

  • hahahahahahaha love it :laugh: :laugh: thats's honesty !! Annie x
  • Hiya, Aww bless you. It does become hard and difficult when we think that we have done so well that we should have a figure like a super-model by the end of the week !! Unfortunately, that will not happen but as long as we are doing what is best for us then the super-model thing is over-rated hahahahaha xx I can't preach…
  • :flowerforyou: Annie x
  • Hiya, You need to open your diary and make it "Public" and then maybe someone will help you. Annie x
  • Go to My Home at the top and then click "Goals" just under that. Annie x
  • Seeing as you are a male maybe setting it at 2200/2300 could be a good idea. I am new to this but I have done alot of reading on this site from all sorts of people who have all sorts of weight loss targets and they all say the same. You need to eat calories to lose weight. I can't teach or preach but from what I have…
  • Hiya, Google a BMR and a TDEE calculator and they will ask you what exercise you do, your weight etc...... Your BMR number is what calories you need to survive and your TDEE number is your calorie intake to either lose weight ( TDEE minus 10 or 20% of the TDEE number). To maintain your weight you just eat your TDEE…
  • Hiya, So I can gather after reading alot of topics on here, you need to work out you BMR then work out your TDEE. You then minus 10 or 20% from your TDEE total and that will tell you how many cals you need to eat. If you want to lose weight, you eat under your TDEE (with the minus %). If you want to stay the same weight,…
  • Hiya, I had a similar problem. I was weighing myself on one set of scales and they broke so I got another set and they told me I was 10lb heavier than what I was on other scales. Complete downer :-( So i had to change all my settings on here again BUT it gave me a extra big boost and the need to try and succeed. Annie xx
  • ^^^^^^ This as you should be really proud of yourself :flowerforyou: Annie x
  • That is a flipping good idea Batman as the same thing happened to me today. New scales = 10lb weight increase !! Weird how it happens alot to people and it's also 10lb !! :flowerforyou: Thanks Annie xx
  • Hiya, I think it's terribly sad that a fellow "human being" can make you feel like this. You are far better than them as they have a real personality problem and at least we can lose our weight :-) Chin up and don't let the idiots get you down. Annie xxx
  • Aww bless, I have just joined this site in Jan 2013 so I am very new but I have to say, there are alot of lovely people on here that are all sorts of sizes but we all have the same goal and are travelling down this same path called "weight loss". I hope you find many friends on here that will give you the support and…
  • Thank you :flowerforyou: Annie xxx
  • Thanks ladies. My MFP is now set at 1680 cals. I don't know how to set it manually (NOT very computer literate. If it's not a washing machine or tumble dryer, I have no hope !! hahaha), but I will know I can go just over as long as I log it !! No wonder I'm flipping starving :blushing: Just hope the weight doesn't go ON.…
  • Hiya, No I don't mind at all. Feel free. Annie xxx
  • Hiya, I am pretty sure someone on here will help you. I have just started this 3 weeks ago and yep I have only lost 2lb. I was told to be patient and carry on, of which I am doing but yeah it does get disheartening when people seem to be dropping weight all the time and you don't. Some people may even suggest that you…
  • Well done xx
  • Thank you again people. Annie xx :flowerforyou:
  • Thank you to all of you. Your words have been very kind and your support is lovely. Have a great day all of you. Annie xxx :flowerforyou:
  • My food diary is open peeps xx be nice now :laugh: Annie xxx
  • Yes, if I need to weigh I do use a scale. I have mainly weightwatchers as a main meal and if I don't then the scales come out. My favourite breakfast at the moment is Oats so Simple and that is already weighed out in little bags. Annie xxx
  • Hiya, Aww bless you, I am new to this too and I have also struggled with my weight and yeah, I have started diets before and given up but now it feels different thanks to this site. I look at the success stories and see how well people have done or are doing and it keeps me motivated. I think we all have down days (like…
  • Hello and welcome to this site ! I have only been on here a couple of weeks and I have found it amazing. I come on this site at least once a day and I get alot of inspiration from it to help me stay focused. We WILL all do it because if you didn't really want to or your heart was not really in it then you wouldn't have…
  • Hiya, I'm from Lancashire and also new to this site and I am addicted to it :laugh: Annie xxx
  • Hi, I tend to log housework some of the time BUT only if I have been really on the move and then I do silly exercises whilst doing it (like lunges whilst hoovering). Some people say it may be cheating but I don't see it as that. If I was just flicking a duster around then no I wouldn't log it. It lets me see that I have…
  • Hi, I bought a whey protein shake today and I will be using them in place of breakfast as sometimes I can't face anything to eat in the morning. As for you using it for two meals of the day, I have always been told that it's not advisable as your tummy gets used to mainly fluids being inside it and when you lose what you…
  • Hi, I tried "Adios Max" and I have to say I didn't even give them a chance. I took 2 tablets, one after breakfast and one after dinner and the results were ................... going to the toilet for a wee god knows how many times !! I went twice within 10 minutes !! I suffered a massive headache which lasted the rest of…
  • I have found that and it's my first week !! I got myself a new exercise bike and decided to go on it everyday and some days twice a day plus doing chores etc......... and today I feel drained and just want to chill out and rest. I think I have been going full guns this week and it's something I am not used to. I am going…
  • my worst is chocolate and its usually the time when mother nature is calling at that point during the month !! So now instead of having a chocloate bar instead I have a Special K chocolate cereal bar instead. Saves chucking on a load of calories but I am able to then feed my craving and be satisfied. Annie xxx