Hello Everyone!

I just wanted to say, I'm pretty excited to be here! I found the site through a blog I follow and am already impressed with how substantial the site and program is... and for free!

I spent a lot of my life taking for granted that I was "little" and didn't need to do anything to stay that way. Now that I'm not so little anymore (eek!) I can't pretend the extra weight doesn't exist or will go away on it's own. I've successfully lost weight before and vowed to not gain it back, yet here I am, 3 years later and back at the weight I told myself I would never be at again!

With little time or money to put towards my desire to lose weight, I've been feeling frustrated, overwhelmed and hopeless. Finding this site, and reading posts from what seems to be a very caring and supportive community, has more than peaked my interest and already renewed my hope that I can do this and it can be FUN, even when it's hard! (and I know it will be sometimes!)

Thanks everyone! I look forward to being part of this community and hope that I can be a benefit to you too!



  • SewLisa
    If you did it once, you can do it again! You already know what works for you, and now you just get to fine tune it and do it again... I am sure that you will do great now that you are back on track.