.Thin By Thanksgiving. *closed group*



  • As for working out, I'm will have a very hard time I sprained my ankle. But I still want to try and stick to a diet. Not that I was not on it before but when you work out you can eat more. So this will def be a challenge through the next few weeks. I rolled it pretty good.
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 629 Member
    feel good today. did my 6p6w dvd and then went for a 6-mile walk. I did manage to run last night for 3.5 miles but man do my knees and hips hurt. I don't know if is the fact that I haven't had a break from working out at least within the last two weeks or just from getting older...but it sucks. hopefully gonna tackle cleaning the house sometime this weekend.
  • aablacknell
    aablacknell Posts: 856 Member
    Hope everyone is having a GREAT weekend!!! Those of you preparing for the storm we will keep you in our prayers.

    I have a question???? How often does everyone weigh themselves???? I weigh once a week because the scale scares the crap out of me:explode:!!! It is the one part of my life I have no control over. I never know what it will say no matter how good or bad I have been. It is not influenced by how kind I have been to others, that I recycle and even sometimes no matter how hard I have worked out:wink:. I was amazed by loss last Monday so I am not expecting the best weigh in this Monday:tongue: but hoping for something good:wink:!!!
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    I weigh every day, usually several times. I know it's not great but I do it anyway. It never really freaks me out as the one that counts is the one after my morning shower. It can go up 4 or 5 lbs in the day but that just reminds me to drink my water.
  • bitabee
    bitabee Posts: 209 Member
    Wonderful ladies!!!
    I was in the Adirondack Mountains, having an amazing time with my family and friends....so, that is why I haven't logged on or posted- NO internet or cell phone reception!
    It's awesome to see everyone kicking butt and taking names....SO proud!!!!

    SO happy to be home and back to the routine...!!
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    Welcome back Elisabeth!

    I've been doing good staying under my calories in the past week, except maybe one day. For exercising, I've just been doing the Wii Fit Plus at home. I just got it a couple of weeks ago, so I've been using it a lot. I figure it's better than nothing and I do work up a sweat! I know as I get used to it, it won't be as effective. I need to drag myself to the gym! Either that, or cancel my membership and stick with DVDs at home.

    I'm hoping there will be a loss on the scale tomorrow morning! According to Wii Fit, I have lost some, but my official weigh-ins are on my personal scale.

    I hope you all are doing great!!!
  • 3ricaAnn
    3ricaAnn Posts: 288
    Okay so last week I only lost .5 lbs and was at 162.5 this week I weighed in friday at 160 and weighed today and the number is STILL going down! I am getting a little nervous that my scale is off since I have lost like almost 5 pounds since last friday. I am hoping it's from all the fiber and water so I am going to to see how it goes this week and might up my calories friday if I get to 155.

    On an exercise note: UFC Trainer on the Kinect is INTENSE!!!! My stomach and leg muscles are so sore! But I am enjoying it even though it isn't burning alot of calories.
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 629 Member
    Weigh in today!
    176 - down 2 lbs!
    I stayed within my calories, had a good workout Saturday but not so much Sunday.

    Goals this week:
    Walk 4 miles every night
    complete week 3 of 6p6w
    stay within my calories
    more water
  • bitabee
    bitabee Posts: 209 Member
    Thamre- AWESOME!!!

    So, I have to be real with you all. My husband and I have been so busy, I have been slacking off. I've been active, but not enough at all and I haven't been counting calories. I've been pretty overwhelmed, and my weigh in this am shows it. I'm pretty sure it's water retention from a lot of sodium but either way, the scale should not rise so much.

    So there's my confession!!
    However, I know I am growing in this process because I'm not quitting or falling off the radar. I'm getting back on and going at it. Hard. This is my health and my body at stake!! I told myself, if someone could guarantee me a sixteen pound loss by Thanksgiving, but I had to work really hard, everyday for the next ten weeks, could I do it!?! YES.

    So, my goal is this. SIXTEEN POUNDS LOST BY NOVEMBER 14,2011.

    My weigh-in this am: 182.6
    Next week: a very different story.

    Thank you to all of you for your accountability. I need this.

    So proud of all of you and so happy to be in this challenge!!!

    Get it, ladies!!!
  • bitabee
    bitabee Posts: 209 Member
    P.S. My goals for this week!!

    1. Burn at least 300 cals a day.
    2. Be under my calories every day.
    3. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day.
    4. Consider my motivation everyday and do this for the right reasons.( ie. Not to impress family or other people, but to do it for myself)
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    I gained weight...been very very stressed, so I feel like I'm completely starting over. Here goes nothing!

    Weigh-in 178.6

    1) drink 80oz of water each day
    2) exercise intentionally 30 minutes this week
    3) smile as much as possible
  • ericarey85
    ericarey85 Posts: 312 Member
    lost 2.9 pounds this week, i will have to get back to yall on goals, i didnt finish through with mine came down with a really nasty head cold @ the end of the week, anywho have to go starting to feel like my heads going to explode from congestion and still not feeling any better, bleh :sick: good luck everyone!!!!
  • bjclaywell
    bjclaywell Posts: 165 Member
    Well I'm really bumming...I gained this week - I'm at 195 as of this morning. :( Here's hoping my several week "plateau" ends soon...

    Goals this week are the same - stay under my calories every day, exercise 6 days for at least 30 minutes...

    I think I'm going to change the calories burned tho - I'm going to go for at least 250 burned each day...
  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    Weighed in at 150.3. Just about the same :0(

    It really does suck because I worked really hard. However, I did slack off on wednesday and this weekend so I guess I didn’t work hard enough. My goals this week:

    REACH 149!
    Run a total of 10 miles this week.
    2 days of abs.
    Go to the gym at least 2.

    Then I’m off to BRAZIL FRIDAY! YAY! BIKINI TIME! ---ooohhh, I better get going on my goals.
  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    SIGH...if I could change the font size and make that HUGE I would. No weight loss this week. I know patience and persistence....

    My goals for this week:
    1.Wish I could say no Zumba, but I am the only option for the Zumba Gold class right now, so I will say no Zumba class other than Gold in order to reach goal 2
    2. Get my calves to stop cramping!!! They have been sore/cramped/painful since February when I jumped into this Zumba thing with both feet.
    3. Work out twice a day 3 times this week. I gotta be ready for the fall when I won't have the option of not getting in less than 2 a day. I plan to vary my workouts with bike riding, dancing, Pilates videos, and maybe I'll see what kind of work out videos I can find on Netflix.

    Good luck to you all! Hope you are achieving your set goals on a regular basis :)
  • 3ricaAnn
    3ricaAnn Posts: 288
    Okay so last week I only lost .5 lbs and was at 162.5 this week I weighed in friday at 160 and weighed today and the number is STILL going down! I am getting a little nervous that my scale is off since I have lost like almost 5 pounds since last friday. I am hoping it's from all the fiber and water so I am going to to see how it goes this week and might up my calories friday if I get to 155.

    On an exercise note: UFC Trainer on the Kinect is INTENSE!!!! My stomach and leg muscles are so sore! But I am enjoying it even though it isn't burning alot of calories.

    Monday weigh in 158!!!
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    I can't believe it, even after the pretty bad week I had and going over my cals this weekend I actually lost weight. Not a lot, but I will take it.

    LW: 158.2
    CW: 157.8

    Let's hope it continues to drop. Elisabeth, I am with you! I would love to drop 10 lbs by November 14th. I would finally be under 150! We can do it!!
  • Shamrock40
    Shamrock40 Posts: 264
    Hey everyone!

    Amazing losses this week! Just a quick check in for me:

    Start weight: 214.5
    Last week: 213
    This week: 212

    My goals for this week are to exercise at least 4x, at least 45 minutes each time, and not go crazy at my Mom's Group meeting on Thursday, usually a challenge for me! Also, to stay under my calorie goal every day, keeping track of little bites, licks and tastes because they add up! I really need to stay on track this week because I have a big family reunion all week next week which will include LOTS of indulgences!

    I will try to check in more often, but things are pretty hectic around here, and I have company coming into town this week, and next week. Take care ladies! Keep kicking butt!

  • 3ricaAnn
    3ricaAnn Posts: 288
    Oh yeah, goals for this week drink at least 8 cups of water a day, finish week 2 of c25k, finish laundry (hehe) stay under calorie goal everyday. Do zumba 3 days and do ufc trainer 3 days, rest sunday.
  • aablacknell
    aablacknell Posts: 856 Member
    8/15 169.0
    8/22 161.0
    8/29 160.0

    My goals last week were:
    *Workout 6 days this week ...workout 6 days YAY!!!:happy:
    *Go rollerblading at least once this week ...did not do:frown:
    *Don't have any stress eating days...did not do:frown:
    *Lose 2 lbs...did not meet:frown:

    Hope I have a better week this week.

    My goals this week: Fresh Start
    :smile: Workout 6 days this week
    :smile: Burn over 4000 calories
    :smile: Stay under calories over the Labor Day Weekend
    :smile: Lose 2 lbs

    Lets Go Ladies...We Can Do This!!!!