of encouragement and most importantly somewhere you can track what you eat so you can actually see what's going into your mouth and making you gain or keep the weight. I have over a stone to lose (actually i should be a stone…
  • I know! I've been logging in faithfully for ten days and can't believe I don't look like Jennifer Lopez. I'm baffled.
  • You can add me. Although it looks like I only have a stone (16 lb or so) to lose, believe me it's the tip of the iceberg. I know if I don't get rid of those pounds they creep up and three years ago I was over fifteen stone so I know how it feels. Keep going. Do it slowly and you know it stays off. Best wishes with our…
  • She's done you a favour by showing her true colours. Don't get into a debate with her. Treat her comments like *kitten* on your shoe - wipe it off and carry on walking. Avoid her if possible and if you can't make sure you use your emotional trash can for comments like that. They will come and go from all sorts of people…
  • Hello Losing Me! Also on Thyroid medication and identify with how you feel. Happy to join you as a friend if you need support.
  • Recently rejoined and looking for support so happy to join you as a friend if you're in the same position. I'm in the Midlands and have about a stone and a half to lose. Best wishes,
  • Thankyou so much to everyone who replied. I had already thought that I should just carry on as normal. I'm definitely not doing enough exercise ie none and I know that would help so I'll start that tomorrow. Thanks again.
  • I'm 5'5 and want to get down to 158 which is still overweight according to the charts but that suits me. I look good at that size and can wear pretty much what I want so I understand. Also I'm 51 and at that age you cannot be thin as it shows in your face! Anyway, log your food and exercise. Keep coming back to the site…
  • Well done for joining. I;ve only lost 2 pound and have another 18 or so to go but this really helps in tracking food and making you accountable for everything you eat. It works! Keep it up and you will get there.
  • This is a useful site provided you log every crumb! It really does help you see where you spend your calories and if you use the toolsl you can see how much fat, carbs and protein you are eating and adjust accordingly. I want to lose 20 lb although I have been 15 st 2 in the past so I know how you feel. I want to be 72 kg…
  • You have a similar profile to me. I'm 174 and want to lose 20 lb and have lost five. I haven;t looked at your diary yet but I will. In the meantime, don;t give up. It will come off. I;m on 1200 and it isn;t alot of food so maybe you should have a high protein day or have a day off of exercise and give your body a shake up.…
  • Greetings, you've done the right thing. Never give up. You'll do it this time, slowly but surely and you'll feel great. When the cold weather is over you'll look different and better - now is the time to start. This works - it ain't fast but it works. Welcome.
  • Welcome, I'm a relatively new user myself and have just got back into gear. I lost 56lb about 4 years ago and slowly about 14 of them have crept back on. I would now like to lose about 20 lb in all so I'm back exercising and counting calories and being sensible again. Hope to see you back soon and on your way to your goal.…
  • Welcome, I'm a relatively new user myself and have just got back into gear. I lost 56lb about 4 years ago and slowly about 14 of them have crept back on. I would now like to lose about 20 lb in all so I'm back exercising and counting calories and being sensible again. Hope to see you back soon and on your way to your goal.…
  • Well done, it is definitely a victory. Keep going, keep going and feel better every day.:smile:
  • Very new myself - this is day four for me. I'm in the UK but have family in Boston and Washington and friends all over the States. Have 20lb to lose - doesn't sound much but as someone who once had 60lb to lose I'm determined not to let it creep back up to that amount. So I'm digging my heels in and getting on with it.…
  • I'm on day three of using it and also find it really helpful. Lost 4 stone 4 years ago and one has crept back on so I'm using it to readjust before it goes any further. I'm 174 lb and would ideally like to be 158 lb. So here's to it and may we both have success! I have two children 16 and 10 and work part time so have all…
  • Very new user to the site but finding it very helpful. I lost four stone on a very low cal, low carb diet system like Atkins about 4 years ago and managed to keep most of it off. Slowly 14 pounds have crept back on so I'm here to nip it in the bud before it becomes even more. I'd actually like to lose about 20 lb thus…