Amanda42657 Member


  • I have not had a baby but I had a cyst (the size of a football) and my surgery was almost exactly like a C section. It happened back in Oct of 2007. After recovery (full recovery about a month or two) I never experienced any pain. My scar has not faded at all, it is still purpleish and it itches everynow and then out of…
  • Ok so I can bake it in the oven just like the recipe says to do with the rice? and would I use the same amount of quinoa or a different amount? Sorry so many questions just dont want to mess it up. Oh and the kind I got says "pre washed, no rinsing" will it be ok or should I still wash to be on the safe side. Thank you…
  • is my fav site! I just made the Cream of Zucchini Soup and it is great! She has tons of stuff on there and gives you all the nutritional info as well!
  • for instance... I love yogurt, how do I eat it "clean" Oats, I have heard about steel oats but dont know much about them What about fruit and veggies? This time of year its hard to find good fruit and veggies since they are not in season, what about canned/frozen? I live in a town that has nothing but a walmart, the…
  • I love this post! I honestly want to eat cleaner and I really need to start working on that. I also have a boyfriend who eats a ton of processed foods and I wish I could get him to eat cleaner as well. The only vegetables he will eat is white potatoes and black eyed peas! I would love to have corn, squash, tomatos etc but…
  • Well thank you, I feel like a machine in need of repair sometimes! I have not completed it yet but I am trying and dont plan on giving up (although I do want to some days). I do have to modify it a good bit because I am just not strong enough for some of it yet but I jog in place until I can jump back in. I am no where…
  • I am going to try to do something with them this weekend I will et yall know how it goes.
  • Think Im going to try some Shrimp this weekend, my steamer says not to put seasoning on the food while it is steaming, did you season the shrimp afterwards?
  • She bought them at Whole Foods they are in the refridgerated (sp?) section.
  • can you tell how you did the shrimp? Thanks
  • If you dont mind sharing, how do you make chicken shrim fish etc in the steamer? I was actually wondering if I wanted to season them after they were cooked what do people use? I have just been using a little salt and pepper and some low fat parm cheese but thought there may be other things that I could do to change it up a…
  • It is INSANE! I am very out of shape and overweight but I enjoy it. It is so satisfying when you finish it. Granted there are some things that I just cant do yet (or not as many as they do on the dvd) but when I need to I just jog in place until Im ready to go on. Some of the people working out on the dvd actually dont…
  • Im not crazy, Im Insane! No really though its not that much, I only do 20 min Zumba class in the am and then which ever Insanity is on the calander. Thanks for the advice though (:
  • Sorry yall I have not had time to check back much but I am glad to see everyone is still digging deep. To those who were asking what the fit test is, it is part of the Insanity workouts. You do it first thing before you start the program and then every two weeks after. It helps you measure your progress. I have missed a…
  • I havent tried these yet but they look so good. I love this site she has tons of good recipes!
  • Glad you asked. I have asked several people too but still not sure what to buy. They are pretty pricey too. I would still like to know which ones are best. I decided when I get under 200 (only 13 pounds to go) that will be my reward.
  • I did not get to do my 3rd day today and I really wanted to ): I will tomorrow though. Yall keep it up! I am glad to see so many people here going through the same experience as me. DIG DEEPER YALL (:
  • So did you do your fit test yesterday? I just did my first fit test today and it kicked my butt. If you dont mind I will send you a friend request so we can stay intouch.
  • I love the hygiene world so far, even though I am still in school. It is great tough but great. If you want to and can I say go for it! Its never too late there are several ladys in my class around my moms age. As far as I have been told and from what I gather from the news etc it is a good field and the pay is good too (:…
  • I got it for Christmas as well and I like it. It is pretty tough for me though because I cant dance (: but I try. I love just dance as well but I feel this is better because you put the control on your hip in a belt so it tracks your hip movements instead of your hands that way there is no cheating and just moving your…
  • "I didnt know there was a Zumba game! I might have to get that one! I've been using EA ACtive and love that." Yeah there is and it is tough, well at least for me it is. I have no rythm! I got it for Christmas and I love it so far. You wear a belt that comes with the game and the controller goes in the belt so the game…
  • Thank you all for your comments and advice! Does anyone know if there is an app for blackberry?