Hi, I'm new :)

Hello peoples, I have stumbled across this site quite by accident and after having a nosey around it am very impressed so far with the facilities on here! I am looking forward to getting started with my plan and also using the gadgets and gizmos on here. It's good for motivation.

I am currently at 214lbs or 15st 4lbs and am hoping to reduce this by about 20lbs by xmas as I am not happy about spending another festive season in big clothes!!! It would be great to do this alongside any others with similar goals so feel free to contact me :)

All the best with your goals whatever they may be xx


  • SetecAstronomy
    SetecAstronomy Posts: 470 Member
    Welcome to the site!
  • Cam_
    Cam_ Posts: 515 Member
    Welcome! You came to the right place. Once you track your calories going in (food) and burning up (activity) everything makes a lot of sense. You will learn a lot along the way. I know I have. All the best in your journey.:glasses:
  • Mandalola
    This is a useful site provided you log every crumb! It really does help you see where you spend your calories and if you use the toolsl you can see how much fat, carbs and protein you are eating and adjust accordingly. I want to lose 20 lb although I have been 15 st 2 in the past so I know how you feel. I want to be 72 kg by the end of September which is very ambitious and after I've got there I want to stay there which is also difficult. But I'm trying and we log in every day we can both get there. Best of luck x
  • biederwoman
    biederwoman Posts: 26 Member
    I recently started this journey myself and I've been doing great so far! I would be willing to say if you keep up with the tracker and stay within your calorie range you could reach your goal before Christmas! My goal is my birthday which is January 2. I plan to lose 50 lbs by then. Yes, 50 lbs. And according to the "2 lbs. per week" rule I should come very close if not make my goal! We can do this! If you'd like, add me as a friend and we can do this together!
  • Bonnieraed
    Hi, my son sent me the link and so far I like it. It is a little confusing but will get use to it. I need to lose 25-35 pounds. Have been at this weight for about a year going up and down. Just had surgery for skin cancer 2 weeks ago so exercise is out for awhile. The wonderful news is all sites are clear and every thing is fine. Will go to the doctor every 3 months for the next 5 years. I can do that. If I can come through this I can lose weight.
    I am retired nurse and stay busy. Starting in September I will be starting back to a Bible Study and then I knit a lot. That is my hobby. Would love to have some friends for support.