

  • Or throw in a can of cannelli or kidney beans instead of the sausage. I think I will try this one tomorrow. Thank you!
  • Let it go and hope back on track! As you already experienced dwelling on the 'screw up' only makes you feel like "what the heck this day is shot." Just take a deep breath and a drink of water and realize you learned a lesson about checking where you are going to eat out before going so you can plan better. You can still…
  • If he is excited about being a grandpa, you might get hum to understand that you need to eat healthier for his grandbaby to be healthy. This may be a little more under handed, but.... Ask your doctor to give you some literature about eating healthy while pregnant, and ask him for his help. Make sure you don't make it about…
  • I don't know what is 'normal' but I tried the couch to 5k program right before Christmas, and it kicked my butt. I walk A LOT and thought speeding that up would just be more weight off. My calves burned and my heels were killing me. I bought new running shoes for the program (only because I didn't actually have any). I am…
  • Thanks to everyone for the advice! The universe provided the solution by overloading me with work the past few days so I didn't have time to obsess about weighing. I decided I would let it go a couple of weeks and focus on creating some healthy habits. I will weigh in a week or two when I don't feel like I am struggling…
  • Congratulations!! On both the New Grandbaby and on deciding to get healthier.
  • The net calories takes how many calories you burn everyday at your current weight/ activity level and subtracts how many calories needed for you to meet the goal weight loss each week. for example I use 2030 calories a day to live, work and barely exercise. I made my goal to loose 1 pound a week (3500 calories) so each day…
    in Question Comment by SewLisa January 2011
  • This must be my kick in the right direction... The 30 day shred dvd was at the check out stand this morning when I was at the grocery store, and it was on sale for $7. It seems so out of place next to the candy bars, and I spent the time in line trying to decide if it was worth it. I think I am going to have to drop by on…
  • Everyone on this site is so supportive! I've been fumbling around with the site for a few days and it really is easy to navigate. Just entering in the food you eat can be an eye opener and the accountability of having to enter everything you eat will change what you put in your mouth :) Good Luck!
  • I think that must have been a really extreme class of weirdness!!! The classes I have been to before are slow and gentle, but definately make you feel a lot of your own muscles... not anyone else's. Mine were just like any other class you'd take at the gym.
  • If you did it once, you can do it again! You already know what works for you, and now you just get to fine tune it and do it again... I am sure that you will do great now that you are back on track.
  • That your weight loss stalled a month ago is not surprising. there is always too much food sitting around at the holidays and there's always extra stress... I am sure you will be back on track in no time.
    in Hello Comment by SewLisa December 2010
  • I agree with getting lean & strong to live life to the fullest! Good luck!
  • I found this site by finding the app on my android first. Good luck! This looks like a great site!
  • I just picked up a magazine called Clean Eating. It really seems doable and easy. I have always been to ashamed of my weight to talk to anyone about it, so I don't know much about how to lose it :) I have noticed that by adding the food I eat it makes me think about whether I wanted people to see I ate junk in the…
  • Amazing background in your picture! I am sure you will be absolutely successful!
  • Its your hubby's choice to sit on his plump bum while you are sweating off the weight!!! Don't let it discourage you. Buddy or not, you can do it!!! and who knows once he sees how it is working for you he may come around... either way you will be a hotter, healthier you!
  • No matter what the age, if we are determined we can accomplish losing weight... or anything else. I believe you will succeed!
  • This is the first time I really thought about what I put in my mouth today with out being negative to myself, I kept thinking, "If I eat that I have to write it down and people will know..." and it worked!!! Then I actually planned and measured my dinner out for my youngest's birthday dinner. I am so proud of myself. When…
  • My oldest son has been student teaching a yoga class and has just made it to full instructor! I hear constantly about the health benifets and I am going to start taking his class on the 8th of January. I think you should go for it! your schedule seems pretty busy, but I believe that we should do things for ourselves and…