kkaci5 Member


  • I see you've had no response yet; I am just starting out ... reading Terry Wahls' book. Both my naturopathic doctor and a friend with ms have recommended the Wahls protocol vs. the other options. I've previewed all the diets and have decided that some type of paleo is the one I'm most likely to stick with .. I have…
  • Chicken or vegetable biryani. It's dry, not sauce, and sooo good. I make it at home.
  • Forgot to add -- we eat a lot of asian food -- in particular Thai and Indian. Had to learn to make it myself since we live in a rural area with a dearth of food choices. If you make lots for dinners, you can freeze and use for easy gf lunches later on. And I have kids that LOVE this stuff for breakfast too!
  • Hi! I've accepted your friend request. The healthiest options involve NOT replacing the breads, etc. but for starters UDI brand multigrain bread is the best gf bread out there. My breakfasts are either a piece of toast and a couple of eggs with fruit, or an omelette with lots of veggies, or gf cereal (Nature's Path has a…
  • I've been gluten-free for 12 years ... my diary is open to friends. If you would find any benefit to seeing what a gluten-free "lifer" eats every day, please feel free to add me. Boy, oh boy, I wish I'd had this resource 12 years ago!!
    in I'm new :D Comment by kkaci5 April 2013
  • Staying at 1200 calories SHOULD be difficult. It's less than your basal metabolic rate. http://scoobysworkshop.com/accurate-calorie-calculator/ My basal metabolic rate is 1499. Plus, I eat any exercise calories back. Change your weight loss goals to 1 lb a week, to start :-).
  • I hit the same point January 1st. Just to encourage you, January 17 my bloodwork came back in the pre-diabetic range. Just had blood drawn again last week (April 10) and I am no longer pre-diabetic!! I've lost 30 pounds to date. You will do this!!!
  • I make myself a steamer at home (sometimes "officially", usually in the microwave) -- hot (soy) milk, cinnamon, sometimes cardamon, and .5 T honey. Delicious, plus decent protein and calcium :-). Otherwise, I make grain-free muffins which are really high in fibre, VERY filling, and one removes cravings for anything else…
  • Not nearly as "fun" -- but low impact -- I really enjoy Leslie Sansone walking videos. Check them out at www. collagevideo.com. It may not be enough exercise for you, but definitely enough for your ankle :-).
  • Those tricep exercises do work. You can't spot reduce fat ... but as you lose fat cells, you get flab ... my flabby areas are definitely filling out now that I'm developing my tripceps. :-). I'm shocked at how little jiggle there is now.
  • Well ... I've looked over your diary for about a week ... and if I had all the sweet stuff in my house that you have I wouldn't be able to lose either. Initially, I had NO willpower. If it was in the house, it went down the hatch :-). I actually have "willpower" for most things now . I started logging in January. Please…
  • No. Because if gluten has been damaging your insides, and causing malabsorption and malnourishment, and you are able to heal up the villi by not subjecting them to a daily gluten-bath, then your villi start working again. Their job is to absorb nutrients. If nutrients are being absorbed, your body knows when to stop…
  • There are lots of us who aren't average, however lol. And yes, for some of us, gluten DOES cause eating impulsively ... because of chronic malnutrition and a desperate attempt for the body to gain nutrients which end up not absorbed.
  • I also think things look worse before they look better. I've lost 28 pounds, and I would say that my fat areas, as they LOSE fat, look worse because things are ... uh ... sort of floppy. It's because there is LESS fat there though, so it's all good ... or will be eventually :-P.
  • Well, I don't fight it (also an emotion). I seem to have "cured" that through my logging here. Because I log everything, I think about everything I put in my mouth. It also helps if you log in advance -- plan out your meals and snacks, especially if you know it might be a stressful day. I also still have "that" kind of…
  • Just wait until after it's done -- then there's a good drop. BTW for those fighting chocolate cravings -- supplement with magnesium instead -- chocolate is a decent sort of magnesium and that's often why we crave it (I wish I'd known this through my pregnancies!!)
  • LOL ... the first thing I learned while logging was that juice for me is not good (AND I'd much rather chew my calories!!). I drink mostly water with some soy milk daily. Used to drink vast quantities of juice.
  • One tip? I know there are not supposed to be any "bad foods" -- but for those of us who ate way too much sugar/simple carbs -- the whole eating sugar in moderation thing didn't work for me as I was starting up MFP I couldn't NOT eat cake, but still have sugar on my oatmeal. When I started in January, I stayed away from…
  • Congratulations!!! I'm about five pounds away from the same milestone ... funny how excited I am about being REALLY, REALLY overweight :-P.
  • I've been gluten-free for 12 years, and also consider the stuff toxic lol. I lost about 35 pounds when I went gf 12 years ago (without trying, really, although there were not many replacement products available at the time so that helped). I'm back now to lose the rest of the weight. I feel so lousy, so quickly, when I…
  • From my dietitian's mouth this week: "Dietary cholesterol is only responsible for 20% of your total cholesterol levels. Eggs are good for you." It's not the 80's any more, thankfully :-).
    in EGGS eek. Comment by kkaci5 March 2013
  • Just asked a my dietitian that question this week :-). She said not to worry about sugar from fruit -- just the stuff you add by the teaspoonful or the stuff in junky drinks ...
  • In the past, my binges were the result of thinking I had to under eat to lose weight. If you are eating under your basal metabolic rate, at some point your brain takes over -- NOT a matter of lack of will power but self-preservation.
  • Coconut oil, then peanut butter. Yuuummmm. :-)
  • NOt diagnosed yet -- still at "rule out other nasty things" stage, but I'm having a terrible time with the medications they are trying on me. I'm finding they are worse for the exercise than the TN. Okay, when it hits, I can't move or breathe, but at least when it's not hitting I can exercise. Gabapentin is out; currently…
  • This is why MFP has been so helpful for me. Every time in the past that I've "dieted" successfully, I've started with exercise, then once exercising is well established I have got to the same place -- feeling good, haven't been hungry. I've equated it to "I'm getting healthier and now I have the willpower to eat less". I'm…
  • 1 cup = 250 mL (at least according to my measuring cups!)
  • You are right -- these two things are why you will succeed. I'm in that place too -- loving the gym, and just deep-down knowing I"m not stopping :-).
  • Congratulations! I checked out your diary -- "Weapons of Mass Reduction" -- LOVE IT! Just wanted to add that you are WAAAAYYYY under your recommended calories every day ... please take a look at this thread. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12 Without increasing your…