YayMe17 Member


  • These are great pictures. Great job. That's a huge difference in such a short amount of time.
  • Too embarrassed to say. Let's just say I've had a crush on him MORE than half my life. First loves never die.
  • Good point. I was just thinking hypothetically. My hubbs would never.
  • I would give a free pas to the hubbs- only for a celebrity. :wink: I would NOT take the free pass. I think I would be disappointed. Reality could not live up to the fantasy. :blushing:
  • never mind. I didn't know how to delete my post. :)
  • I hear you on the barking thing. I have a geriatric dog that barks constantly. If she is awake, she is barking. She is def & blind so nothing works-not the reprimands, not the ultrasonic Bark Off thing I got at Target (I know she's def but I thought the "ultrasonic" would work, can you say desperate) Maybe the bark off…
  • Great minds think alike. LOL I had to run to my kitchen & break out my recipe book. LOL
  • You could make a bechamel sauce. It will make a nice creamy cheese sauce. Don't be scared by the butter, a little goes a long way. 3 Tbsp flour 3 Tbsp butter 1/2 tsp sea salt 2 cups milk (any kind) 1/8 tsp cayenne or nutmeg 1/2 cup cheese (your choice) Jack w/ a little parm is good Melt the butter in a sauce pan over…
  • You had me at New Kid on Then Block. LOL Welcome.:wink: This is a great site.
  • I'm IN!!!!
  • That sounds so good. Kinda like a crepe. I'll have to try it with Nutella.
  • Yes 100% right. Enjoy your day but don't go CRAZY! Have fun.
  • WHY? Don't do that to your body. Food is fuel & your body needs it. I have never done a fast so I guess I have no authority on it. But it just seems like a bad idea & torture. Just sayin'
  • This site WILL work for you. It doesn't take much effort. Be honest in your food logging, stay within the daily allowances, exercise a bit, drink plenty of water & it will come off. Not instantly, but you will see results SOON. I was a bit skeptical when I started here. I didn't have high expectations. What did I have to…
  • I work at a jr high & the kids like to tell me Chuck Norris jokes::laugh: -Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer. Too bad chuck Norris doesn't cry. -When Chuck Norris jumps into a pool, he doesn't get wet. The water gets Chuck Norris'd -Chuck Norris runs until the treadmill gets tired -Death once had a near-chuck norris…
  • Guilty! Glad I'm not alone.:drinker:
  • I have been on MFP since the beginning of the year & up until about a week ago I hadn't done ANY exercise AND I was losing weight. NOW I would say I'm addicted to the gym. I like the way I feel after going & LOVE the extra calories. Confessed.
  • I think you look great. You can see you're joy & confidence.
  • I too have been a little concerned about this. I'm just about where you are in terms of weight lost. The love handles are still there but my clothes are fitting better & my muffin top is a bit less muffiny. LOL I think we need to be patient. I will check this post later to see if there is something more we can do. Thanks…
  • That is actually true. Thanks for pointing that out. I did notice my cup wasn't spilling over. LOL
  • Thank you all for your positive comments. I really appreciate it. I am so glad I am not alone with this issue. BTW the measurements I took were: neck, hips, waist. Thanks again.
  • I would say since you have the chance- try anything & everything you can. Just a little here & there. I know I didn't really answer your question, but if I had the chance that's what I would do. :happy: Try the local fruits & veggies. That would be fun!
  • I have lost a house cat with one more cat to lose. :laugh:
  • I think 1000 calories is too little. Are you exercising? I would suggest you get moving. Take a walk, ride a bike, anything will be good. You're probably gonna lose weight eating 1000 calories but I don't think it is healthy.
  • Me too. :( I have been dealing with it on & off for a few weeks. I am very active at work & I seem to feel it mostly when I stop moving. I thought it was just from stress at work. I am also seeing weight loss results & don't want to change my diet. Dumb reasoning I know. But it's the truth. Anybody?
  • Good point. EAT YOUR VEGGIES! I also do this. But is only because I am too lazy to log the sugar snap peas, cucumber spears or sliced bell peppers I munch on every time I go foraging in my fridge. I figured they are good for me so why bother. I AM A CHEATER. :drinker:
  • That's what I wanted to know! I had to re-read to make sure I read it correctly. :laugh:
  • I am having one of those day too. As I was getting dressed for work this morning I was having a moment. The pants I am currently wearing are getting too big (saggy butt & I have to use a belt-just makes them look terrible) BUT my old pants don't fit so nice either (muffin toppy) So I was a little discouraged this morning…
  • I took a look at your before pic. What a difference. You look great! Congrats- keep it up.
  • Everyday getting dressed, looking in the mirror- that was the straw. Everyday I neglected to change. I don't know exactly when the straw really broke. Maybe when my boss called me out in front of a couple of co-workers. We were discussing arthritis & how it has made my joints swell & I couldn't get my wedding ring on. She…