Severe binge eaters .. How did you do it?



  • lovelifehealth
    lovelifehealth Posts: 71 Member
    Thanks for posting this discussion.

    What has helped me the most is regular exercise, regular sleep, and focusing on healthy eating.

    When my emotions start spiraling I try to keep my focus on healthy foods to help with damage control. A lettuce binge won't hurt as much as a doughnut binge. Binging is an emotional habit pattern so you need to start looking for ways to alter the pattern. Mix in as much healthy foods and activities into your binge pattern until you can alter it completely.

    I also do my best to keep snack or binge type foods out of the house or out of reach so it takes extra effort to satisfy "a need". It's better to buy one cookie from the bakery then to end up eating a whole box of cookies because the cravings hit.

    Learn to recognize your "triggers" - foods, emotions, stressors, people, etc. Knowing what tends to trigger your binge patterns can help you prevent them.

    Most importantly - FORGIVE YOURSELF.