diet pills

just curious as to what everyone's opinion on diet pills is. i have taken them before and they seem to work. i just bought slimquick caffeine free to start using again.


  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    They'll make your wallet lighter.

    If they really worked, there wouldn't be any fat people in the world. Weight loss doesn't come in a pill. Go read the "Success Stories" forum and see how many people attribute their success to a pill, shake or other weight loss "miracle". Losing weight is simple, but it isn't easy - Eat less, move more.
  • tastywhalebacon_
    They'll make your wallet lighter.

    If they really worked, there wouldn't be any fat people in the world. Weight loss doesn't come in a pill. Go read the "Success Stories" forum and see how many people attribute their success to a pill, shake or other weight loss "miracle". Losing weight is simple, but it isn't easy - Eat less, move more.

    that is true about making the wallet lighter. do you think that it's a mental thing? that people feel like they need to buy these?
  • fluffypetal

    I tried "Adios Max" and I have to say I didn't even give them a chance. I took 2 tablets, one after breakfast and one after dinner and the results were ................... going to the toilet for a wee god knows how many times !! I went twice within 10 minutes !! I suffered a massive headache which lasted the rest of the day and into the next and from that afternoon and into the next day I felt sick !! I drank loads of water like it told you too but I think the headaches was me being dehydrated. The one thing they did do was put me off eating but that was because I felt sick !!!

    So if they could do that to me after 2 tablets, what could they have done if I had carried on taking them ??? They were then put on a journey of their own................. in the bin and I started my journey on here :laugh:

    Annie xxx
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Most of these diet pills target people looking for a quick fix. There's no quicker fix than a eating a proper diet, balanced from a variety of sources and increased activity. The effect these diet pills have is likely geared towards causing water loss, or increasing your core temperature. Either way, the results are temporary and or so miniscule that the results are negligible.
  • WhoIsAmber
    WhoIsAmber Posts: 161 Member
    I tried taking diet pills once for a quick fix. I didn't clean up my diet or exercise more than usual (I used to ride my bike a lot), thinking that the pill would do all the work for me.
    Mind you, this was YEARS ago, before I had the internet and didn't know how to be healthy.

    Needless to say, the pills didn't work.
  • sylvabelle89
    sylvabelle89 Posts: 61 Member
    I have no use for them. We all didn't take a pill to get fat, so why should we need a pill to thin out.

    <<yeh that's my favorite
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    Here's the best view on diet pills: if you aren't prepared to take them for the rest of your life, don't use them now, whatever short term effect they will have, will go away as soon as you stop. Not the best way to create a healthy lifestyle.
  • Italiano7
    Italiano7 Posts: 382 Member
    They'll make your wallet lighter.

    If they really worked, there wouldn't be any fat people in the world. Weight loss doesn't come in a pill. Go read the "Success Stories" forum and see how many people attribute their success to a pill, shake or other weight loss "miracle". Losing weight is simple, but it isn't easy - Eat less, move more.

  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    that is true about making the wallet lighter. do you think that it's a mental thing? that people feel like they need to buy these?
    Want my honest thoughts?

    I think that a lot of people want to lose weight, but don't want to have to put any effort into it.

    I also think that people have unrealistic expectations about their weight loss and think that a "magic pill" is miraculously going to make that extra 70 pounds melt off them in a short period of time.

    I also think the diet industry is a multi-billion dollar money-making machine that is highly disingenuous if not outright dishonest for the most part.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    If they worked before why do you need to use them again?
  • tastywhalebacon_
    great discussion. for me, i take the pills to jumpstart my weight loss, but that's just me.
  • ktied
    ktied Posts: 137 Member
    I used them to lose weight a few years ago. I lost about 30 pounds and stopped losing cause i never learned how to eat properly. I stopped taking the pills, gained the lost weight back, plus 40 more pounds. I dont recommend them
  • tastywhalebacon_
    If they worked before why do you need to use them again?

    just to jumpstart my weight loss. i use them with eating right and exercising.
  • LIswimmer51
    they don't work
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Yup, take a pill for everything. Pills are a great replacement for a healthy diet. Anything and everything to (temporarily) lose a few pounds. And don't worry about any health problems resulting from poor nutrition, there's a pill for all of those too.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    If they worked before why do you need to use them again?

    just to jumpstart my weight loss. i use them with eating right and exercising. many times have you jumpstarted your weight loss?

    If you aren't able to maintain eating right (or better..however you want to think of it) and exercising and end up quitting after you stop with the pills - then obviously something isn't working.

    Either you need to stay on the pills for the rest of your life..or figure out other motivation.

    Perhaps not treat losing weight as a diet..but instead think of it as getting healthier and changing your lifestyle. Maybe realize that real success comes with time and effort versus jacking stuff into your system to give you some kind of mental push that in truth you really don't need. All you need is You.
  • CandyBryson
    CandyBryson Posts: 58 Member
    I have been taking them but I am VERY overweight and at the most they have helped me in conjunction with making healthy choices. I think if used the correct way, they can HELP you start to make the changes needed to continue to loose weight. I think its just depends on the mindset of the person. I have lost 22 lbs since October 1st but that has been because I am eating better, less and getting more exercise.
  • ashleydmassey
    ashleydmassey Posts: 106 Member
    For me, I had a really bad reaction to Hydroxycut years ago when I thought I was looking for something that would lose the weight for me. I landed in the ER and was told to never take them again. I've known a lot of people with similar experiences. You have to be really careful what you put in your body. Becoming healthy is what's key. These pills aren't healthy. Your cardiovascular system needs longevity and these pills aren't the answer. My opinion, of course.

    You get so much more satisfaction and so many other benefits aside from weight loss by doing things the old-fashioned way---eating better (or less) and exercising. Once you learn to eat less, your appetite is automatically suppressed the healthy way. When you exercise, you automatically gain the benefits of extra energy the healthy way.
  • CrazyAnne
    CrazyAnne Posts: 217 Member
    When I did they made me very jittery. Not something I would recommend.