Feelings on YOGA?!



  • BoresEasily
    Yoga is great because it teaches you to be mindful of your body and breath. It also teaches you to not compete with yourself or anyone else and to just be where you are in that moment. If you're looking for stretching and relaxation then it's perfect. If you're looking for an intense workout then look elsewhere. A lot of places will offer you a free or discounted class to see what you think. Won't hurt to take a class and see. Namaste.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    Tried it once recently. A little too weird for me - the chanting, burning incense, standing on head, holding someone else's bare feet, etc. I guess I can see how it could be healthy and beneficial though. The people (leader and classmates) all were very kind to me and made me feel very welcome which was great. Maybe I just happened to be in a rather extreme class, I dont know. But I dont plan to go back right away.

    Yes, you were in a rather extreme class. Try a yoga class at a gym instead of a yoga studio and you'll probably be happier with it. There's a lot less of the spiritual aspects in a gym setting and it is generally more athletic.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    I'm actually a certified yoga instructor and I would suggest starting with a lighter yoga, what some places call Hatha, so that you learn the poses and get the stretching and relaxing part first. With your busy schedule, it sounds like you need the relaxing. After you learn the basics, then you might want to move up to Vinyasa, what some place call Flow or Power yoga, to get more of a cardio benefit. Most importantly, though, enjoy it!
  • SewLisa
    I think that must have been a really extreme class of weirdness!!! The classes I have been to before are slow and gentle, but definately make you feel a lot of your own muscles... not anyone else's. Mine were just like any other class you'd take at the gym.
    STARG1RL Posts: 44 Member
    I had my first Yoga class last night... I don't remember what the instructor said the moves were called for sure. I admit, it was a bit challenging but felt really good, once I was done :smile: After the stretches, I was able to touch my hands to the floor! I intend to continue this class, although, because of my work & school schedule, probably only once, every other week. But hey, I gave it a try, & it seems like something that I could really get into! Thanks for the encouragement, overall...
  • leelee03
    leelee03 Posts: 67 Member
    Yoga is awesome. Very calming and good stretching. I do however prefer pilates.