*closed group* Flab to Fab 3, Part 2!



  • kms1981
    kms1981 Posts: 207 Member
    I feel like the little engine that could...all day I tell myself, just keep going, just keep going...and then the next day I wake and repeat :) I see so many of you seeing great results and it is so inspiring! So keep up the good work! Happy June eve :)
  • Shamrock40
    Shamrock40 Posts: 264
    Hi ladies! Just thought I'd share an update on myself. I went to my doctor a couple of weeks ago for a blood draw for my annual physical, and today I went to discuss my results with him. I'm really pleased to report that all my bloodwork was in normal levels. (Last year my good and bad cholesterol were out of normal range.) He pronounced me healthy, said I look great and to keep up the good work. I explained to him that I half expected my thyroid to be out of whack because I've been having more pronounced symptoms (more hair loss and dryer skin than normal, more tired than normal, and watching my diet and exercising with no reults for about 6 weeks.) He decided to add a supplemental thyroid medicine to the one I'm already taking, to see it we could get rid of the symptoms and bring everything back in line. I have to take it for 12 weeks and then do more bloodwork, so we'll see what happens.

    I also got a new asthma medicine to try. Where we live they're doing a lot of slash and burn activity to clear brush so they can expand one of the roads near us. It's keeping me and my poor daughter indoors in a constant state of irritation with daily asthma flare-ups. I wish I could do something about it.

    Anyway, I just thought I'd share with you lovely ladies. I still owe Kerri my measurements. and I'm not sure when I'm going to get them in. Maybe for next week's spreadsheet. I hope you all had a pleasant memorial day weekend and I'll chat with you all soon.

    Take care,

  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    @ Bridget- That is awesome that you got good results from your bloodwork. That is a NSV that proves what you are doing is making you healthier. I have a physical in 2 weeks and I am hoping to see good results.
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    Hellloooooo girls! Just catching up on my thread reading. Everyone's doing pretty well so far even though there does seem to be a bit of a lull in the group, probably because it's 2/3's into the challenge and we may be losing steam but it's time to pick it up for the final stretch!
    Wow I feel like Ive been underground the last month! I was ready to get back on the wagon at the start of the week but I had to work on a film for 3 days and still couldn't get any exercise in and my healthy eating didn't happen! haha. And I couldn't believe the difference I felt. For the past week Ive felt uncomfortably bloated all the time, my skin is crap and Im totally exhausted. And its from all the junk food. My system is completely clogged up and it feels yuk!
    However Im now finished on that film and I have time to myself for the next while so Im really gonna put everything I have into getting back on track and getting back in the gym. And I cant wait! Today has already gone swimmingly, Im on track with my healthy eating, I went for a 40 minute run this morning and Im hitting up the gym this evening for the first time in about a month! So its all going really well today and Im excited to keep it going for the next week. Im off to Lanzarote on Saturday week for my hols! Cant believe its so close!
    Ive totally fallen off track with my weight loss goals for my hols. Im nowhere near the weight I wanted to be for my hols but once I can get back down to 150lbs by next week I'll be happy :) So its workout central for me for the next week! Whoop!

    My goals for the next week are:
    Under cals/sodium/fat/sugar everyday
    Workout Mon-Fri (including gym, running, weights)
    Drink 12 glasses water everyday

    Drink 12 glasses water everyday
    Workout for at least 60mins Friday and Saturday
    Under cals/sodium/fat/sugar everyday

    Who's on for the weekend pact? Im definitely going to nail it this weekend! I have my hols as my motivating factor! I will be traveling home to see my family tomorrow evening, so I'll hit the gym in the morning. Then go for a run on Saturday. Will be driving back to Dublin on Sunday and have to meet people Sunday night so might not fit in a workout but will definitely be staying on track with food on Sunday :)

    Im a woman on a mission ladies! Im back on form and ready to give it my all. So you all better be with me :) Time to get our groove back and start seeing some good losses from here on out!

    Bring on the weekend, lets own this one :) x
  • mamunroe
    mamunroe Posts: 152 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!! Happy to report a loss of 0.6 lbs this week. YAY!! Tough weekend this week as our dart banquet is tomorrow. It is potluck which means loads of great food. Going to the gym Fri and Sun so hopefully I won't go way overboard with the eats and drinks. Have a Great Weekend Everyone!! :happy:

    3/25 137.7 lbs
    4/8 141.4 lbs
    4/15 141.4 lbs
    4/21 139.7 lbs
    4/29 141.9 lbs
    5/6 141.6 lbs
    5/13 143 lbs
    5/20 143.4 lbs
    5/27 142.3 lbs

    Goal for challenge 130 lbs
    Reset goal 5/27 to 137 lbs
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    4/1: 170.8
    4/8: 169.0
    4/15: 167.0
    4/22: 168.0
    4/29: 166.8
    5/6: 164.6
    5/13: 164.6
    5/20: 163.8
    5/27: 163.8
    6/3: 161.0

    I weighed in on a different scale this week so this weight might not be completely right but I had a really good week so I don't think it is too off. I have officially hit my 20 lb mark. I am so incredibly excited. It has been MANY years since I have been this small and I don't think I have EVER been this healthy (at least in my adult life). I am hoping to hit the 150's next week. I haven't been in the 150s since before I got engaged over 9 years ago. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Maintain for this girl! I've been doing more running and that's been my only workout the last 2-3 weeks and I'm back to a weight I don't want to be at...SO...I'm starting Insanity again on Monday!

    I'll alternate running and Insanity and see how that goes for next week and then once school's out and I return from Vegas...it's on!!! I'll be running in the mornings (according to my running plan...every other day) and doing Insanity in the afternoon/evenings!!!

    I have GOT to get this weight loss going again! Oh and it'd help if I stopped caving when I have a craving for something sweet!!!

    Have a great weekend everybody!!!
  • kms1981
    kms1981 Posts: 207 Member
    Up a tiny .4...but you know what this challenge has taught me...DO NOT FREAK OUT :) I just accept it, learn from it, and do more/eat less next week! I am so thankful for every single person in this with me! Thanks!!!
  • caitlinclock
    caitlinclock Posts: 528 Member
    I didn't even realize that last week we were supposed to measure. I must have missed the memo. I haven't been on my computer much lately. I will measure and send them today. I sent my weight in last week all oblivious.
  • janana81
    janana81 Posts: 278 Member
    My weekly weigh in - - -


    WOOT! I am getting closer to that Vegas goal! LOL.
  • caitlinclock
    caitlinclock Posts: 528 Member
    Okay here.

    Kill me.

    Neck 13.5 on 06/03/11
    Left Arm 13.0 on 06/03/11
    Right Arm 14.5 on 06/03/11
    Chest 40.0 on 06/03/11
    Waist 30.0 on 06/03/11
    Pooch 40.0 on 06/03/11
    Butt 43.0 on 06/03/11
    Hips 45.0 on 06/03/11
    Left Thigh 23.0 on 06/03/11
    Right Thigh 23.0 on 06/03/11
    Left Calf 15.0 on 06/03/11
    Right Calf 15.0 on 06/03/11
    BMI 30.5 on 06/03/11
    Body Fat % 35.06 on 04/29/11

    Sorry about the late measurements again. I really didn't even realize until today.
    I've been really out of it lately with planning to move overseas.
    I can't calculate my body fat right so I give up.
  • Shamrock40
    Shamrock40 Posts: 264
    My weight is back up to 215.5, so that is a gain of 1.5 lbs for me. Aaaargh! I have had a couple of really high sodium days, and haven't exercised every day this week, so that may be why. I'm waiting for school to get out next week, then my daughter's birthday party is next Friday, so I'm hoping things will really settle down after that.

    Today I didn't even get to eat until a couple of hours ago. I had to cram in 25 mins on the elliptical in between errands, and now I'm getting ready to make dinner. Yeesh! I am sorry I still haven't gotten to the gym to get my measurements. I'm not expecting any big changes, but I'll try to get over there this weekend.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! My daughter has her dance recital tomorrow! SO cute! I'll try to post a pic.

    Take care ladies!

  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    Up a tiny bit this week due to my junk food binge on set at the start of the week! Im 154.8lbs this week. I think the big burns I had yesterday and today may have helped me on the scale a bit cos I thought I would be up a lot more!
    Anyhoo Im not worried about it because Im back on track and giving ti my all this week so Im expecting a good loss next Friday.

    First day of the weekend pact today was very tough as I had lunch with the girls and then I drove home to my family this evening which meant 'temptation city' but I managed to fight back and kept under my cals for the day, So Im very happy with myself. I also brought my workout clothes home with me and Im gonna go for a run in the morning and maybe hop on my sisters exercise bike for a while aswell!
    So here's to a great weekend everyone! Let's rock it!!
  • daklex
    daklex Posts: 93 Member
    I'm as good as gone in this group. However, I'm pleased to announce that I have signed up as team leader for team Superglide, in honor of my father this year in the Step Out: Walk for Diabetes. Before my dad died in 2007, I was in the process of becoming healthier for him so that I could donate a kidney for him. When he passed in 07, I kind of gave up, and ballooned to my current weight. Now, in his honor, I will walk, so I must get into shape. Whether I do it with this group or not, I'd like to thank you all, especially KERRI, for your support and encouragement.

    You all rock. You'll all be gorgeous this summer, and Kerri will be amazingly beautiful for her upcoming wedding.

    I truly wish you all the best.

    I will try to check in for hte last measurements. Hopefully I'll have gotten off my *kitten* by then and been training for my diabetes walk. Just need the motivation.

    Love you guys!!!!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Good morning ladies! I figured I would just check in from the weekend. I had an okay weekend. I did go over Fri, Sat, and Sun but only one of those days was significantly over. I did great on water Friday and Saturday. It was a nice relaxing weekend and I didn't really think to much about what I was eating, I just kind of made decent choices without thinking about it which was great. I was also able to by some size 8 shorts which was pretty awesome. I haven't worn anything size 8 in 10 years.

    Here are my goals for this week:
    1) Under on sodium daily
    2) 88 oz of water daily
    3) Burn 2200 calories
    4) No soda

    We only have a few more weeks for this challenge. We need to all get refocused and finish strong! We can do this!
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    Love you guys!!!!

    Best of luck on reaching your goals Diana. And well done for signing up for the walk. Im positive you will get to where you want to go. Come back to us if you need to! :)

    And Dani, congrats on a great weekend of good food choices and size 8's! That's fab news! I can't wait for the day when I can slip into a pair of size 8 shorts! :)

    This weekend pact went well for me, I got my workout in on Friday and Saturday, and I stayed under calories everyday. I did give into a little temptation here and there but I managed to stop myself before I sabotaged everything! So Im very happy with this weekend. I arrived back to Dublin this evening and decided to hop on the scale cos I was very nosey! And Im glad to report I maintained my weight over the weekend :) Whoop! Didn't do as well as I wanted with my water intake but it was still quite good.

    So this week is going to be a good one, I can feel it in my bones! Going to hit the gym and get a run in everyday and get 12 cups of water in daily.
    And then its holiday time on Saturday!!! So excited! My sis gave me some of her summer dresses for the the trip and Im sooo excited to wear them! I can't believe I fit into her clothes! This is a HUGE personal milestone because I have always envied my two younger sisters who are tall and slim and pretty and they've always been able to share nice clothes and shoes and I was always sitting around wearing tracksuit bottoms and t-shirts and could barely fit into my own clothes let alone borrow any of my sisters outfits :(
    But oh how times have changed! It's such an amazing feeling and it has really put me in a good mood to enjoy my holiday next week and to feel good about myself and the clothes Im wearing. Ive always wanted to have holiday photos that I look good in and this maybe be the holiday when it happens!

    Hope everyone is fired up and ready for this week. I think everyone is due for a good loss this Friday so lets make it happen!!!
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    F2F Ladies...I've had a mental breakdown...or at least that's what I'm calling it! LOL
    I've been a terrible member of this group that is working toward weight loss for the 3 months. Since day one, I have gained weight...that's not the point of this group! I feel like I let everybody down by being a part of this group, but I want you to know that if I had not been a part of this group my weight gain would have probably been a LOT higher. I've been sitting here thinking of all these reasons that I haven't been as motivated to workout and hold myself accountable and NONE of them are acceptable reasons for this...or for a better term...none are acceptable EXCUSES!!! I have a lot coming up in the next few weeks and I know I don't have time to jump into another round of Insanity right now but I do intend to go back as I was in my best shape and feeling the best while working through that program. So...for some accountability...here is my plan for the next few weeks:

    June 6-12
    M-(i did nothing :()
    T- morning run...done
    W-30 DS Levels 1 & 2
    Th-morning run
    F-30 DS Levels 2 & 3
    Sa-morning run

    June 13-19
    M-30 DS Levels 1 & 3
    T-morning run & 30 DS Levels 1 & 2
    W-30 DS Levels 2 & 3
    Th-morning run
    F-Su no workout but I'm sure we'll do some walking...Vegas Baby!!!

    June 20-July 7 INSANITY BEGINS
    T-morning run...Insanity in PM
    Th-morning run...Insanity PM
    Sa-morning run...Insanity PM

    On July 8th we leave for Minneapolis until the 10th
    On July 11th I go up north for a family vacation until the 16th...I do intend to continue running while up north but will not be doing Insanity!!!

    OK...so I've said...now I have to DO IT!!!!!!!

    With this being said...I'm hoping we can start another group after our F2F challenge is done!!! I have found that I NEED to belong to a group and this group has been very supportive...even when I keep GAINING weight!

    Enough beating myself up...I'm going to have a fabulous day now!!! 7 days of school left :)))
  • janana81
    janana81 Posts: 278 Member

    F-Su no workout but I'm sure we'll do some walking...Vegas Baby!!!

    With this being said...I'm hoping we can start another group after our F2F challenge is done!!! I have found that I NEED to belong to a group and this group has been very supportive...

    VEGAS!!! WOOT! I have 10 days until we leave!!! :)

    AND....I hope we do have another group after this F2F...I also agree that I NEED to belong to a group and this helps me with the support AND being held accountable for everything.
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member

    F-Su no workout but I'm sure we'll do some walking...Vegas Baby!!!

    With this being said...I'm hoping we can start another group after our F2F challenge is done!!! I have found that I NEED to belong to a group and this group has been very supportive...

    VEGAS!!! WOOT! I have 10 days until we leave!!! :)

    AND....I hope we do have another group after this F2F...I also agree that I NEED to belong to a group and this helps me with the support AND being held accountable for everything.

    I think I can organize another, SMALLER, group! =) I will need to get some spreadsheet help too as the one right now is a hot mess! =) Let's start tossing ideas around!!!!!!!!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    I am up for another group and I can help out with the spreadsheet. I am not great with it but I have excel on my spreadsheet at home so once we get it set up it would be easy for me to help track things.

    Maybe we can add in group goals- For example, maybe set a mileage to achieve as a group. Say week 1 we as a group try to run/walk 50 miles (just a random number). That may motivate people to push a little harder or farther since they would be responsible not only to themselves but to the who group as well. I also really like when we did the postitive thought of the day challege, maybe we can do more mental challenges (postive thoughts, inspiration quotes etc.) to help keep our minds in the right frame of mind.
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