shhcher Member


  • Yes, I had an AMAZING TIME! I do just hope it's mostly water. Unfortunately, I weigh myself everyday but log it weekly. So to see a big number ticks me off. I lose the same weight over and over for years, frustrating to say the least. Thanks everyone!! I know I came to the right place for advice!
  • Wow! This is my exact problem. I get up at 130am and my bedtime is like 8pmish. My days are long. I have breakfast 3am, lunch 10am then between 2&3 I can eat a horse. I'm nonstop. I haven't found a solution yet but I do try to eat dinner real early. I prepare the families and they eat it later. I'm gonna read all the…
  • Man..., I think I wrote this post. I'm in the same boat. Came back to the community to get some motivation. Come on Kathy, we don't want to gain anymore. Baby steps, let's drink our water. Maybe think about how much better we feel when we're in our smaller pants, ugh.
  • Thanks guys! ! I did get thru that moment good. I made myself a cup of coffee. It worked. I know it's still early and in my job the candy goes fast. (I buy the candy- WHY DO I DO THAT? ?? and most times I don't eat any. I'm a pusher-lol) I'm really at a good weight but id like to get down 10 more pounds. It's my mind that…
  • Day by day, minute by minute-its the only way. Then youll start noticing your losing some weight and you wanna keep doing good! Then youll love the way clothes fit you better. What I like about MFP is that I can always come to the community for free support. Im here now for inpiration. Im caving a little during the…
  • You look great! Its hard work, be proud of yourself!
  • One day itll just click and youll be doing it again. Make sure you log EVERYTHING you eat just to see whats going in your body. I think i missed like 3 days of fully tracking since Christmas. I definatly went over my calories for the day by a lot but I logged. Good luck, were all here for you!
  • Its 1 yr ago I started this post and Im in the same situation again-lol. Today, im back on tracking but I just wanna EAT everything/anything. Fighting the urge.
  • Same, I could use your help as well! I looked at your profile and it made me laugh. Im gonna be 50 "IN 9 MONTHS" -Ahhhhh! Add me if you want!
  • Congratulations! Im not pregnant, but I hear what your saying. When I had my third, i had just had a baby 3 months before. I joined Weight Watchers because I didnt want to gain another 45lbs. I wounded up losing every week and they were freaking out but I ate right and kept my diary daily. I did great and after he was born…
  • One day at a time is great avdice. Its hard and it wont happen overnight, i wish everyday that it would. You can add me too. I could use your support as well!
  • Hi Sherry, im Cheryl. I keep losing my friends on here, they start but then quit. Im also looking for support. Im 49, but feel 30, lol. Add me if u want. I live n NY!
  • Definately weigh all your food. You wont believe how fast actual calories add up. Write down EVERY MORCEL of food down, even if its a bite. Those are the invisible calories that add up. A weight loss group leader once told us to put all the food that we just taste in a pile for just one day that we dont write down, and…
  • I am gonna take everyones advice. I have a good mind frame today because Im on vacation, lol. Monday will be the test! Thank you all!
  • I am gonna try that! TY
  • Wow, Great motivation for me right here! Your right about its up to us to control what goes in this mouth and YES, its really hard for some people (me). I know for me, keto works great, but for now, I need to control my calorie intake. Thats my goal right now. Good job for your reality check! And thanks for sharing! You…
  • I signed on just now to see if there was any kind of high protein drink i could be making for breakfast! Seems I came to the right place! Thanks for posting
  • Use reg coffee but check out different online recipes. I see commercials where they add chocolate syrup, froth some milk. I just now looked up recipes and I saw hundreds. I like mine Black, No sugar. I save my calories for something else. I didnt start drinking coffee till my early 30s but Im full force addicted now! Def…
  • Same with me. I have that heel thing too. There goes my gym classes. Trying to figure out a cardio that i can do that wont kill my foot, ugh! Right now i need to focus on my calories. Once I get that back under control ill worry about my cardio. Happy New year and lets get skinny already!
  • Def could use encouraging! Adding you, holidaus threw me off track after such a great streak. Im feeling like im getting back in the groove now but I have a PARTY TONIGHT and I know I can count my beers its the snacks I might be worried about! Good thing we have friends like you on here,,, Happy New Year
  • This is a good site. I like it. Would like my husband to join as well, i sent him the link. He seems to be doing his own thing. Add me if you want. We are all here for the same thing. Happy New Year!
  • Happens to most of us! Lets get this off finally. Add me if you want, were all in this together!
  • I just started a group for people starting T25 Jan 6th. Look for it! Lets do it and compare together!
  • Finally got this tape! Started it but I stopped. Will commit soon. Shouldve started today but prob will start the 6th as well. Add me T25ers and we'll do it together!
  • Been there, done that too! Dont wanna do it anymore! I love the way I feel when im thinner. When the weight comes back on, im miserable. I gained some during the holidays but getting back now. Add me if you want, im always looking for motivation myself!
  • I also worked the crazy hours that you did. My 3 kids are now grown and finally have the time for myself. Try to plan out your meals and log them in. You dont have to go to the gym. Maybe find some videos online, on cable they always have free workout videos. I actually just got that T25 tape cause Im finding that I dont…
  • Ugh, i did the same! Just Started getting myself back on track. One more party tomorrow night (News Years Eve) theyll be lots of food! Hoping I will control myself. Maybe do a glass of water after everything we eat. I dont know of any healthy detox ideas. Get back to tracking!
  • Weight watchers is good but I think this site is great and its free! Log in everything you eat,making healthy choices, drink your water, exercise and log it in. You can achieve your goal if you really want it! You can do it! ???? add me if you want a friend!
  • You can do it! Write everything down, drink your water!
  • Gross right! I get it too. Ive been doing shots in my knees called Supartz. Mainly getting them in my right and my left knee sounds nasty with the cracking and ripping sound. You need to have music on so you cant hear it.