Couch to 5K (C25K) and pain

Okay so I tried to start the C25K program and after two attempts gave up because after a few minutes of running my calves were on FIRE!! I mean like literally it felt as if someone had placed matches inside my calves!! So my questions are is this normal? Is it shoes? should I wait and lose more weight then begin again? Also its good to know that 1. I have extremely large (huge even though Im fat) calf muscles 2. after I can get on the elliptical I have no problems and the pain goes away.

What's your experience/advice?


  • hockeymom95
    hockeymom95 Posts: 157 Member
    If you start out running, maybe you should walk first to warm up and then run and if you are just starting, alternating the walking and running. The elliptical is low to no impact so you will not feel it like the running. Good luck in your journey!
  • BigGail
    BigGail Posts: 465 Member
    I'd say have your shoes properly fitted for sure - on my C25K you only run for a minute at a time so it shouldn't be too painful - make sure you are warming up and stretching and try writing the alphabet in the air with your foot - it's supposed to be a good way of preventing shin splints. Good luck - I'm on run 3 of week 1 tomorrow!
  • SewLisa
    SewLisa Posts: 22
    I don't know what is 'normal' but I tried the couch to 5k program right before Christmas, and it kicked my butt. I walk A LOT and thought speeding that up would just be more weight off. My calves burned and my heels were killing me. I bought new running shoes for the program (only because I didn't actually have any).

    I am lucky enough to have a couple of co-workers who run. One of them worked me up a pretty simple schedule to work up to the 5k that I am going to attempt at the beginning of April.

    The first week is to walk for 6 minutes at a face pace, then jog at an easy rate for 1 minute (the goal is to finish the 1 minute jog), repeat this until you have jogged 4 times then finish with a 3-5 minutes of slowing walk to cool down. Do this 4 times in the first week.

    If you are interested I can send you the other weeks?
    Good Luck!
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    Okay so I tried to start the C25K program and after two attempts gave up because after a few minutes of running my calves were on FIRE!! I mean like literally it felt as if someone had placed matches inside my calves!! So my questions are is this normal? Is it shoes? should I wait and lose more weight then begin again? Also its good to know that 1. I have extremely large (huge even though Im fat) calf muscles 2. after I can get on the elliptical I have no problems and the pain goes away.

    What's your experience/advice?

    I started the C25K a couple of years ago (gave up when the weather turn bad and didn't get back into it cos the weight went back on) but I did go to a specialist shop (The Sweat Shop, here in the UK). They had a running machine and it videoed my running gait then they were able to find several trainers for me to try, which massively improved my gait ( run on the inside of my feet ).

    I'm a lot lighter than when I started before and I'm waiting til the weather improves (late February/early March) and I'm going to start again. But I'm going to get some serious walking in before then (and a new pair of trainers 'cos the others fell apart).
  • glittersoul
    That happens to me on the treadmill, maybe because of the incline (I have a manual treadmill w/ fixed incline), but I notice after like 5 - 7 mins it goes away and I feel fine. I'm not telling you to keep pushing and hurt yourself, just saying what my experience is. Also, you can try your own modified version of c25k before you try the real thing and are ready for it. :)
  • skeetpea
    skeetpea Posts: 241 Member
    There is a "conservative" C25K program on that I bookmarked awhile ago. It takes the normal 9 week program and expands it to 7 months. Yes considerably slower, but it might help if you need to work into it a little more. Check it out.
  • trubeauty
    Thanks so much for all the tips! That's why I love MFP. i will definitely get some new shoes (money pending :-) and look into the 7 month program. I too am in a extremely cold climate ( right now it's like 10 degrees :-( so plan to do it when it gets a little warmer, plus I feel by then I would have dropped almost 10% of my body which will make it easier on my joints-so Win Win for me. Again Thanks!!