What to do?

Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
This weekend I'm going to do a cake tasting for my wedding PLUS doing a sampling at the cateres PLUS it's my BFF's birthday party!
DO I let my finace do all the tasting so that my diet isn't effected and offer to be DD at the party and not indulge at all?

OR do I say forget it, it's my wedding and it will only happen once and eat the food but be good at the party.

Or do I call the day a cheat day and go all out at the party too?


  • christabeltoria
    christabeltoria Posts: 129 Member
    Eat the cake--its your responsibility. Be good-ish at the party, but have fun. :drinker:
  • I agree, eat the cake, you have to.
  • gdnplnty
    gdnplnty Posts: 170 Member
    A taste is a taste - not a huge bite. You do not have to take a whole bite of the cake to taste it. Indulge a little and taste the fares the caterer is fixing (or hoping to) for you. It will be enough to sample the pleasures but not overindulge. This is your wedding and you want it to perfect for you both.

    As far as the party, make sure you dance a lot and shake those calories off :-)
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I think you need to go down the middle. Don't use it as an excuse to pig out. Have your fiance do the tasting. If he loves it and finds a cake he thinks you will like then try it. You don't have to taste every cake, but you should taste the one you pick. Have him pick out a couple he likes and then pick from those.

    take some extra time to work out and plan to eat light for the day leading up to the birthday party and then choose wisely. The other thing you can do is have one drink and then drink water the rest of the time. If you can't handle that or don't care to the being the DD isn't a bad idea. The thing is if you avoid everything you won't have any fun. That is a way to practice moderation.

    Best wishes and congratulations on the engagement.
  • juldga
    juldga Posts: 119
    Personally I found out for myself cheat days are not good. Remember this is a lifestyle change and this is your life. Eat a good breakfast and a light lunch. Taste the cake but not a piece of each - a bite of each. Go to the party - have fun - drink and eat in moderation. Track it all. Get some exercise in if you can. And stay on track tomorrow :)
  • It's just a taste, and it's important, it's your wedding after all, but I'd still log it and the party food, even if you go over it will mean that you're holding yourself accountable.

    Enjoy yourself :-)
  • j3nic3
    j3nic3 Posts: 220 Member
    Yummy. Definitely taste the cake, in moderation. :-D Have fun!
  • This is what I would do, I would only try your favorites, or have your hubby to be try them and then if he likes them then you try it. Just put enough on the fork for you to be able to taste it. Then once you get in narrowed down have a reg bite of each so you can for sure tell what you like. If you do it this way you should some what be able to stay right with in range and only go over a little bit. Make sure your not to hungry when you go so the temptation is not there. If you plan what you will have to eat that day around this you should be okay.
    Do a little extra cardio and you will be fine.
    The really question is do you want to loose weight or do you want a cheat day? Your going to do what you want to do.
    For the party can't you also do the same make sure you eat something before you go thats healthy and then just have a few things at the party. If your drinking drink diet sprite or coke with vodka, I find that to be very low in calories. you can come up with all kinds of crazy drinks.
  • YayMe17
    YayMe17 Posts: 62 Member
    Yes 100% right. Enjoy your day but don't go CRAZY! Have fun.
    I think you need to go down the middle. Don't use it as an excuse to pig out. Have your fiance do the tasting. If he loves it and finds a cake he thinks you will like then try it. You don't have to taste every cake, but you should taste the one you pick. Have him pick out a couple he likes and then pick from those.

    take some extra time to work out and plan to eat light for the day leading up to the birthday party and then choose wisely. The other thing you can do is have one drink and then drink water the rest of the time. If you can't handle that or don't care to the being the DD isn't a bad idea. The thing is if you avoid everything you won't have any fun. That is a way to practice moderation.

    Best wishes and congratulations on the engagement.
  • jenniferstanton
    jenniferstanton Posts: 132 Member
    Enjoy yourself (within reason :))! I find when I restrict myself too much I'm hungrier.

    Also, the days I know I'm going to a party etc.. I work out longer (600 -800 calories). That way you have more calories to work with.

    I would also track your calories, I find having to put it in the computer keeps me on track!

    Congrats on your engagement!
  • skinnyme125
    skinnyme125 Posts: 396 Member
    I would call and ask the cake people to make healthier choices like adding applesauce to the cake mix instead of the unhealthier stuff. I don't bake much so sorry i am not real familier with the ingrediants to cake. But like everyone else said TASTE the cake. Or you could just do like I did and have each layer of the cake a differant flavor so all the guests will get what they like. Also you wont be eating much cake at the wedding as you will probably be too busy to worry about it. I only did the cake cerimony then was off talking to folks the rest of hte day and didn't get any more cake. So the flavoring of the cake really isn't for you it is more for the guests. Lots of people don't think about that.
    As for the party. There is nothing wrong with having a couple drinks and having fun. If you are dancing you will be burning lots of calories. I just wouldn't get waisted as this will make you bloat and feel like crap the next day making it harder to eat right and get in your exercise for that day. Just have fun without going overboard.
    I hope these suggestions help some. Congratulations on the wedding.!!
  • Just remember this is a lifestyle change as everyone keeps bleating on about which is true BUT remeber that thin people eat cakes, sweets, burgers, chips, wedding cakes and drink sometimes .. they just do not do it ALL THE TIME (they do not deprive themselves of treats) - it's about learning how to do everything but in moderation - so have a stab at that this weekend .. everything in moderation, and make sure you dance so you earn lots and lots of calories :bigsmile:
  • Daisy_May
    Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
    Thanks for the advice everyone!

    I think I will do the cake tsting and the caterer sampling but not indugle at the party. It's so hard sometimes though because this little voicein my head keeps saying, well if your going to cheat you might as well CHEAT BIG. I try hard to keep that voice quiet
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