

  • Hi ladies, I just wanted to let you all know I'm bowing out for now. Even though I haven't been on MFP tracking, I've been doing ok with my will power, and haven't been indulging or over-indulging, I've put on and lost a couple of pounds, so I guess I'm kind of maintaining for now. I have 2 close friends who have just had…
  • Your son has the same birthday as me! I am not going to be that strict this week, because I have my 40th birthday on Thursday, and I have lunches out and dinner tomorrow night and Friday night. My weight is the same as last week 216. I started celebrating early, so I wasn't expecting a loss. Anyway, I hope you all are…
  • I agree that tightening up will make them smaller, and they do fade, but will not go away. I would spend a little time getting your tummy tan, because even if you can see them, they'll be tan. We used to say tan fat is prettier than white fat. So tan stretch marks will be prettier than white stretch marks. Lol.
  • Congratulations on your success. Don't be afraid of it! You're doing the right thing for yourself and for your body! Keep up the good work! :flowerforyou:
  • Hi Ladies, Well, I'm aiming to be back on track starting today, especially after a 4lb gain from 2 weeks ago. Yikes. Last week was very full of stress and I definitely did a lot of emotional eating. It was supposed to be a week full of fun with my family, whom I never get to see, instead, my uncle died, my husband's aunt…
  • Hey Ladies, we've had some craziness in my neck of the woods. Two deaths in the family, and my daughter was really sick this week. Sorry I bailed on you all, I hope to be back on track by Monday, and I hope to catch up with you all. Take care.
  • Hey everyone! Amazing losses this week! Just a quick check in for me: Start weight: 214.5 Last week: 213 This week: 212 My goals for this week are to exercise at least 4x, at least 45 minutes each time, and not go crazy at my Mom's Group meeting on Thursday, usually a challenge for me! Also, to stay under my calorie goal…
  • Hi Ladies! Sorry I haven't been posting much, but I've been busier than a one-legged man at a butt-kicking contest!! Speaking of kicking butts, you are all doing a great job! I'm so proud! I've been logging my food and exercising, but haven't had a lot of time for socializing, unfortunately! I'll try to do better. I have…
  • I can't do it now, but I'll try to message you some ideas and recipes in the next day or so.
  • Thank you for taking the time to give me some feedback. I appreciate it! I would probably try my hand at some vegetarian options beyond salad, possibly a veg pasta dish.
  • Thank you for the feedback! I appreciate it!
  • Thanks. I was considering a shrimp dish a little further down the line, but fresh seafood is a bit of a hassle to find around here anyway.
  • Hi everyone! I still need to get my measurements, but hope to do that this weekend. My real workout goals probably won't start until next week, as the kids don't start school until Monday, and I still have a few more things to do to get them ready. My general exercise goal(s) for this entire challenge will be to change up…
  • Elisabeth, count me in! I haven't measured in ages, so let me get that done. For everyone who doesn't know me ... NAME: Bridget AGE: 39 LIVE: Orlando, FL HEIGHT: 5'5'' START WEIGHT FOR CHALLENGE: 214.5 GOAL WEIGHT FOR CHALLENGE: Onederland! START PANTS SIZE: 18 (US) GOAL PANTS SIZE: 16 (US) FOLLOW ANY SPECIAL DIET: We eat…
  • I've also heard the eating after a certain time thing is a myth. The only thing I would say is not to eat too much sugar at night because, although you are technically still burning calories, you are less active when you sleep, so less chance to use the sugar as energy, rather it is stored as fat.
  • Yes, but we still need a new president.
  • I agree with this! AND I also wish my weight would drop like the stock market!
  • I make a three-bean chicken chili that my whole family loves, and Greek chicken meatballs that have spinach and feta. I freeze the chili normally, and the meatballs I roll and then freeze. I throw them in the fridge in the morning to thaw and pop them in the oven at night. If you want the recipe, let me know.
  • Kerri, I just had the chance to read through some of the posts. I agree 200% with what Lorraine said. Be proud of yourself. If you look great (which you do!) and you feel great, and your clothes fit you well, don't be so concerned with the number on the scale. Take it from the girl who ordered a size 20 wedding dress,…
  • Hi My Friends! Sorry I've fallen off posting in the group. I've been doing ok with my eating, all things considered. I've been SO stinkin' busy with my kids since they have been out of school. I swear, I've got to give major kudos to the teachers that keep them occupied for hours on end at school, because they hound me…
  • My weight is back up to 215.5, so that is a gain of 1.5 lbs for me. Aaaargh! I have had a couple of really high sodium days, and haven't exercised every day this week, so that may be why. I'm waiting for school to get out next week, then my daughter's birthday party is next Friday, so I'm hoping things will really settle…
  • I'm making a teriyaki pork tenderloin with stir-fried brown rice with my leftover veggies from this week, which includes corn and green beans. I usually scramble an egg and fry it flat in a teeny bit of canola oil, then, cut in up and toss it in the rice. Then I add a bit of soy sauce, teriyaki sauce, pineapple juice, and…
  • Hi ladies! Just thought I'd share an update on myself. I went to my doctor a couple of weeks ago for a blood draw for my annual physical, and today I went to discuss my results with him. I'm really pleased to report that all my bloodwork was in normal levels. (Last year my good and bad cholesterol were out of normal…
  • Mamunroe - Great job!!! Sometimes the hardest step is the first one in the door! This was me Thursday night. When I went shopping for my cruise in December, I had to buy size 22 waist pants. VERY EMBARASSING to admit that! We had to go to my daughter's graduation ceremony yesterday, so for kicks I decided to start trying…
  • I need this today! Thanks for prompting me to compliment myself. Here goes: I am a great mommy I am a great wife I am a damn good cook I have pretty eyes and a nice smile I am a good and loyal friend I am a good listener I feel better already! Thanks again! :flowerforyou:
  • Next time you go to the doctor, have them check your thyroid. Since losing weight, your thyroid may be a tad out of wack. One side effect of hypo-thyroidism is hair loss. Just a thought!
  • Woohoo! Great losses ladies! I'm so proud of you all! And Lorraine, soooo happy for you, my dear! My weight was 214 this morning after gains and staying at 217 for a couple of weeks. I have finally broken my plateau, it would appear. Yay! I have really made an effort this last week to keep under my calories with HEALTHIER…
  • How many calories you're burning depends on how much you weigh and how hard you're working (i.e. how hard your heart is pumping.) I weigh over 200 lbs, keep the resistance jacked up to 4, 5 or 6 on the elliptical, and can burn 400 + in 30 minutes. When I go for an hour, I can burn closer to 900 calories.
  • Well, I would like to lose weight because I am unhappy with the way I look. Until about 5-6 years ago, I was always "chunky" or "fluffy" or, as my one-time French boyfriend put it, "voluptuous," but I never felt the need to do anything about it. Then after my son was born, I spent the better part of a year with (I'm now…
  • Lorraine! Ah, I have been there, my dear! I'm praying for you girl, and keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you that TOM arrives and SOON so you can get back to normal!! Mine arrived a week late when I started exercising and I figured that was what it was, especially since my husband had the ol' snip-snip.…