*closed group* Flab to Fab 3, Part 2!



  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    4/1: 170.8
    4/8: 169.0
    4/15: 167.0
    4/22: 168.0
    4/29: 166.8
    5/6: 164.6
    5/13: 164.6
    5/20: 163.8
    5/27: 163.8

    Maintained. I was bummed about this until I took my measurements. Here are my measurements for may
    Neck: 13.0 (0 change)
    L Bicep: 13.25 (0 change)
    R Bicep: 13.25 (0 change)
    Chest: 36 (-1.75)
    Waist: 29.75 (-0.75)
    Pooch: 35.5 (-1.75)
    Butt: 42 ( 0 change)
    Hips: 36 (-0.5)
    Left thigh: 20.5 (-0.5)
    Right thight: 20.5 (-0.5)
    L. Calf: 15.5 (-0.25)
    R. Calf: 15.75 (-0.25)
    BMI: 26.44
    % Body fat: 26.13
    Total inches lost: 6.25

    So eventhough I haven't seen much movement on the scale in May (I think I lost maybe 3 lbs) It appears that I have succeeded in replacing some fat with muscle which was one of my goals. I think seeing my measurements change so much even though the scale isn't moving has given me the motivation to keep on pushing.
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    SOOOOOOOOO mad at myself!!! up .6 I know TOM is on its way out but COME ON!!!
    Ok...it's my own fault...I haven't been eating the best (no excuse for that) so what did I really expect.

    Measurements are almost exactly the same....so I won't list them...I'll just send them to Kerri for the spreadsheet.

    In total I've lost .5 inches this time. Biggest changes were: widest part of hips...+.75 and pooch...-.75

    I think next week I have a lot of running to do to make sure I'm capable of completing my 5k on Saturday morning...after that...I think I'm going back to Insanity/running program! I've got to do that cardio...the strength comes pretty naturally!!!

    Hope everyone has a safe and FUN holiday weekend ;)))
  • Lindz8afish
    Lindz8afish Posts: 342 Member
    Here's my measurements at least. Usually I wake up just before Lukas so I have a bit of time to myself, but I didn't wake up until he was crying this morning so I totally forgot to weigh myself before chugging some water and eating.

    Neck 13.75
    Left Arm 12.25
    Right Arm 12.5
    Chest - at nipple line 39.25
    Smallest Part of Waist 33.0
    Pooch 39.0
    Hips 40.25
    Widest part of Butt 42.0
    Left Thigh 20.5
    Right Thigh 20.0
    Left Calf 15.0
    Right Calf 15.0

    I lost 2.25 inches. Not as much as I hoped for, but still a loss! Will post my weight and BMI tomorrow. Going to take a picture now, I just don't know if I'm ready to post it though...
  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    I was finally able to weigh myself since my fiberglass cast came off yesterday. I'm down 3.6 pounds over the time I was in it to 144.2. I was hoping to maintain, so this big of a loss is interesting to me. Some of it is probably my calf muscle weight since it has gotten really flabby while it was not being used.

    I will attempt to get myself measured over the weekend.
  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    Reporting a 5 lb loss this week :noway: I'm back below the 160s! Thank goodness because I was about to give up, I was getting super discouraged. I think my body has finally gotten rid of all that mess I put in it a couple weeks ago and I'm back on track now and couldn't be more excited. I'm in the process of moving houses this weekend so I'll have to get my measurements in tomorrow when I find my tape measure. Good luck on everyone's weigh-in today!

    Week 1 (4/01) - 162.6
    Week 2 (4/08) - 162.2
    Week 3 (4/15) - 157.6
    Week 4 (4/22) - 157.8
    Week 5 (4/29) - 159.0
    Week 6 (5/06) - 160.2
    Week 7 (5/13) - 160.4
    Week 8 (5/20) - 164.4
    Week 9 (5/27) - 159.4
  • daklex
    daklex Posts: 93 Member
    4/1 288.9
    4/8 288.0
    4/15 287.6
    4/22 288.0
    4/29 286.4
    5/6 287.4
    5/13 285.6
    5/20 286.0
    5/27 284.6

    Will work on measurements this weekend. Enjoy the long weekend ladies!!!
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    Hi everyone, Sorry Ive been out of the loop lately. Its been a challenging month this month, a few ups but mostly downs and I completely fell off track with MFP.
    Well, Im in a happier mood today, Im pretty pretty sure TOM has finally arrived....15 days late :( My head is wrecked from all the stress. I think it must have been down to my change in exercise routine and eating etc. But I think everything is back to normal now, I'll know for definite after the next few days pan out.
    So with this mental month which included birthday weekend, LOTS of working long days and stressing over TOM being late, needless to say I threw my healthy eating plan out the friggin' window and couldn't motivate myself to workout.
    After my birthday weekend I was up 4 lbs and then I was straight into 2 weeks of working on set and I am not lying when I say that I ATE EVERYTHING IN SIGHT. We had pizza, fries, sweets, sandwiches, chips, choc, fizzy drinks and coffee every single day on set and I gave in without fail. Then when that finished and I was waiting on TOM to arrive I started to stress myself out and continue on my eating binge. It was utterly ridiculous to say the least. Fast food and BAGS of chocolate! I can't believe I actually consumed what I did but I couldn't stop myself. And I haven't drank water in about 2 weeks.
    However......I haven't put on a single pound since my birthday weekend??? I don't know how this is possible but this morning I hopped on the scale and I was still 154lbs and that's including all the bloating from TOM...so I guess Im really lucky my destructive month hasn't damaged me on the scale or else I probably would have given up entirely.
    Now Im starting afresh right this instant because such a massive weight has been lifted from my shoulders and thankfully my MFP success so far hasn't been sabotaged so I feel ready to continue on this journey and get myself to where I want to be.

    I cannot thank enough, those of you who were asking how I was doing during the last 2 weeks...it really was a nightmare...which I have learned from! It meant more than you know to have people to talk to when I find it difficult to go to friends with personal problems...Im very closed off and shy when it comes to discussing this stuff with people I know so thank you for being there for me! I really really appreciate it :)

    Also my measurements haven't changed that much from last month (some have gone up a bit)...again, this month was a disaster and I wasn't focused at all on losing weight so forgive my bad results for this month :(

    March 31st
    April 29th
    May 27th

    Weight 156lbs
    154lbs = +4lbs
    BMI 33
    31 = +1
    Neck 13.25"
    12.75" = 0
    L Arm 12.25"
    11.75" = 0
    R Arm 12.25"
    11.75" = 0
    Chest 37"
    36" = +1
    Waist 31"
    29" = +1
    Pooch 39.5"
    37" = 0
    Hips 40"
    39" = + 0.25
    Butt 40.5"
    39.5" = + 0.5
    L Thigh 23.5"
    22.5" = 0
    R Thigh 23.5"
    22.5" = 0
    L Calf 15.5"
    14.75" = 0
    R Calf 15.5"
    14.75" = 0

    Im back in the game from today onwards ladies. Im sorry for letting ye down this past month and not contributing to the good of the group in any way, shape or form. Apologies and many many thanks for all your encouragement and thoughtfulness the last couple of weeks :flowerforyou:

    Well done to everyone this month. All your results are awesome. Such an inspiration to keep going :)

  • Shamrock40
    Shamrock40 Posts: 264
    Woohoo! Great losses ladies! I'm so proud of you all! And Lorraine, soooo happy for you, my dear!

    My weight was 214 this morning after gains and staying at 217 for a couple of weeks. I have finally broken my plateau, it would appear. Yay! I have really made an effort this last week to keep under my calories with HEALTHIER choices, and watch my sodium. I was definitely giving in to too much junk because I had calories to spare, so no more of that nonsense!

    Today my little princess "graduated" from VPK (voluntary pre-kindergarten) and I had the most crazy, hectic morning, I got a few minutes in on the elliptical, but I didn't even get to eat breakfast before we left. We took Sophia to California Pizza Kitchen for lunch and I got the roasted veggie salad. Yum! I'm roasting off a turkey breast tonight for dinner, and I already completed my diary so I'm sticking to it!

    I have to get measured soon, but I don't know if it will happen this weekend. I'll have to post those numbers later. I hope everyone has a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.
  • mamunroe
    mamunroe Posts: 152 Member
    You are never going to believe what I did today!! Two hints: I'm 43 and never been there before and I'm scared to death. Give up. I joined a Fitstart program at the gym. It is a 6 wk program for intimidated fraidy-cats like me. Start on Monday =)
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Hey ladies! I didn't see anything about a weekend pact but here is my pact for this weekend
    1) intentional activity (outside the norm) 300 minutes or more (includes walking, biking, running, gardening, hiking etc).
    2) 88 oz of water daily
    3) Max 1alcoholic drink per day (if any)
    4) Under 2500 mg sodium

    Today I had a NSV. A friend of mine gave me a pair of shorts 9 years ago. They have never fit me but I held on to them determined to get them on. Today they fit! The are perfect in the waist and actually a little big in the legs. Awesome way to start the day!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    You are never going to believe what I did today!! Two hints: I'm 43 and never been there before and I'm scared to death. Give up. I joined a Fitstart program at the gym. It is a 6 wk program for intimidated fraidy-cats like me. Start on Monday =)

    Great job! It is nice that they have programs to get people started at the gym. The gym is an addiction. Once you start going your body craves that kind of beating :-). I miss the gym and can't wait until my son is old enough to qualify for the babysitting services they offer so I can go back regularly.
  • Shamrock40
    Shamrock40 Posts: 264
    Mamunroe - Great job!!! Sometimes the hardest step is the first one in the door!
    Today I had a NSV. A friend of mine gave me a pair of shorts 9 years ago. They have never fit me but I held on to them determined to get them on. Today they fit! The are perfect in the waist and actually a little big in the legs. Awesome way to start the day!

    This was me Thursday night. When I went shopping for my cruise in December, I had to buy size 22 waist pants. VERY EMBARASSING to admit that! We had to go to my daughter's graduation ceremony yesterday, so for kicks I decided to start trying on dresses in my closet Thursday night. I was able to fit into a few size 16 dresses, and even one (generously cut) size 14. I was SO happy and I forgot all about it until I read your post. Yay!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    @ Bridget- THat is wonderful! It is such a great feeling when something fits when you really don't expect it to.
  • travelgirl09
    travelgirl09 Posts: 151 Member
    Good morning Ladies! Hope you are all enjoying your holiday weekend. We are back in the US here in FL waiting on our flight back to the Bay Area. Our vacation was absolutely wonderful! The country of Curacao is beautiful, the weather is hot enough to lay on the beach or by the pool ALL DAY long! My Baby got that much needed down time and is feeling rested and ready to get back to work. Well, he's not ready, but that's just how it goes! lol

    I have basically taken the whole month of May off. Between being in Hawaii for 2 weeks, Chicago, then out of the country on vacation, I feel like I've got to start all over. So not motivated to do anything. BUT, seeing all the nice, bronzed, skinny ladies in their bikinis by the pool and on the beach, that has given me motivation! Now I've just gotta figure out what I'm going to do for my workouts, and figure out where I need to pick my P90X up at. Not sure if I can still hang with it! :( lol

    Anyway, looking forward to catching up with everyone. More pics are posted on my page on facebook.

    Glad to be back!

  • nakitadawn1212
    nakitadawn1212 Posts: 135 Member
    HI GIRLS!!! I'm pretty much thinking that my body is happy at 130. I reallllly want to be down in the 120s but... I look healthy and feel great!! I have had ups and downs the last week. I just celebrated my 25th bday which means I drank and ate wayyy tooooo much. I also started a fertility drug bc we just can't get pregnant. It is def messing with my hormones and eating habbits,,, so I am scared to see the scale this coming week. I am still trying to not focus on the scale and more on toning. Our vacation is in 3 weeks and I will be e-mailing you all so I can get your final opinion. Thank you all for your support. Seems like we all have been a bit down lately...so we need to JAZZ it up!!! Keep pushing, keep thinking positive, we are all AMAZING women!! Regardless of what the scale says or the tape measurements say!! Heads up...chests out ladies!!!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Good morning! I am hoping everyone survived the holiday weekend. I am proud to say that I did really well. I jumped on the scale this morning to see what kind of damage I did and I didn't do any damage! I was still the same as I was on Friday. That is amazing to me because I was eating a lot and probably not extremely accurate with my tracking.

    So my plan this week:
    W- wii zumba
    Th- walk/run and marching band rehearsal
    Fr- walk/run

    I need to get back to running. I have a race in less than 2 weeks and I haven't run since before my poison ivy. Here are my goals for the week Tu-Fri

    1) Burn 2500 cals
    2) under on sodium daily
    3) 88 oz of water daily

    I am really hoping to have a decent loss this week. I am so close to hitting my 20 lbs lost mark. I think it is 1.4 pounds.
  • Becky011
    Becky011 Posts: 384
    Goals for the week!
    ---Under on sodium daily
    ---under on cals daily
    ---min. 12 cups of water daily
    --- focus on quality negative calories foods throughout the week
    --- make sure none of my fruits or veggies in the fridge go bad!!
    ---- 3 weekday workouts
    ----long weekend workout -
    ----100 squats for the week
    ---100 sit ups
    --- 20 pushups
    ----Run the track at the park 2x around consecutively
    >>> If you think of any good additions to my goals let me know :)
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    HEY LADIES, I have not forgot about you! =)

    I am missing about half of the weights from last week (week 9) and about 1/3 of the measurements. . I am going to give another day or so for everyone to get them to me, then I will send it out! Let's talk about challenge ideas! The week is already 40% over, tehehe.
  • travelgirl09
    travelgirl09 Posts: 151 Member
    HEY LADIES, I have not forgot about you! =)

    I am missing about half of the weights from last week (week 9) and about 1/3 of the measurements. . I am going to give another day or so for everyone to get them to me, then I will send it out! Let's talk about challenge ideas! The week is already 40% over, tehehe.

    I can't get back to my scale until tomorrow, but I know it's going to be a wash anyway. :( Don't wait for my stats. So glad I can start fresh June1! :/
  • Lindz8afish
    Lindz8afish Posts: 342 Member
    Kerri, this week for Friday's weigh in just count me as a maintain. I'm heading up north tomorrow with Lukas and my parents until Sunday and I don't trust my Grandma's 30yr old scale :) I will be keeping track of my calories the best I can. I'm REALLY nervous though because I've gone up for a weekend here or there, but not for 5 days. I will for sure be going on lots of walks though, it's supposed to be gorgeous!! I just need to keep my portions in line while eating!

    I have major motivation to keep me going though! I have almost hit the 20lb mark, and I want to be as close to losing 11lbs by the end of June as possible. Lukas will be 6 months old AND I have a Playdate to go to with a ton of girls from my Highschool set up for near the end of June as well. I'd love to be at my pre-baby weight of 155lbs by then :)

    I'm heading to The Factory Gym tonight for their kick-*kitten* cardio class!! Can't wait to burn off a ton of calories! My goals for this week include:

    -Drinking at least 80oz of water a day.
    -Walk at least 3 miles each day up north
    -Stay as close to my calorie goals for the day as possible, WATCHING PORTIONS!!
    -Enjoy being up north on the lake :bigsmile:

    Hope you all have a great week! I won't be able to comment much, but I will be using my phone app for sure!
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