tleeiiiii Member


  • Wow, congrats everyone. I've lost 40 pounds also but it has taken me 3 years, i can barley lose 15-20 pounds a year, always gain a few back at some point in the year, generally i eat pretty healthy and excersize for most of the year (bike commute (18k) in the summer and workoit videos during the winter (jillian micheals,…
  • My boyfriend is soo supportive. Im really gratefull. He likes the veggies and actually started working out too. He likes to eat junk though but always makes sure i don't like what he is getting (chocolat, cake.. beef jerky.. caramel popcorn(ew) lol! He will always buy my least favourite and usually eats them when i'm not…
  • I went to your roadmap information page and tried to calculate my tdee. It was 2225 - 20% is about 1750. That is scary, i know people must say that all the time. Would it do any benefit to eat that 3 days a week and the rest 1400-1500? To try and work up?
  • I'm feeling a lot better now, but i was feeling down because the progress is so slow, i've been trying to lose this weight for 3 years, not just 3 months, i joined mfp 3 months ago after 2 months of getting off the wagon. In general i do very well for 9 months of the year and kind off fall off the wagon the last few…
  • I'm 5"8 and my goal is 145-150
  • Thank you. I know it's probably the sodium right now because i went to dinner last night and had tim hortons for lunch, it's just hard when one little thing can mess you up. I did stop eating the lean cuisines and started making my own (full of veggies brown rice and chicken) but i was taking one that was only 330mg of…
  • I am willing to change my diet , it's just that extreems are not very attractive to me. I don't want to cut things out of my diey completly because there is no way i will be able to eat like that forever. I want something that i can sustain long after the pounds are gone. I work out 30 minutes every day with jillian…
  • I make my own too, I use an extra thin crust, pizza sauce mixed with hot sauce (I love spicy!) I cut chicken into small cubes and put at all over the pizza, add a little cheese and some red and green peppers! Yum!
  • maybe you ferl sluggish because you need vitamin d? when you commute you get it automatically.
  • Thanks guys , i do take some supplements, vit d3 and omega 3. I used to take a multi but at one point i was eating a spring mix salad every day and my vit a was through the roof (like 500%) and i read that it was bad for you so i stopped. Maybe i should start that again since i'm not having the salad as often anymore. It's…
  • I'm on week 5 and so far no knee pain! I got major pain in the 30 day shred.
  • I just bought these and they are awsome. I do at home workout dvd's and it's making a huge difference. I used to wear running shoes from payless and could never keep my balance.
  • I have no self control when it comes to chips. I stopped buying them and told my bf to never buy them either (there are a few foods I just can't resist) instead we buy a bag of cheddar popcorn for movie nights, the 3 cup serving is about 230 calories.
  • I'm trying not to reward myself when I hit numbers because I find it kind of discouraging.... a few pounds until I get that... I'm trying to just treat myself every week or other week with things that take care of me and make me feel good. So far I started getting my nails done and eyelash extensions. I've only lost 8…
  • i'm doing body revolution (starting week 5) and have done the 30 day shred in the past. i think 15 pounds is setting yourself up for dissapointment. when i did the 30 day shred i lost about 4 pounds (i was also biking 1 hour a day at least 4 days a week) . you will most likley lose more inches then weight (unless you have…
  • when you say your chest hurts do you mean like your heart is too high? chest tightness? if so you should see a doctor. if you just feel you cant do it , you have to push yourself out of your comfort zone. you can try it without weights to start.
  • hi! i just started it 8 days ago and so far so good. At first i thought it was kind of easy but this morning i upped my weights to 5 and 10 pounds, and i could feel it! I would not do it with the 30 day shred, you will be mixing up the muscle groups a little too much. The workouts work different muscle groups in this video…
  • Hi :-) 25 5"8 Highest weight : 212 Current weight : 181 Goal weight : 150 (for now)
  • I have no knee problems, and they started killing during the 30 day shred, even if i was following her advice of never letting the knees go past your feet in squats and lunges ect..
  • I used to drink probably 5-6 bottles of wine a week. Stopped for 1 month and no loss. I had some twice since then. Im hoping im just going to have a delayed reaction..
  • i started 3 days ago!
  • wow you guys burn a lot. i do 30 minutes at 20mpr and burn about 275, resistance from 4-7.
  • My heart beat is around 75-85 base and when I'm working out I get it to 165-185 (hard intervals)
  • I do 10 miles in 30 minutes intervals between 4-7 :)
  • I did it for a month but did not really lose weight, i was already eating really well before. It did give me a lot of energy though.
  • This is a big problem.for me. I used to try to limit to once a week (a bottle) but it would rarley work. I would have wine with friends duri g the week and then always feel like i had to drink again on saturday.. because its saturday . My boyfriend started having a glass of whisky every night.. and then so did i.. because…
  • no, i found the pain got worse with rest. when i would work through it it would be better after.
  • I take vitamin d3 and a fish oil supplement.
  • I did it also, and lost mostly inches .. I lost 3 inches in my hips and 3 in my waist.:)