flynnegan Member


  • WOW, i am actually speechless!!! Well done, what an inspiration!!
  • I feel your pain!! 3 weeks for holidays for me too, last time i wore a bikini was before i had my two kids, in fast last time i was on a foreign holiday my son was 8 months old and i was still wearing maternity tankini!! Anyway i bought a bikini, it looks ok-not super bikini bod but it will do! Im doing Jillian michaels…
  • Thank you thank you thank you!! This is exactly what i needed to read. I am 13 lbs from goal weigh and ive been stuck here, eating 1300 cals or less a day and burning 4 or 500 a day Running and JMBR. I get so frustrated and throw in the towel for a week or so, eat rings around myself go up 2 lbs and then start again and…
  • I saw this ages ago and i always think about it!! Might be inspriational to keep in mind :)
  • haha thats me!!! I was 12st 7 and said 2 stone would do me......10 st 7 comes and im like ya i lost weight but i dont really SEE it........9st 13 at the mo.....still feel i have more to loose, my goal is 9st !!! My friend lost a stone and a half getting down to 9st.....she was happy but said she felt another few pounds…
  • Hello!!! We are very alike!! I have a 5 year old and an almost 2 year old. We also live in the middle of nowhere, miles from parks and footpaths! For my excersise i get up at 6/6.30 am and get out for a run. the roads are not great -picture grass in the middle-but its very quiet that hour of the morning. I also have…
  • I love my strech marks aswell :) and i also love my c section scar!! I adore my babies and they remind me they lived in me once upon a time :) My strech marks are almost gone in fairness, my section scar is as good as invisible i dont moisturise daily....actually i wouldnt even say once a week, on my first son i used bio…
  • I hear ya!!! i've 13 pounds left to go and they are beating me senseless!! Feel free to add me!! Plenty of mammy advice and chat aswell if you like :) I have a 5 year old son and a little lady who will be 2 in two weeks :) Im 30 and 5ft 5 :)
  • Cute is how i would refer to my 22 month toddler!! Sexy is what i want!!! In fact i want someone to gasp and say "wow you have two kids" id be well happy then hahaha
  • Good idea about the vit D, ive heard loads of people talk of vit d deficiencys lately, i will get that checked
  • I've decided to start taking iron tablets for a couple of weeks, i've a history of low iron leading back as far as i was only 9. so could be just heading back to that way. Thanks for all your advice :) I've decided to start back with juicing aswell, if i could squeeze one in every day, id be upping my vits aswell no doubt…
  • Hi everyone, feel free to add me too!!! Im in cork, born and reared :)
  • I've suffered low iron and usually ended in me collapsing-years ago - during pregnancies i was chronic low iron aswell-again caused fainting!! Not nice!! Im not eating back my excersised calories, and apart from today my cals are under the 1200 im allowed and my excersise usually come in aruund 250 cals, so looking at it i…
  • Hi!! Your definetly a busy mum!! I'm a mum to two kids feel free to add me if you like :) Best of luck on your weight loss journey
  • Good for you!!! That is a lovely positive read!! I breastfed my two kids aswell and i loved it!! We are done having kids and i'm in thoughts to go and be a breastfeeding councillior :)
  • Love JM, she is definetly my girl crush at the moment haha! I done 30 day shred, and im moving onto week 5 of body rev today
  • Feel free to ad me, my first week down and i'm loving this site!!
  • Welcome to MFP, i'm a mum to a 5 year old and a 21 month old, I've lost the baby weight this past year but still about 14 lbs to go :)
  • I read a book by this fella called slim for life. Very good tips for weight loss and juicing. I love juicing, i try to get one in every other day, im gone very lazy with it though . My favourite is a bit of everything, a good wakener is apple carrot and celery, Very tasty, Sometimes i throw in…
  • After a boozy night out, which to be fair is few and far between these days, i find all i want to do is eat, chipper (take away resturant) on the way home from the pub and or some crisps while in the pub!! The after mat is never good, the day after is usually a wash out, and usually it takes a good two/three days to get my…
  • Hi i done weight watchers last year, i loved it and it got me about a stone and a half off, the last half a stone and a bit came off slowly doing a variety of different things like more excersising no carbs etc etc I think weight watchers is a great starter, it will only take you to a certain point though, i find that on…
  • Me!! I'm between 12-14 pounds left!! Who knows after that but 9stone would be a nice weight for me i think :) Feel free to add me anyway , and anyone else too :)
  • Your looking great!! Well done! Keep at it and stay positive :) My mother in law always chops chocolate bars into little pieces and freezes them, that way when she gets a craving for that bar she has a little frozen bit, which satisfys her craving and lasts a little longer as it was frozen :)
  • Hi Kelly, i'm with you on the last strech!! im about 14 pounds off my final goal!! And only joined here the other day. im enjoying it and its keeping me motivated so far! You can add me if you like :)
  • I suppose its a little like facebook! Add friends see how they are getting on, post how you are getting on, support one another aswell! You can use it just as tracking your food and excersise without adding friends. But i only signed up for friends last night, i kind of feel like i'd be letting someone down if i go over my…
  • I'm from Ireland :)
  • Friend request sent :) I'm also a stay at home mum of two, My son is 5 and my daughter is 21 months.
  • Good luck with JMBR, I'm on week 4 and i love it!!
  • Thanks :) I'm very all or nothing aswell, i know i should reach for that second buscuit but alas, i do anyway haha!! I need someone to zap me to remind me haha!! Can anyone tell me how to change my age?