Busy Mom trying to make small changes

Hi, I am new to MFP but it seems like such a great site. I have been using it for a week and have lost 10 pounds :) FYI I am super busy with work and being a mom and wife so I can't exercise as much as I'd like. I was about 170 pounds when I married my husband and exercised every day for about 40 minutes to an hour. Plus went on long hikes and was super active and healthier. Now that life style does not work for me, I've tried but I just can't with my schedule. So I do the small things. I try to be busy cleaning the house, I park further away from the store, I play with my kids. I am completely commited to eating healthier, but have learned the hard way I can't cut off bad food completely ( I did atkins for 3 years successfully and gained it all back). So if you don't mind a person using housecleaning as part of exercise and occasionally eating pizza or a donut please add me.


  • flynnegan
    flynnegan Posts: 32 Member
    Hi!! Your definetly a busy mum!! I'm a mum to two kids feel free to add me if you like :)
    Best of luck on your weight loss journey