I'm back to MFP - pregnant

I'm back! I luckily was able to loose all the weight and then some w baby number 1. I gained a whopping 50 lbs. I am pregnant again and I am taking a different approach to weight gain in this pregnancy. Trying to keep the weight at or below 35 lbs. first pregnancy I kinda did the free for all eating approach but what a pain to feel so fat for the months after wards. Please friend me if you want especially if you're pregnant!


  • shhcher
    shhcher Posts: 84 Member
    Congratulations! Im not pregnant, but I hear what your saying. When I had my third, i had just had a baby 3 months before. I joined Weight Watchers because I didnt want to gain another 45lbs. I wounded up losing every week and they were freaking out but I ate right and kept my diary daily. I did great and after he was born I got right into shape. Now Im in a different boat (menopause-lol) just wanted to share. Im here if u need support, I can use as much as I can get too! Best of luck to u!
  • Woomytron
    Woomytron Posts: 253 Member
    Congratulations! So exciting. Good for you for taking a different approach this time around. With my 1st I did the same thing, free for all eating and gained a ton of weight too. I'm still working on getting it off. If I ever have another I will be tracking with MFP and making sure I get healthy food, not just food that I'm craving. Good luck, and congratulations again! :D
  • daisyjen10
    I'm pregnant and just trying to be healthy during my pregnancy. I have a lot of weight to lose, so I decided that what I wanted to be able to do for myself was to stay neutral with my weight. I'm hoping better eating and lots of walking will help me lose fat while my baby is growing. I'm definitely feeling more energetic, and my doctor is pleased with my approach! I wonder why it took pregnancy to really get my head on right? It's my first one and I really want to make sure I'm feeding her good food while she's my passenger! (And of course, once she's born, too!)

    I do worry about losing weight afterwards, too. I know it's going to be even harder, so I'm trying to get myself set with good habits now so that maybe it might give me a boost when the baby is born. :smiley: