Hello, I would love to start eating cleaner. I dont want to "half *kitten*" anything but then again I dont want to be to intense. I would like to just get headed in the right direction and make small changes first and move on from there. I would love any advice, links to cookbooks, blogs etc. that anyone can offer. :wink:


  • Amanda42657
    Amanda42657 Posts: 45 Member
    for instance...
    I love yogurt, how do I eat it "clean"
    Oats, I have heard about steel oats but dont know much about them
    What about fruit and veggies? This time of year its hard to find good fruit and veggies since they are not in season, what about canned/frozen?

    I live in a town that has nothing but a walmart, the closest whole foods store is 2 hours away ): so my options are kind of limited.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I don't get so caught up in how to "properly" eat clean, but I think anyone can try to eat clean by following a few basic ideas:

    1) The fewer ingredients something has (the less processed it is) the better - so, for example, opt for applesauce made only with apples (no added preservatives, sugar, etc.), yogurt that is only milk & the bacteria (no added thickeners, sweeteners, etc.), and try to avoid things like store-bought chips, desserts, sauces, etc.

    2) The closer something is to it's natural state, the better. For example - raw honey is much better than sugar, which is highly processed, and fresh fruits/veggies are better than juices. Regarding frozen/canned - they can be okay but I try to buy ones that don't have added ingredients (salt, sugar, sauces, etc.) - plain frozen green beans, for example, aren't really any worse/better than fresh.

    3) Make things yourself whenever you can - ex. I make my own Seitan, yogurt, nutella, hummus, etc.
  • designer72
    Hi Amanda! I found this sight to be a great place to start when it comes to clean eating.

    Relax and follow what it says to the best of your ability. It gets easier with time. I have good days and some that are cheater days, meaning days that I use prepared foods to make my days easier.
    I always try to make the best choices I can and I can honestly say it gets easier and the food tasts so much better now than it used to with all of the "stuff" that I used to try to flavor it with. I have said good bye to all the creamy sauces and dressings and have limited my sugars.

    Give it time and enjoy, as the saying goes your body will thank you for it!