The first one gets my vote, the second one looks like something a person would wear to a toga party.
I am not sure, it was from my sons 20 week sono, not sure what finger he is using but it is a real pic. Now, if we are doing bailey's, then we need to throw in some Feckin or Jamison or another Irish wishkey to go along.
After the age of 2 no more milk...only beer.
Just to let you know, sometimes it is not the husband who sabotages. My wife bout 7 boxes of girl scout cookies, but she did not buy any of the ones that she likes. She bought thin mints and tagalongs, which are my favorites. After eating a box of thinmints, I had to give the rest away or I was going to eat them all. She…
checking in for mediocre.
Never knew pain until that moment.
Samoas 2 cookies = 160 calories Thin Mints 4 cookies = 140 calories What to do...what to do...dang wife bought 7 boxes.
For men only----have you guys ever had a catheter and then experience the pain of morning stiffness?
To all of those that have great MIL's I am jealous. I could give horror stories but would rather spend some quality time thinking of some pleasent things.
Basically, a bf scale will send a current through your body that basically measures the amount of water is in your muscles. If you are over hydrated or underhydrated it could throw off the results. If you wear socks to stand on the scale, it could throw off the results,and if you are any supplements that cause you to…
Nothing, does no one know?
As stated earlier, don't go by the scale, right now. If you just began lifting weights you need to understand that your body is storing water due to muscle repair. When you've never lifted before and start lifting, you will notice some pain from your muscles, this is normal. When this is happening, your body is storing…
Traffic signal tech, I make sure that all the signals work properly and fix, repair, and replace when necessary.
Man I thought this was a thread about Peanutbutter and had my hopes up.:brokenheart:
Military training
One thing to note about strength trainning, don't take long rest breaks. Try to keep moving betweens sets and exercises. Keep your rest to 30-45 seconds between sets and about 90 between exercises. **unless your are lifting extremely heavy weight, then you might want to rest longer**
For better or for worse, in sickness and in health...enough said. (made a promise to my wife and to God, I am not quitting.)
No matter how hard you train them they won't grow. I have this exact problem. I suat over 400 and did four different Carl raises to try and hit all aspects of my calves, but they would not grow. They only got more defined. If you find something that works let me know.
if you look under add cardio, you can put strength training and it will give you an estimate of how many calories you burn. I use a hrm, and take only 30 sec between sets and and 90 seconds rest between exercises. (HRM = Heart Rate Monitor)
Bump Anyone else think beast mode Barbie looks better than regular Barbie? Imagine if little girls had that as an idea of what an ideal woman should look like.
Irving, Tx. Was just on George Bush as one of the college football teams that's playing in the cotton bowl was heading to Jerry World. Why do they need a police escort? and Why do they have to stop traffic entering the roadway so the buses can get by?
So, you're saying someone was probed?
we called these, "See you at the Pole," showers.
Yea, I have been there and done that. Told my Doctor that I had something wrong with me and didn't know what, he said that I was fine and that my bloodwork was perfect. I continued to come back complaining of low energy, joint and muscular pain, not being able to concentrate, he told me to keep working out that my…
Do both, without a doubt, do both. Start off with 3 days of strenght training, and try to rotate body parts and exercise, that is don't do the same thing three different days. Also do 3-5 days of cardio, and again mix it up, don't do the same thing over and over again. Try eliptical one day, some HIT training the next…
So for Christmas give her money and buy more wine?