

  • I'm moving up tuesday, I think todat is day 9 for me.. im on my way to visit some family in iowa right now so Im taking it with me to do as a family! haha! Ill be back tuesday and start on Level 2!
  • Day 8 down! I got new shoes yesteray and I have been doing this barefoot so i think that was my problem. I may be going to level 2 early, its just getting boring and too easy for me. I sweat a lot still but I dont feel like I worked too hard. I dunno, Its only two more days so I'm sure I can stick it out!
  • Day 7 of Level one done! It was so much easier today but im still having problems with my left leg, I realllllyy dont want to take a rest day cuz then I would feel as if I was just starting over. But then again, if i'm hurting I wont get anything out of the workout. We'll see how i feel tomorrow! thanks for the motivation…
  • Bump!!! So funny,
  • I usually do this in the morning but my husband schedule didnt work it out that way but I did it! Day 6 of level one for me. I gotta be more careful with my knees, its way easier now but when i try to get lower in the knee area it started to hurt. I'll be okay just a reminder for myself tomorrow! Lol. I had knee problems…
  • This made me laugh. And then i looked at your name and i swear i almost peed my pants!
  • I kinda feel like she asked for it. Then again, I agree with her somewhat about the bathroom. I really dont want to hear about someone having the squirts! :D Peer pressure is the devils work.
  • i say no problem! It doesnt seem like all of our "original" girls have been posting... so whats one more? Anyway, L1 D5 done ladies. I am halfway done with level one! I had been using 2lb weights (my husband made them for me..lol) and today i upped it to 3lbs. I havent lost much weight but I sure do feel good and if you…
  • I used to zigzag in weight so badly that i never really knew what I weighed. And i never actually weighed when I first started, so im thinking it was closer to maybe 210 or so. I was at 200 when i first weighed at the gym, I was exercising at home or outside til it got too cold. But thanks guys!!! I know I'm gaining lots…
  • No problem! I'm 5'3, 21 and I had a csection double pregnancy. (suppose to have twins but one didnt make it) So my stomach is my most problem area, so to see it shrinking already is a big motivator. Also, that im even posting these cuz im sooo embarrassed by the way my body looks.
  • THIS!!!! I loooovve my Skinny cow. I think the strawberry shortcake is delish.... its 140 cals a sandwich ( still 5 g of fat) but def worth it!
  • I got sooo confused today. Everyday I use 30 day shred in morning and cardio at night. My HRM said i only burned 86 during shred, but mfp said like 200 some. Then again, my HRM said i burned 471 during cardio and mfp had me at about maybe 300ish and the machines said 345. soooooo, i took the average and put it in. I'm…
  • Day 4 complete! I didnt do the "easy" way either! Super pumped about getting shredded! My husband is super surprised I've worked out on this DVD for 4 days and going to the gym like 12 days in a row. He thinks I'm a whimp... well.. ive showed him! Lol.. He's supportive but he just thinks im lazy. But you know men! :)
  • This exactly! My husband is in the military and we have talked about this. And my pee is crystal clear, so this is why I was like... HUH? when i read this. Its working for me i suppose, so ill stop worrying. Thanks guys. I figured Im not the only one that would be confused by this article.
  • I should also put that I think I do pretty good on my exercise. At least one to two hours a day. Mostly cardio, some strength. I dunno.. its cold here, but maybe I'm worring for nothing! :)
  • "It makes you tear down muscle as opposed to building it up" my husband is big in to weight liftin and as you are right in some way, with the shred you shouldnt be using weights heavy enough to tear anything. Also, thats why you get "shredded". You HAVE to shred muscles in order for them to get stronger. Thats where the…
  • bump. might have to try, i have hardly been losing at all.
  • L1 D3 done and I totally kicked ITS butt! Lol. It was much easier today. despite being really sore. I also wore my sauna suit and let me tell you, I sweat out like 3 gallons of water! I'm hoping it will help with my water weight. My husband wears his everytime he goes to the gym and he lost like 7 lbs in a week. I know men…
  • Finally got my starting stats... I'm alot heavier than you ladies, so this gives me lots more modivation! thigh- 29" waist- 41.75" hips- 41.50" bust- 40" bicep- 15.5" neck- 15.5"
  • I put it in as circuit training for 20 min. it last about 27 min but 20 min was the closest to my HRM.
  • No problem! Thats what everyone is here for! Well..... other than the obvious losing weight! :)
  • I'm also 21 and the only "fat" one amongst my hot friends! See my pics... i look soooo out of place with my friends! Ive become a homebody, then again I am the only one with a kid too. But they go out all the time so I limit myself on how much I go out with them. Just count whatever you ate into your calories..... and…
  • i always put it in here as 20 min circuit training. its the closest to my HRM. Theres a website also I use, thats been super close too. http://www.aolhealth.com/tools/calories-burned?sem=1&ncid=AOLHTH00170000000017&s_kwcid=TC|11093|calories||S|b|4802960810
  • L1 D2 down! You know, I FEEL so good! I'm so sore but it feels soo great! I also smell...so it's shower time for me! LOL Keep pushing ladies! Halfway through I didnt think I was gonna make it, but by circuit three I knew it was almost over and pushed through! Also, how long should you wait after exercising to eat…
  • I'm a day ahead of everyone so today will be L1 D2 for me... and i really did not want to get out of bed this morning! My legs arent bad since ive already been working them... but my arms and abs are like.... WOWZA! This is a good good thing!!! :) I havent taken my starting measurements but I really need to do that. I'm…
  • I don't know if you are religious, but my gma used to always say that these hard times are a test from God. He will give you the strength to get through it, but it is up to you to stay committed to getting through that bump in the road. It's cold in my area, but even a walk around the block to clear your head will get you…
  • Count me in! I started the shred this morning but will definitely need some support! It's a kick butt workout! Good luck ladies! Add me if you like, I'm still kind of new to all this!
  • I love the Steamers!!! Also I had a hankering for pizza and Lean Cuisine has personal pans 350 calories. It was delish!!! Add a side salad and your golden!
  • We make our own rules here! the only rule I think we actually have is to support one another no matter what! I know I wouldnt have the money for the Nutrisystem stuff, but I think if you feel like its gonna keep you on the right track then go for it! It's a learning process for us all! I don't know anyone on nutrisystem,…