Can't seem to do 30DS - PLEASE HELP!

Yesterday I started the 30-day shred, but couldn't get passed the squat lifts with the weights. My chest hurt and so I stopped for the day.

Today, I tried it without weights and got to the jump rope bit, but again, chest hurt and had to stop.

I don't understand why I can't do this. For the last few weeks I have been doing 25 mins on elliptical trainer and some strength training at the gym at least 4-5 times a week and have no problems. My muscles hurt a bit whilst doing the weights, but I never feel the pain the next morning, so I'm probably not pushing myself as hard as a personal trainer might, but at least I am doing something.

Is it because I have no energy because I've not eaten yet in the day (usually do the gym and then have breakfast - protein)? Or is it because I've already used my energy in the gym?

The morning is a the best time for me to do exercise because I am motivated to do it, I can have a shower after (I hate sweating) and then get on with my day. In the afternoons I am tired from work and have chores to do. Evenings are a definite no no because I choose not to do exercise in the evenings.

So, apart from having jillian michaels climb out of my television and slap me for not trying harder, should I perhaps be doing something differently? Should I go see a doctor?

If push comes to shove, I'd rather just keep doing my bit of cardio and strength than fail at 30DS, but I am not seeing any changes in my body shape just doing what I'm doing.


  • TaniaB_79
    TaniaB_79 Posts: 52 Member
    I tried to do 30DS before I ate my breakfast one day and completely failed so that might be having an impact, especially as I wasn't going to the gym beforehand!

    I also found jump rope really hard when I started, don't be afraid of taking a break, just keep them short, no longer than 5 seconds. You will improve and quicker than you think!
  • tleeiiiii
    tleeiiiii Posts: 44 Member
    when you say your chest hurts do you mean like your heart is too high? chest tightness? if so you should see a doctor.
    if you just feel you cant do it , you have to push yourself out of your comfort zone. you can try it without weights to start.
  • NHoughton13
    I couldn't even do jumping jacks when I starrted 30DS. Eventually I improved on L1 and moved on to L2, it kicked my butt. I'm still on L2 and modify some of the moves and do the best I can. I figure I'm doing more than I used too, and am proud that I haven't quit. I work up a sweat and feel good that I accomplished something in only 20 minutes. I do usually add more cardio earlier/later.

    Keep at it, you will improve!!
  • violinkeri
    I am only 2 days into it. i do mine after work, because i already get up for work so ungodly early that i cant even fathom getting up earlier to work out and shower.

    i still modify most of the moods--and the jump rope is difficult! make your movements smaller and then gradually grow into them over the course of a week or two--whatever pace you need. as long as you can get through it and you are feeling the effects, its working, no matter how modified it is. go slower so that its fewer jumps. whatever it takes to get the full 25 minutes!