30 day shred 1/22 (closed group)



  • ouryear002
    ouryear002 Posts: 325 Member
    Day 1 level 1 down. I hate that woman!:wink: How did you track calories burned. My hrm said that I only burned 43 calories, but I was still huffing and puffing 20 minutes later. That doesn't seem right.
    No-that seemsreally low. I entered it as 20 minutes of circuit training. Was about 190 for me.
  • wannabahotmama
    D1L1 - OMG..I'm I still alive? That was rough on this big girl..I had to hold my boobs down with one arm and do jumping jacks with the other.
    I just make a protein shake to drink afterwards, any other suggestions? Do you know about how many calories that would burn?
  • baby81girl2003
    baby81girl2003 Posts: 79 Member
    LOL @ holding your boobs with one arm, cracking up. I'm right there with you. I did that at first too, and then I paused it, put on a regular bra, and a sports bra over it. Much better!
  • heatherw7
    Finally got my starting stats... I'm alot heavier than you ladies, so this gives me lots more modivation!

    thigh- 29"
    waist- 41.75"
    hips- 41.50"
    bust- 40"
    bicep- 15.5"
    neck- 15.5"
  • ouryear002
    ouryear002 Posts: 325 Member
    Oh boy-woke up stiff and sore. Already dreading doing shred today. But I guess this is proof that it is working, right? :sick:
  • xp0sed
    xp0sed Posts: 173 Member
    Jillian kicked my *kitten*, quite literally. I have such a pain in my right butt cheek today. It hurts to sit. haha.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Level 1 Day 2: Done

    I'm not too sore, but man, My arms and legs feel like Jello. Have a great day, Everyone!
  • xp0sed
    xp0sed Posts: 173 Member
    Level 1 Day 2: Done

    I'm not too sore, but man, My arms and legs feel like Jello. Have a great day, Everyone!

    I agree, with all of the above. I was a bit sore this morning but did Day 2. While doing it my legs were shaky and now I have Jello legs.
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    good luck to all!!
  • ouryear002
    ouryear002 Posts: 325 Member
    Level 1 Day 2 done. Whew! I made my 12 year old son do it with me and it almost killed him! :bigsmile: Evil mom laugh.
  • heatherw7
    L1 D3 done and I totally kicked ITS butt! Lol. It was much easier today. despite being really sore. I also wore my sauna suit and let me tell you, I sweat out like 3 gallons of water! I'm hoping it will help with my water weight. My husband wears his everytime he goes to the gym and he lost like 7 lbs in a week. I know men take it off more quickly but ill try it and see.

    the gym closes in 2 hours and i doubt my husband will be back from work in time, (stupid getting called out on sunday!) so i might just have to work out with my wii. Just Dance 2 and some Wii fit! better than nothing.

    Good luck ya'll! it does get easier, just keep pushing yourself!
  • BigBootyMimi
    BigBootyMimi Posts: 84 Member
    D2,L1 done! Seems like it went a whole lot quicker than yesterday....gonna push myself to do Yoga Meltdown later. I have too much housework to do to get to itvright now!

    Keep up the great work ladies!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    L1, D3: done

    I woke up this morning at 5 and was super pumped to do the workout. It is still a killer for me, my quads and pecks are so sore. The good news is that I didn't feel like throwing my weights at her when she told me I had to stand up for the final stretch and I was able to walk/run on the dreadmill afterwards instead of laying on the floor praying for death.:laugh:

    I hope that you all have a terrific day! I feel great just knowing that it is out of the way.
  • heatherw7
    Day 4 complete! I didnt do the "easy" way either! Super pumped about getting shredded!

    My husband is super surprised I've worked out on this DVD for 4 days and going to the gym like 12 days in a row. He thinks I'm a whimp... well.. ive showed him! Lol.. He's supportive but he just thinks im lazy. But you know men! :)
  • xp0sed
    xp0sed Posts: 173 Member
    L1 D3 Done! Man are my legs sore though! Every time I go down the stairs or sit I can feel the burn.
  • busygirl1
    busygirl1 Posts: 217
    Hi ladies, I am not in the group but had a read as I just ordered the Shred DVD and was looking for inspiration. I noticed some comments about eating after. Its actually the 'golden hour' just after you finish exercise. Athletes try to get carb and protein in as much as is comfortable during this time because that's when your muscles can take it up easiest to replenish their stores so eat asap. Also your metabolic rate is substantially raised for a good hour after and raised for a couple of hours so if you have worked hard you should be burning calories for a couple of hours after. If you have hypoglycaemia you should try to eat something small and familiar an hour before you exercise to prevent your blood sugar dropping too low as
    you use it up during exercise.
    Hope this is helpful, good luck ladies x x x
  • ouryear002
    ouryear002 Posts: 325 Member
    L1D3 done. I can't decide if it was easier or not!:laugh: Can't do all of the push ups, even doing the easy ones. But I didn't feel like I would die, so that is an improvement!
  • BigBootyMimi
    BigBootyMimi Posts: 84 Member
    D3,L1 done! My legs are just fine, but my arms....forget about it! I will say that I feel totally proud of all of us....even though we're just a few days in we ROCK!
  • jules0498
    jules0498 Posts: 16 Member
    Hey Ladies!

    Would you mind another gal joining your group?? I just started the 30 day shred (on L1 D2), and looking for some inspiration, and some people to keep me on track...I am going to Disney in 3 weeks and would like to look decent in a bathing suit!!

    Thanks!! :)
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    L1, D4: done

    Still hanging in there. I'm not as sore this morning, but the workout still feels tough. The push-ups (even girlie style) and the side lunge with anterior raises, ugh. But I guess I'm getting a little farther everyday, right?

    Have an AWESOME day everyone!!!!!:happy: