JurneyEve Member


  • I'm in. I started a challenge 3 years ago and I lost 30 pounds. I ended up gaining 20 of them back. So now I'm just looking to lose at least 10 pounds and maintain a healthier lifestyle.
  • Hey everyone. I'm sorry I've been so quiet lately. Summer's are crazy hectic at my house. I'm on my last family vacation of the summer. Right now I'm in Miami, desperately trying to stick to my diet while my husband drags me to every impossible restaurant in the area. Tonight we ate at The Cheesecake Factory. That was…
    in Day 25 Comment by JurneyEve August 2013
  • Hi everyone. I'm sorry I've been so quiet this past week. It's been a pretty stressful/sad week for me. First, my bicycle was stolen right off of my front porch. That may not sound like a big deal to some of you but if you knew what that bike meant to me, you'd understand why it was such an emotional event. I won't get…
  • I can't quite remember what I set my mileage goal at but I finished the week at 34 miles. I'm pretty sure I set a 40 mile goal. But 34 is still more than I usually do so it's still a triumph to me. I weighed in yesterday morning at 141, which is slightly less than last week. Yay me!
  • I'm doing pretty good this week. I've been working a lot so I haven't done much on my distance goal. So far this week I've gone 21 miles. Since there's only 2 days left, I'm not sure if I'll hit my goal. I think I set it at 45 miles or something like that. We'll see.
    in Day 5 Comment by JurneyEve July 2013
  • I like the challenge, Dani. Setting a mileage goal for myself will be difficult because I don't plan my exercises. I just go with whatever strikes my fancy at the moment. When I get on my treadmill I go about 3 miles but when I get on my bike I go anywhere from 8-16 miles. Lately I've been favoring my bike...cuz I like to…
  • "Fad diets can change your weight. Working out can change your body."
  • Where is everyone? I'm so lonely. :laugh: Well I tried the 3/20's and was struck by how difficult I found the leg lifts. They were super hard. I think I'm going to switch up my 3/20's and do 20 reverse crunches, 20 regular crunches and 20 squats. Today was a good day for me. I actually got 2 sets of cardio in. I felt…
  • Mary, I'm so sorry to hear about your son and what you've been going through. I'll keep you in my prayers. ♥ Diana
  • Hello ladies. Thank you so much Pam for starting today's topic. I had a rather disappointing day. I got up this morning, got all ready to go...in my little black dress that I haven't been able to fit into for quite a while now :drinker: ...drove all the way down to the Victim Service Center of Central Florida...who I was…
  • Pam, that sounds like a great idea. Are you volunteering to start tomorrow's topic?
  • Jenn, Thanks Jenn. I'm a little nervous. It's a mandatory yearly training to help them handle sensitive situations, such as, suicide prevention, sexual harassment and sexual violence. My presentation will be on sexual violence and ways to prevent it, deal with it and help people who've been sexually assaulted.
  • I called my father this afternoon. I did say "Happy Father's Day" on Facebook yesterday so at least I got something in there on the actual day. :laugh: Mary - Thank you. I do care if you exercise. I love reading about what everyone's been doing. It keeps me motivated. Just reading about Jenn's 26 miles on her bike makes me…
  • "Suck it up and one day you won't have to suck it in."
  • I'll tell you what helps me because I am usually incredibly unmotivated and all I ever want to eat is cheese and pasta. When I'm craving something cheesy and creamy, I'll go to the store and buy a couple of those lean cuisine meals. They're not bad and they've got quite a selection to choose from. Another weird trick I…
  • Today I put on a pair of jeans and I didn't have a "muffin top!" :drinker:
  • That makes 24 weigh ins so far.
  • Make that 20 of us who have weighed in today. Come on everyone. There are 155 people in this group. Let me hear from you.
  • Excellent start to our 30 day challenge. So far there have been 19 of us who've weighed in. I have had only one official response to the "push up challenge" from last week and that was from Spambo16. Has anyone else taken the "push up challenge" with us that can beat a 5 push up gain? I'm curious to hear how Jen…
  • Welcome Sarah. Yes, weigh in day is tomorrow. I will post a new topic every morning and it will have the day's date in the title so no one gets confused and everyone can reply with their weight. ♥ Diana
  • "Carry On" by F.U.N.
  • Yes, that'll work. Good luck with the wedding.
  • What is the 30 Day Shred?
  • Wow Sarah! That's some incredible will power you have. I also give you props for exercising above and beyond your 12 mile bike ride to and from work everyday because I'd probably just stop there. You're an inspiration! ♥ Diana
  • Woah! Jen. Way to go on the push ups.
  • Deb - 3 lbs in 2 days?!? That's awesome! I'm sorry about your oven. I hope you get it fixed fast.
  • I'm glad you're OK 12did1965.
  • I'll be at Disney World in Florida. It looks like we're going there tomorrow and doing the beach today. I should get a pedometer because I bet you guys are right. I'll walk up a storm at Disney. Happy WEIGH IN day. My weight this morning was 149, which is .2 lbs less than my starting weight. Another small victory for me.…
  • 50 crunches does seem like a lot. I'm not sure if I can do it but I'm gonna try. I'll let you know how I do. I'm feeling inspired to go for a bike ride so I better get going before I change my mind. Good luck with Day -8! "♫Just keep swimming. ♪ Just keep swimming. ♪ Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming...♫" - Dori ♥…
  • You're welcome! Happy dancing 1efcahill!