January 2014 PP - 23 The Binge - 3 Workout - 10 Ugh. Bad weekend. No exercise and I binged both days. Back on the wagon today.
January 2014 PP - 22 The Binge - 1 Workouts - 10
January 2014 PP - 22 The Binge - 1 Workouts - 10 Another gym trip this morning. Trying to keep it going.
January 2014 PP - 20 The Binge - 1 Workouts - 9 Back in it.
Welcome. I wish I had the strength and courage to address my BED at 22. I am 32 and only now making good progress toward resolving/dealing with my issues. So that is really great that you are trying to get help now. Sometimes we have to hit our lowest before we can start to get better. I would recommend for you the same…
I had a rough day yesterday. I just fought it all day and eventually caved. Back in it this morning. The only thing that matters is getting through today, not what happened yesterday. I can do this.
January 2014 PP - 19 The Binge - 1 Workouts - 9 Had a rough one yesterday. Back in it today. Gym tomorrow morning.
Hi Rosie! Thanks for your post. The first step is seeking help and you have done that. I am a married man with young children and I have been bingeing for almost 20 years. If I have learned one thing, it is that promises to yourself are hard to keep. I cannot tell you how many times I have promised myself "this is the last…
Check out the book Overcoming Binge Eating by Fariburn. It has helpful technical information about the various types of binge eating. I found it incredibly helpful. My psychologist told me that I likely have bulimia since I had often fasted for extended periods of time to crudely counteract my binges. Here is the…
I am really finding the gym to be a helpful motivator. If I can get myself to go in the morning, then I have this feeling of not wanting to ruin the good work I've done. It helps me get through the day. It also helps my mood, generally. Can't believe I have gone more in the past 3 weeks than in the prior year. Going to try…
PP - 16 Binge - 0 Workouts - 8
PP - 15 The Binge - 0 Workouts - 8 I almost feel guilty sharing that. But this is probably the first time since before Christmas 2012 that I have had a streak this long. I am trying not to think about it too much, just focus on getting through each day.
Congratulations! A month is impressive. I'm just happy to get through today.
January 2014 PP - 13 The Binge - 0 Workouts - 7 This is going well so far.
I do feel this way sometimes. I have come to accept my binge eating as a coping mechanism that I learned as a child to get through very uncomfortable situations. I won't go into it, but it was what made me feel safe and in control. And it was a highly effective mechanism. Today, I am married with two kids and a good job.…
I think some overeating is normal. As in, people without eating disorders overeat sometimes. They waddle over to the couch and say, 'wow, I'm stuffed.' And then they move on. Binge eaters, at least in my case, view this overeating as akin to something far worse, like stealing from the elderly lady next door. I feel guilty…
I had a pretty good weekend. I know that lost weekend feeling all too well. It is very hard sometimes, but I have found that it is important for me to not look ahead. I sound like a broken record on here with this, but you have to take it one day at a time. Tomorrow and today are not related. There is no real construct as…
Thank you! Doing my bestest. This weekend was a major victory. Went to a rock concert (usually an opportunity for 2k kcal on beer alone) and a birthday party and did great. I enjoyed myself but it didn't lead to a binge. I allowed myself to have some fun and just got right back into it with the next meal. One day at a time.
Just posting here is helpful and a victory. The self-hate is irrational and unhelpful. We all feel it. This is the root of the problem for me. Self-loathing. I am learning how to let go of that hate and like myself a little bit. It really helps. January 2014 PP - 12 The Big Bad Binge - 0 I don't think I had twelve binge…
A few things I would say, and I am no expert. I am still fighting this, but have really addressed it in therapy and with my wife for the first time ever. I basically 'came out' to my therapist and my wife and it has been incredibly helpful. I am 32 years old and can remember hiding food and binge eating from the time I was…
January 2014: PP - 8 The Binge - 0 Workouts - 5
Learning those triggers is key. Aside from specific foods, I have learned that standing up while eating leads me to mindlessly consume. I used to do this a lot when my wife was out and I was cooking meals for the kids. Standing in the kitchen I would just pick and snack and test and eventually would have eaten more than I…
January 2014 PP - 7 The Binge - 0 Workouts - 4 :happy:
Congrats! One day at a time. It is a cliche, but a sound one. The more I fight this thing the more I realize that I have a much better shot at holding my resolve and willpower for one day than trying to go, say, a month or even a week. I have strung almost 10 days in a row this way. Just making sure to get through today…
January 2014: PP: 6 The Binge: 0 Workouts: 4 This is the best success I've had in a while.
January 2014 PP - 5 The Binge - 0 Workouts - 3 :happy:
Binge free so far in 2014. I've made a couple poor choices for food but they haven't turned into binges. I've gone to the gym three times in five days so far. Progress. Just focusing on getting through each day without a binge. That seems to be the key to me. One day at a time. Eventually they'll add up to a nice streak.
January 2014 PP - 4 The Binge - 0 Workouts - 2... Soon to be 3 when I can get my butt in gear.
PP - 2 The Binge - 0 :)
Happy Early Birthday! I have literally no understanding of hunger/fullness anymore... other than stuffing myself to the point of being sick. Then I know I am full. Last night I made a spinach salad for dinner with my wife and kids. Some chopped bacon, a hard-boiled egg, tomatoes, onions and blue cheese. It was a full plate…