Wheat Free - Day 3



  • GabyBaby916
    GabyBaby916 Posts: 385 Member
    I've been largely grain free (wheat, oat, etc) for about 6 months and I'm loving it!
    I no longer feel bloated all the time.

    When I feel like a baked good, I used recipes that call for almond or coconut flour instead.

    (Edited because I originally typed 6 weeks when I should have been 6 MONTHS).
  • kkaci5
    kkaci5 Posts: 59 Member
    I've been gluten-free for 12 years, and also consider the stuff toxic lol. I lost about 35 pounds when I went gf 12 years ago (without trying, really, although there were not many replacement products available at the time so that helped). I'm back now to lose the rest of the weight.

    I feel so lousy, so quickly, when I ingest gluten accidentally that I never knowingly consume it. I wouldn't go gluten-free for weight loss, but if you have other symptoms too -- absolutely. I had mouth ulcers, brain fog, exhaustion, constipation, chronic sore back, post-nasal drip, headaches 4-5 days a week -- went gluten-free for another reasons and all the above magically vanished :-).
  • Baileys83
    Baileys83 Posts: 152 Member
    Gluten free here since Jan 1st. I am not sure it's contributed much to weight lose but I did get shot of the bloated feeling and look very quickly. Celiacs disease here too so had no choice but I do feel better :)
  • jbruced
    jbruced Posts: 210 Member
    I haven't tried it. May you give a bit more insight on it? What would you replace the wheat with?
    You don't have to specifically replace the wheat in your diet.
  • Nige_Gsy
    Nige_Gsy Posts: 163 Member
    I haven't tried it. May you give a bit more insight on it? What would you replace the wheat with?
    You don't have to specifically replace the wheat in your diet.

    Agreed. No wheat replacement in my diet unless absolutely essential. Little or no bread / cakes in my world these days ... the fact that gluten free ones are like bricks helps!
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    I am trying to be wheat free. Recently have had allergy tests to try and get to the bottom of some of the health issues I have been having (sinus / post nasal drip / joint pain / excessive tiredness) that all other tests have shown that there is nothing wrong with me.
    Allergy tests show a high positive reaction to wheat and rye and diary (from cows), coffee, beef and potatoes. Allergy doc says that all my symptoms are classic allergy responses. I managed to cut wheat out for 5 days but then fell off the wagon with some nice fresh hot cross buns. Back on track as of yesterday.

    Have they tested you for candida?
  • charovnitza
    charovnitza Posts: 689
    A good book to read regarding this is Wheat Belly. It explains why the wheat (and other grains) we eat are wrecking havoc in our bodies.
  • mumtoonegirl
    mumtoonegirl Posts: 586 Member
    we are 100% gluten free here and have been for a long time. You need any tips or help please let me know.....

    It was hard at first (never thought more about bread that I did that first week) but because I needed it for medical reasons it made it easier, that and loosing a ton of weight all at once because I got rid of the unhealthy fillers.

    Good luck - you can do it!
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    I have gone wheat free but not on purpose. I am following more of a raw vegan diet these days which is naturally wheat free. I find now when I consume larger amounts of wheat I get stomach issues.
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    Any of you on this type of diet distance runners?? I would like to try this but I am concerned due to limited carbs.... but I feel I need to try something due to some health symptoms I am having (bloating, nearly daily headaches, tiredness...)
  • I've been wheat free for almost 3 years. It sucks. You stop missing bread around year 2 though.
  • Any of you on this type of diet distance runners?? I would like to try this but I am concerned due to limited carbs.... but I feel I need to try something due to some health symptoms I am having (bloating, nearly daily headaches, tiredness...)

    I'm a distance runner. You don't need wheat for carbs at all. You can do other grains: corn, rice, oats, etc. You can also just do sugar for carbs. (My preference). BTW: your symptoms sound like chronic dehydration- pretty common for distance runners who put in a lot of miles per week. Try eating watery foods and drinking water until your pee is clear, and see if you feel a difference.
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    Any of you on this type of diet distance runners?? I would like to try this but I am concerned due to limited carbs.... but I feel I need to try something due to some health symptoms I am having (bloating, nearly daily headaches, tiredness...)

    I'm a distance runner. You don't need wheat for carbs at all. You can do other grains: corn, rice, oats, etc. You can also just do sugar for carbs. (My preference). BTW: your symptoms sound like chronic dehydration- pretty common for distance runners who put in a lot of miles per week. Try eating watery foods and drinking water until your pee is clear, and see if you feel a difference.

    Actually do to injury/surgery I have not run distances for quite some time. I drink water throughout the day, all day, I know I am not dehydrated.
  • Any of you on this type of diet distance runners?? I would like to try this but I am concerned due to limited carbs.... but I feel I need to try something due to some health symptoms I am having (bloating, nearly daily headaches, tiredness...)

    I'm a distance runner. You don't need wheat for carbs at all. You can do other grains: corn, rice, oats, etc. You can also just do sugar for carbs. (My preference). BTW: your symptoms sound like chronic dehydration- pretty common for distance runners who put in a lot of miles per week. Try eating watery foods and drinking water until your pee is clear, and see if you feel a difference.

    Actually do to injury/surgery I have not run distances for quite some time. I drink water throughout the day, all day, I know I am not dehydrated.

    Then why did you ask your initial question?
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    Any of you on this type of diet distance runners?? I would like to try this but I am concerned due to limited carbs.... but I feel I need to try something due to some health symptoms I am having (bloating, nearly daily headaches, tiredness...)

    I'm a distance runner. You don't need wheat for carbs at all. You can do other grains: corn, rice, oats, etc. You can also just do sugar for carbs. (My preference). BTW: your symptoms sound like chronic dehydration- pretty common for distance runners who put in a lot of miles per week. Try eating watery foods and drinking water until your pee is clear, and see if you feel a difference.

    Actually do to injury/surgery I have not run distances for quite some time. I drink water throughout the day, all day, I know I am not dehydrated.

    Then why did you ask your initial question?

    Because I plan on getting back into distance running as soon as I can and was wondering about the diet and the effects.
  • robin949598
    robin949598 Posts: 86 Member
    I have been having stomach issues for the past 4 years. Doctor says that I have IBS. My mom told me about the Wheat Belly book. I read it and decided to try going wheat-free. I have only been wheat-free for a week, but I already feel much better. I haven't been bloated and miserable since giving it up. I also get frequent headaches which I haven't had at all this week. I think I found my "cure" and it isn't a drug.
  • badtastebetty
    badtastebetty Posts: 326 Member
    I gave up gluten over a month ago, and it has resulted in nothing but positive changes.

    I do miss being able to eat without thinking about ingredients, but I feel great when I avoid gluten. I have slipped up twice. Once last weekend which resulted in my feeling so terrible I couldn't go to work (and it takes me a lot to call in sick), and then yesterday I shared a cupcake with my boyfriend which just made me feel bloated, and backed up.

    Oats don't seem to have much effect on me, which is wonderful because I really love my porridge. However, I don't seem to get a pass on much else.
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 994 Member
    I am on day 2 of no wheat.. Reading wheat belly and decided to try it out.
    What do you guys do for breakfast? I've had scrambled eggs for 2 days in a row, i cant really think of much else..

    Trying to keep low levels of other grains as well but not eliminating.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I am on day 2 of no wheat.. Reading wheat belly and decided to try it out.
    What do you guys do for breakfast? I've had scrambled eggs for 2 days in a row, i cant really think of much else..

    Trying to keep low levels of other grains as well but not eliminating.

    i pretty much eat eggs and bacon every morning, but you can spruce it up and do it differently. boiled, fried, omelet, etc

    i also sometimes make no-oat oatmeal. really tasty. a bit fluffier in texture than normal oatmeal: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/no-oat-oatmeal-its-no-atmeal/#axzz2Q0sFWfXD
  • charovnitza
    charovnitza Posts: 689
    I am on day 2 of no wheat.. Reading wheat belly and decided to try it out.
    What do you guys do for breakfast? I've had scrambled eggs for 2 days in a row, i cant really think of much else..

    Trying to keep low levels of other grains as well but not eliminating.

    Besides eggs and bacon, I eat 1/2 cup full fat ricotta cheese (or cottage cheese) with 1/4 cup sliced strawberries and 1Tbl DaVinci sugarfree syrup. A protein shake with unsweetened coconut or almond milk, protein powder and strawberries. Leftover protein and veggies from last night's meal. Romaine leaves witn mayonaise, tomato and bacon, eaten like a sandwich. Crustless spinach quiche. Cottage cheese and sliced tomato. Or if I want some more fat that day, a handful of macadamia nuts.