

  • I think Valentine's day is more fun when you're dating someone new - it's an excuse to go do something fun or buy each other candy or something silly. Now that I'm married, we tend to avoid going out or doing anything, because everywhere is too crowded or busy. Forget about going out to eat - even Olive Garden has a two…
  • I'm 5'4" and currently at 155-ish. I had a baby almost 7 months ago and am back to my pre-pregnancy weight, but I'd LOOOOOVE to be back at my wedding weight, which was 135. Always open to new friends! :smile:
  • Ugh, break ups!!! They're the worst!! I know it's impossible to see the bright side of anything right now, but remember that everything happens for a reason. It isn't working out with this guy, because there is a FANTASTIC guy waiting for you just around the corner. It may take you a little while to find him, but he's…
  • I don't see very much of your body in the picture, but I can tell you definitely lost inches around your middle! Congrats!!!! You're doing great, keep it up! And if you can, figure out how to post more pictures to show us!
  • Add me, if you'd like! I took a 4 month hiatus from MFP, but am back on now. It's tough, but we can do it!
  • I'm interested in getting one. What are your pros and cons so far, in the two weeks that you've had it?
  • ^^^ This. Even about the geeks! Last Christmas, my husband gave me a shirt that says "I <3 My Geek." He loves me and I embrace his geek-ness! :love:
  • Love it. :laugh: Thanks for the laugh!
  • I've been writing a book since I was 14. I have no idea how long it would be if I had it printed in an actual book, but when I tried to format it to be the size of a traditional book, it was over 400 pages and it's nowhere near being done! It's gone through countless revisions and rewrites. Therefore, I will probably be…
  • Thanks for this, everyone. As if I wasn't freaked out of spiders enough, now I have the VISUALS burned into my brain. :frown:
  • I personally don't count it unless it is plain water (or water with lemons or cucumber or mint or something thrown in for flavor). Any fluids on top of that I consider bonus fluid, but they're extra calories. Anything with caffeine is going to act as a diuretic, so you may actually end up dehydrating yourself…
  • My parents had that very phone. I remember how awesome I thought it was. :laugh:
  • I was 22 and had just graduated from college. My parents insisted I get one because I was relocating across the country. I'm 28 now and can't believe I went so long without a phone.
  • Is it your first time through WoT? I quit after book 8 (I couldn't keep up with them once I started college and it's too much of an investment to start them all over now) but I'm dying to know how the series ends!! If you finish them, maybe you could message me what happens?? :wink:
  • I'm with Riverside, here.... if I'd been "dating" someone for over two years and not really defined it and not said I love you, I would be questioning it. Maybe he's not for you, honestly. And believe me, families can make or break a relationship. Your situation may be different than others, but if you two get more serious…
  • 1. Lose 10 more pounds so I can fit comfortably in my size 4 jeans (when they are freshly washed and dried, not after they've been stretched out...) and wear a cute new dress to my brother-in-law's wedding in September 2. After I lose 10 pounds, I'd like to lose 5 more by Christmas 3. Even after I've lost those 15 pounds,…
  • I used to be a swimmer, but gave it up during my college I want to start again after watching!! (My husband thinks I'm crazy...)
  • I was just thinking about this as I was rocking out on the elliptical this morning - "if I get pregnant, will I still be able to do this?" was my exact thought. :) Glad to know I'm not the only one thinking about it! I've heard swimming is good exercise while pregnant, since it's low impact and easy to do while carrying…
  • Guess what I am! (Hint: My ancestors are 90% from one place)
  • I drive a poor little beat up 2003 Kia Rio that my exboyfriend damaged and never helped me fix. I try to keep my car a secret from my employees -- no one would guess their boss would drive a car as bad as mine!! And as uncomfortable as Kias are, this little car has held up pretty well!
  • When I went to Body Pump, I didn't know how to enter it, either. The website I looked at said anywhere from 500-700 calories per session, so I put 500, because I didn't want to overestimate.
  • I dated someone once who was "divorced" only get a call from his WIFE asking me why I had been calling her HUSBAND. Therefore, I made a rule to myself not to do that ever again. He even took me to his apartment ... even though I found out later he still lived with his wife in a house on the other side of town. Must have…
  • Sadly, I am no longer a soon to be bride, but my one year anniversary is next month! Congrats on your upcoming wedding! Wedding planning is kind of stressful, but trust me - it pays off in the end. I had the time of my life on my wedding day, and DH and I were just talking the other day about how much we wish we could do…
  • I was somewhere around 150 when I graduated. I have always been a heavier girl, and yo-yo'd between 140 and 165 for all of my college years and then into my 20's. My goal was to be 126 for my 10 year high school reunion which is 3 weeks away. I don't think I'll get there, since I'm currently 133 and it would be unhealthy…
  • Sunny Florida! :happy: Grew up in the Seattle area, though. Going back to visit in less than a month!! Yay!!!
  • Jillian Michaels says punching is great cardio if you have a lower body injury and can't do other things. When I do 30DS, my injured foot can only handle so many jumping jacks or jumping rope or butt kicks, so I stop after a bit and do punches. My husband has a bad knee, and he has to be careful with biking, so don't rush…
  • That's right - make sure he's done his work and that he's prepared! No more losers! :wink:
  • Hearing about "bad" proposals make me so sad because ours was so perfect! I'm still so impressed that my husband pulled it off and SOOOO happy that I married my perfect man. BUT, a friend of mine had a bad one. She and her pseudo-fiance been dating/living together for about 14 years now, and she's been asking to get…
  • Just downloaded a sample on my phone! :smile:
  • I made it to the 9th book, but I just couldn't do it anymore. :) It took me about 5 years to get to that point, and there was no end in sight at that time. I do recommend them, but they get more and more complicated as they go. Good luck!