Why will I succeed this time?

I just got done reading a thread that was somewhat depressing focusing on some of the negative aspects of losing weight. I want to brighten my day and hear about why this time is different for you. Why will you succeed this time after failing with weight loss in the past? What is your motivation? Why will you succeed?

My motivation is me. I pulled out some old pictures of myself when I was thin and got this overwhelming sense of empowerment. I'm 44, have two children ages 19 and 16 (so it's not baby fat!, lol) and work full time. My motivation is also my husband. He is loving, supportive and has decided to take the journey with me. He had less to lose and has lost a lot faster but I'm enjoying watching him succeed and go to the gym and work hard for what he wants. He's lost 27 pounds since December and is looking amazing...

At first weight loss was slow for me and in the past that was when I usually gave up. I never gave myself the chance to succeed. I quit on myself so fast. So I started January 1st to change myself. After two weeks of going to the gym and eating right and not even one pound lost (so frustrating) I decided that I was important enough not to give up on myself and then BAM! 4 pounds, 2 pounds, 2 ounces, etc. I'd take every ounce lost with pride because I was sticking with it!! Don't get me wrong, two weeks ago I sat in my bedroom crying to my husband because the weight was coming off so slowly and I was frustrated. He told me I looked thinner, I felt thinner when he hugged me, I looked beautiful (I told you he is wonderful... lol), and he was so proud of me. About two days later, I woke up and actually not only felt thinner but I could see it too. FINALLY!!!!

One real turning point for me was when I got sick. I started to panic when I got the flu in January. I laid in bed and cried to my husband that once again I start making progress and something bad happens. My husband said, healthy thin people get the flu and don't go to the gym. When you're better, you'll go. Something clicked. He was right. As soon as I could, I got back to the gym.

I'm at officially 12 pounds down now. My body is firmer, my muscles are stronger and I'm down at least one size.

Bad news is... I've had pneumonia all week and didn't go to the gym even once. I've coughed up at least one lung and am working on the other. On serious antibiotics and steroids. BUT... This is the first day I actually feel like myself again. Do I go to the gym??? ARGH!!!

Funny thing is... I miss it. I miss the gym. I don't want to push it and get sick again but damn do I miss moving and lifting and sweating!!! One great thing about pneumonia (huh?) is it doesn't affect your appetite like the flu does or having a cold. I still ate great, got the right amount of calories, slept a lot and made sure I stayed on track in all other aspects in my life.

I'm discovering that I'm allowed to feel weak, frustrated or sad. There will be those times. I'm also allowed to feel elated, excited and proud! It's a learning curve. It's a lifestyle. Today I feel strong so I posted. Tomorrow... who knows... LOL. But I'm doing it for me this time.

This is why I will succeed. :bigsmile:


  • haymancm
    haymancm Posts: 280 Member
    Congratulations on not giving up, having the determination to stick w/ it despite being sick. It is awesome you have a very supportive DH who's also lost a lot of weight in a short while! That encourages me that it's possible. Keep us posted on your journey! :happy:
  • vcancel
    vcancel Posts: 96 Member
    Congratulations on not giving up, having the determination to stick w/ it despite being sick. It is awesome you have a very supportive DH who's also lost a lot of weight in a short while! That encourages me that it's possible. Keep us posted on your journey! :happy:

    Thanks so much! In the past I would have been insanely jealous and actually mad that he's lost so fast! How incredibly immature is that?? LOL I feel so proud of him and of myself for being the supportive wife I never knew I could be!! LOL
  • ashley22238
    ashley22238 Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks for adding me:-) Congrats on your 12 lbs girl, that is awesome. :-) I too joined the gym in January and it is amazing. I so love it. My family had that stomach flu stuff for like two weeks strait last month. We all got it, one after the next. I was terrible. But Spring is almost here and once we can start opening up the windows and air things out, it will get better. You sound like you are making terrific progress, keep it up. Give your hubby a pat on the back, sounds like he is great support. :-)
  • vcancel
    vcancel Posts: 96 Member
    Thanks for adding me:-) Congrats on your 12 lbs girl, that is awesome. :-) I too joined the gym in January and it is amazing. I so love it. My family had that stomach flu stuff for like two weeks strait last month. We all got it, one after the next. I was terrible. But Spring is almost here and once we can start opening up the windows and air things out, it will get better. You sound like you are making terrific progress, keep it up. Give your hubby a pat on the back, sounds like he is great support. :-)

    Yeah, I've had enough of being sick this winter... it has been so hard. I'm a school bus driver and pick up one thing after the next from the kids but I believe this last illness of pneumonia came right from the gym. I'm thinking the air quality in that place is a disaster. When I use a machine, I clean it before and after I use it, and still sick. Bleah....

    Glad to hear you are all on the mend and that you are sticking with it! Hope to hear more from you now that we are in cahoots!! LOL Take care!!
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Because this is NOT a D-I-E-T. This is my life and if I want to live it and live it well, I NEED to do this. This is my new mantra.
  • orangeyellowkayak
    orangeyellowkayak Posts: 97 Member
    I saw you on that other thead and it did get out of hand.
    I have lost weight many times the last time I did it doing low carb but I did not keep it off. I went back on the diet 2 times and gave up each time because after dieting for months and eating very little I did not lose any weight (well I did lose 1lb) I went to the doctor to make sure everything was working and he said I should try MFP so for once I took his advice and beleave it or not he was right. I am eating more and losing weight. I really pay attention to what and how much I eat. I measure everything I eat and I don't lie to myself and cheat with my amounts. 58 years old and I finally get it I can't eat what I want when I want and stay healthy. I have to practice self control. I'm proud of mt self for learning to control myself and not let mt crsvings control me. I'm going to do it this time and I'm going to keep it off this time.
  • vcancel
    vcancel Posts: 96 Member
    I saw you on that other thead and it did get out of hand.
    I have lost weight many times the last time I did it doing low carb but I did not keep it off. I went back on the diet 2 times and gave up each time because after dieting for months and eating very little I did not lose any weight (well I did lose 1lb) I went to the doctor to make sure everything was working and he said I should try MFP so for once I took his advice and beleave it or not he was right. I am eating more and losing weight. I really pay attention to what and how much I eat. I measure everything I eat and I don't lie to myself and cheat with my amounts. 58 years old and I finally get it I can't eat what I want when I want and stay healthy. I have to practice self control. I'm proud of mt self for learning to control myself and not let mt crsvings control me. I'm going to do it this time and I'm going to keep it off this time.

    It's amazing what we can do when we're just honest with ourselves. LOL Logging my food has always helped me to stay on track and focused. I'm not quite sure how people do it without logging but whatever works is what they should do. I'm glad that you are making progress and are healthy and active. It's a long road but we can do it!!! XOXO

    Are you referring to the post about the girl not logging her food and saying she was working hard but others told her she wasn't? Yeah that did get out of hand. She is doing fine for her time constraints and I'm sure she gets what everyone was trying to say to her. She and I are friends now on MFP and she seems like a sweetie. I hope to make more friends as the days go by. I tend to stay away from fitness boards when I first start a program because they can be de-motivating to me but now that I'm in my routine and am feeling great, I should be here quite often. The fact that I can post from my phone helps too.

    I'll add you as a friend!! Hugs!!!
  • vcancel
    vcancel Posts: 96 Member
    Because this is NOT a D-I-E-T. This is my life and if I want to live it and live it well, I NEED to do this. This is my new mantra.

    WOOHOO!!! Good for you!!! I feel the exact same way and that's why I want to surround myself with happy, motivated and REALISTIC peeps!!

    I am so adding you as a friend!!
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    You sound like you have such a great attitude!

    I will succeed this time because I understand it might take an entire year, and I can't ever be "on" or "off", I just have to Be.
  • orangeyellowkayak
    orangeyellowkayak Posts: 97 Member
    Are you referring to the post about the girl not logging her food and saying she was working hard but others told her she wasn't? Yeah that did get out of hand. She is doing fine for her time constraints and I'm sure she gets what everyone was trying to say to her. She and I are friends now on MFP and she seems like a sweetie.

    yes that's the one I did post something in her defence.
    I also have had the flu or something for about 2 weeks I beleave I'm starting to get over it. But I am not going back to exercising until I don't feel tired just thinking about it. I still cough if I move too much.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    You WILL succeed!
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    This isn't something I tried before and failed at. It is ongoing. Becoming healthier and stronger is a process.
  • vcancel
    vcancel Posts: 96 Member
    You WILL succeed!

    Yes I will!!! Thank you so much!!
  • vcancel
    vcancel Posts: 96 Member
    This isn't something I tried before and failed at. It is ongoing. Becoming healthier and stronger is a process.

    I've failed many times but always pick myself up... now it's different somehow. Can't explain it. Don't want to try. Just want to enjoy it!! LOL

    Best of luck to you!!!
  • mishelnkiki1
    mishelnkiki1 Posts: 87 Member
    so happy to hear this! u are doing great and its always nice to see a happy positive thread! i too come and go, gain and lose. and while im only on day 3 of this new journey im making for myself, thats three days longer then i have lasted for the past few years! And i too know i will succeed this time! best of luck to you!
  • kkaci5
    kkaci5 Posts: 59 Member

    Funny thing is... I miss it. I miss the gym.

    AND this

    I'm discovering that I'm allowed to feel weak, frustrated or sad. There will be those times. I'm also allowed to feel elated, excited and proud! It's a learning curve. It's a lifestyle. Today I feel strong so I posted. Tomorrow... who knows... LOL. But I'm doing it for me this time.

    You are right -- these two things are why you will succeed. I'm in that place too -- loving the gym, and just deep-down knowing I"m not stopping :-).