lovelifehealth Member


  • Thank you!
  • Thanks for posting this discussion. What has helped me the most is regular exercise, regular sleep, and focusing on healthy eating. When my emotions start spiraling I try to keep my focus on healthy foods to help with damage control. A lettuce binge won't hurt as much as a doughnut binge. Binging is an emotional habit…
  • Be happy with the 1 lb a week loss and extra happy when it shows up as a 2 lb loss. Binging is bad because of the emotional reaction and risk for eating disordered behaviors, but the pattern of periodically eating a little less or a little more helps to keep your metabolism active and burning calories. Stress reduction and…
  • Does anyone have some good suggestions for bottled spaghetti sauce that tastes good but doesn't have much sugar?
  • MFP expects you to eat back the calories you burn. If you're exercising and feeling like you're starving you're probably not eating enough. You might want to check out the group Eat More to Weigh Less. They have lots of information to explain how it works. These are helpful resources for getting the most out of MFP:…
  • Thanks! That's really helpful information. I also struggle with getting in all my calories for the day. Before I started tracking I was unknowingly eating a lot less then I should so it's been a real process to eat more every day even though it doesn't feel comfortable or intuitively feel right.
  • That's a great story and fabulous response! One of the biggest downfalls to achieving success is comparing ourselves to others or trying to measure up to someone else's standards. Set achievable, challenging goals that are right for you and you'll come out a winner. :happy:
  • Great job! Always good to find healthy ways to satisfy cravings and increase total nutrients. :happy:
  • Looking forward to this group. My waist is 6 inches smaller than when I started in mid-November, all of my clothes are looser and I can now see a difference in photos. How my body appears and fits in clothes is much more important to me than the number on the scale. :smile:
  • Ginger Tea or Peppermint Tea. You can easily make ginger tea by putting a couple of slices of raw ginger root in hot water.
  • I have change my "meal" settings to 4-hour time blocks and try to get 400 calories in each of the first three time blocks, with the last as a backup for more calories if needed. (8a-12p, 12p-4p, 4p-8p, 8p-12a) This helps to make sure I'm getting in enough calories for the day. Recipe ideas and food combinations are…
  • Here is some basic information on setting calorie targets. Calorie basics- Exercise Calories- This should help explain the confusion between MFP recommendations…
  • That's the way I understand it to work. The MFP calculations don't include your daily exercise and expect you to eat back whatever calories you burn. The TDEE includes your weekly exercise in the total calorie estimate. So you don't eat back your exercise calories if you're using the TDEE total for your calorie goals.…
  • Thanks for the link! I'll try it out.
  • I'm really looking forward to this group. I do a 10-15 minute chakra meditation before bed and also try to do it first thing in morning. I haven't tried yoga. Any recommendations for beginner YouTube videos?
  • You can add Sugar to you list of tracked nutrients by clicking on the Settings tab. Sugar is only suppose to be 10% of your nutritional intake. I think the MFP lets it be a little higher. You can adjust your sugar value by clicking on the Goals tab and click on custom goals. The formula is (your calorie goal)/40 = grams of…
  • I've gotten caught in that trap too, thinking you're making a "better" choice only to discover it was worse. It's so deflating! I log my estimated food plan for the day in the morning to give me an idea of how I'm going to balance out my nutrition for the day and then update it after every meal. If I know I'm going out,…
  • Most of the articles I've read say women should eat at least 1200 calories a day. See what MFP recommends if you change your goal setting to sedentary with no exercise. I would think that would give you a good baseline as to what is the minimum you should be eating.
  • Ginger Tea - slice fresh ginger root in water and boil to desired temperature. It's really satisfying and close to 0 calories. :happy:
  • AWESOME! I wish they had a progress ticker for measurements and other forms of progress other then weight. I've been tracking daily for 10 weeks now and I've lost a whopping .4 lbs! But I've lost 6.5 inches on my waist and my clothes are all much looser. I'm definitely becoming the healthy skinny I desire. I like your idea…
  • If you call it a FREE DAY you might as well call it a FAT DAY. Obviously getting Thanksgiving food numbers exact is unlikely to happen, but having an awareness of what you are putting in your mouth will help you keep on track with your end goals. Making sure you fit in some exercise to balance out those extra calories will…