sweet tooth emergency food?



  • Fiber One Protein bar, caramel nut or coconut almond...soooo yummy
  • aberc
    aberc Posts: 98
    Dark chocolate - 70% or higher

    Knocks any sweet-tooth out with just a small amount. I get the Ghiradelli squares. One square is always enough for me.
  • Snak Pak Pudding Cups. 80-110 calories per pudding cup.
    Clementines. 35 calories per fruit.
    Applesnax Mixed Berry Applesauce. 80 calories per serving.
  • royvor
    royvor Posts: 271
    For my sweet tooth I usually do one of the following they are weird but hey they work for me. Hope this helps you. And omit anything you don't like and be creative.
    You can try to eat a serving of dried prunes
    Or a serving of raisins with 1 toasted whole or ½ a whole wheat bread and top it off with 1 tablespoon of agave raw honey and 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract , and 1 tablespoon of almond peanut butter.
    Or another choice 1 graham cracker topped with 1 tablespoon of low fat cool whip a serving of marshmallows and a dash of cinnamon and 1 table spoon of agave nectar raw honey .
    Or another option eat an apple sliced up with cinnamon
    Or 1/2 cup of light and fit vanilla yogurt
  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    I love Swiss Miss Diet hot chocolate ! It is only 25 calories!!

    Yes! I drink this too. I usually have 2 packets & add a scoop of powdered milk to mine to add some protein & creaminess.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I like Atkins meal or endulge bars - they are like candy bars but have very low carbs and high protein (for a candy bar). Around 240 at highest calories.

    I also like blueberries and milk - I freeze the berries and eat a serving with a cup of milk poured over - turns into blueberry slush. it's yummy.

    When it is chocolate i am craving, either the aforementioned Atkins bar or a piece of dark chocolate.
  • gwengogreen1
    gwengogreen1 Posts: 194 Member
    dessert delight gum :D by EXTRA

    they have root beer, strawberry shortcake, orange dreamsicle, sherbert, apple pie, key lime pie, and so many more!

    5 cals :D
  • Obrienlo
    Obrienlo Posts: 10 Member
    Teavana teas! They are soo sweet that they taste like you're really indulging, but its 0 cals!
  • kkaci5
    kkaci5 Posts: 59 Member
    I make myself a steamer at home (sometimes "officially", usually in the microwave) -- hot (soy) milk, cinnamon, sometimes cardamon, and .5 T honey.

    Delicious, plus decent protein and calcium :-).

    Otherwise, I make grain-free muffins which are really high in fibre, VERY filling, and one removes cravings for anything else until the next meal :-).
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    I don't have a sweet tooth but have you tried Fiber One Chocolate Cereal? 80 cals
  • stefwi2000
    stefwi2000 Posts: 44 Member
    I love Chocolate PB2 Powdered Peanut Butter with green apple slices. The PB2 is only 45 calories. I hope this helps.
  • sbrownallison
    sbrownallison Posts: 314 Member
    One 6-oz carton of fat free/sugar free vanilla yogurt mixed with 2 tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa powder = 100 cal. It's good and satisfying, plus nutritious, unlike many of the processed dessert snacks.
  • PhylNYC62
    PhylNYC62 Posts: 11
    The skinny cow 110 cal bars. They have milk chocolate and peanut butter. Snack pack choc pudding.
  • caroldeanda
    caroldeanda Posts: 23 Member
    My two things are frozen green grapes!
    They taste sooo good, not rock hard frozen, like in the freezer for 4 hours are the best, or if they are rock hard take them out and let them sit for 15min first!

    2nd thing is chia seed pudding,
    I make it with coconut light milk, vanilla, and agave nectar or unsweetened almond milk with vanilla and agave nectar!
  • I try not to eat too may sweets but when I have to have something, it's either a honeycrisp apple or a tablespoon of semi-sweet mini chocolate chips. I do keep a bar of dark chocolate around and will eat a little square sometimes. I'm never tempted to eat more than I should but it might not be a good idea if that would be a trigger for you.
  • gum
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    Dum Dums :) Blue raspberry are my fave!
  • Energizer06
    Energizer06 Posts: 311 Member
    2 Tbls All natural PB and apple slices....works every time.
  • JediMaster_intraining
    JediMaster_intraining Posts: 903 Member
    Frozen bananas hit the spot.

    Or blend some vanilla coconut milk, bananas and strawberries with ice :)
  • Linbo93
    Linbo93 Posts: 229 Member
    Ok this is gonna sound crazy. But lately, I make a batch of 5 minute oats and I put a tablespoon of nice cold jelly in the center. I enjoy the mixture of hot and cold, the sweetness of the jelly helps with the cravings, and it takes longer to eat, so by the time I'm done, I'm full and satisfied. Full from oatmeal, which lasts!