30 day shred 1/22 (closed group)



  • Hey Ladies!

    Would you mind another gal joining your group?? I just started the 30 day shred (on L1 D2), and looking for some inspiration, and some people to keep me on track...I am going to Disney in 3 weeks and would like to look decent in a bathing suit!!

    Thanks!! :)

    i say no problem! It doesnt seem like all of our "original" girls have been posting... so whats one more?

    Anyway, L1 D5 done ladies. I am halfway done with level one! I had been using 2lb weights (my husband made them for me..lol) and today i upped it to 3lbs. I havent lost much weight but I sure do feel good and if you check out my "motivation" post, u'll see how much these past few days have really changed my body. I have been on MFP for 20 some odd days now so i cant wait to see how i look in another 20! Keep it up ladies!

  • LOL @ holding your boobs with one arm, cracking up. I'm right there with you. I did that at first too, and then I paused it, put on a regular bra, and a sports bra over it. Much better!

    Thanks for the tip...I just did L1D3 this morning and I was able to use both hands while jumping :D It was a litte easier today but I still suck at push ups.
  • xp0sed
    xp0sed Posts: 173 Member
    Heather - Congrats on the loss! I definitely notice a difference, especially in your tummy! Go you! Keep it up :)

    I just finished L1D4. I kicked Jillian's *kitten* today. I still had some soreness in my thighs from the previous days but hell, I know it's working when I'm sore! I also ran 5K before doing the Shred today and feel GREAT!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Hey Ladies!

    Would you mind another gal joining your group?? I just started the 30 day shred (on L1 D2), and looking for some inspiration, and some people to keep me on track...I am going to Disney in 3 weeks and would like to look decent in a bathing suit!!

    Thanks!! :)

    i say no problem! It doesnt seem like all of our "original" girls have been posting... so whats one more?

    Anyway, L1 D5 done ladies. I am halfway done with level one! I had been using 2lb weights (my husband made them for me..lol) and today i upped it to 3lbs. I havent lost much weight but I sure do feel good and if you check out my "motivation" post, u'll see how much these past few days have really changed my body. I have been on MFP for 20 some odd days now so i cant wait to see how i look in another 20! Keep it up ladies!


    That is awesome!
  • timanda2
    timanda2 Posts: 149
    I'm not doing the 30 day shred with you all, I'm on Level 2...my question is what size weights do you all use? I use 3 and 5 pounders...depending on the exercise.
  • BigBootyMimi
    BigBootyMimi Posts: 84 Member
    I'm not doing the 30 day shred with you all, I'm on Level 2...my question is what size weights do you all use? I use 3 and 5 pounders...depending on the exercise.

    I'm using 3 pound weights right now, although I plan on using 5 pounders once I get to day 5 of each level ( I said I'm planning, but don't know if I'll be able to handle it).

    D4, L1 done! I'm actually feeling pretty good...but my shoulders are dead!
  • xp0sed
    xp0sed Posts: 173 Member
    Hmm, I never thought about increasing my weights. Maybe I should up to 5lbs!
  • mruiz22
    mruiz22 Posts: 84 Member
    Awesome job Heather... :happy:
  • mruiz22
    mruiz22 Posts: 84 Member
    I'm currently on L1 and currently alternating between 3 & 5 # weights. For the most part I stick w/ 5#s...
  • ouryear002
    ouryear002 Posts: 325 Member
    L1D4 done! I can finally say it was easier! Though the push ups kill me. I use 5 pound weights.

    Jury Duty tomorrow! Not sure how much I'll be able to check in.
  • xp0sed
    xp0sed Posts: 173 Member
    I just wanted to say that I'm SO proud of all of your! We're sticking with it (pain included) and making a positive change! Way to go ladies!!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    L1,D5: done!

    Good news, I didn't hope for a slight injury to get me out of finishing:wink: ! That's progress!:laugh:
  • I usually do this in the morning but my husband schedule didnt work it out that way but I did it! Day 6 of level one for me. I gotta be more careful with my knees, its way easier now but when i try to get lower in the knee area it started to hurt. I'll be okay just a reminder for myself tomorrow! Lol. I had knee problems in high school (played bball, softball, and volleyball) and had to wear a brace so i guess ill be getting that out again soon!

    Almost to level 2 ladies! Keep on a truckin!
  • BigBootyMimi
    BigBootyMimi Posts: 84 Member
    D5. l1 done for me....I initially wanted to use 5 pound weights throughout, but instead I used 3 pounders for just the squat and press and the side lunge with anterior raises...everything else I used 5s....man did my arms kill! Then, I guess because of the endorphins from Shred, I did Shred it with Weights, level 1 with a 10 pound kettlebell....I usually use a 5 pound one so I knew this was risky....anyhow, once I got to the really intense part I was ready to die and even though I did stop to catch my breath a time or two I made it through. Soooo glad I did!
  • ouryear002
    ouryear002 Posts: 325 Member
    No workout for me yesterday. My knees were hurting. I let not doing shred totally throw my day and ate way too much. :frown: Back on track today!
  • xp0sed
    xp0sed Posts: 173 Member
    I did L1D5 yesterday even though I REALLY REALLY REALLLLLYYYYYYY wanted a day off. I'm hoping i will find the ambition to do Day 6 today because I know on Friday I will have to skip that day (as I'm working 12+ hours)
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    L1, D6: finished

    Thanks for this thread, it is the only thing that got me out of bed this morning. I am feeling pretty sluggish today and called my alarm a lot of names when it went off at 5. I was so close to going back to bed, but I wanted to be able to say that I did it. I did it!

    I am only using a 3 lb weight. I think that I whould use a heavier one for some of the moves. I'm still really struggling with those side lunge/anterior raises, even at 3 lbs.

    Have a terrific day everyone!
  • ouryear002
    ouryear002 Posts: 325 Member
    I'm still really struggling with those side lunge/anterior raises, even at 3 lbs.

    That is the one that kills me at 5 lbs. I haven't been able to do the arms on every lunge yet. Have to rest the arms a couple of times.
  • Day 7 of Level one done! It was so much easier today but im still having problems with my left leg, I realllllyy dont want to take a rest day cuz then I would feel as if I was just starting over. But then again, if i'm hurting I wont get anything out of the workout. We'll see how i feel tomorrow!

    thanks for the motivation ladies! Level 2 here we come!
  • xp0sed
    xp0sed Posts: 173 Member
    Ugh, I'm lacking motivation big time today (again!). I'm just so exhausted.
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