*closed group* Flab to Fab 3, Part 2!



  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    YEAH!!! Maintain! Yes I am super excited about this because it's been a rough week yet again with a crazy schedule so only 2 workouts :( After splurging last weekend I jumped on the scale on monday morning and saw that i was up 3 pounds...eeeekkkkkkk! So when I weighed in today I had no idea what to expect...but I saw the same weight I saw last Friday...I accept!!!

    CW: 129.2
  • jjeckels
    jjeckels Posts: 57
    Maintain again for me...keep working hard everyone!!!

    :bigsmile: Happy Friday!!!
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    FINALLY broke into the 165's! I was able to get down to 166 in 2006 for about a week but then I stopped... So now I am officially the size I was when I went away to college in 2000! I'm pretty excited about that! This weight sure is coming off slooooowly but surely I guess! I upped my calories to 1600 and all last week I ate ALL of them including ALL my exercise calories (even though I was instructed to eat about 80% of them back)... I have ONLY been doing some easy cardio in the low, fat-burning zone for 45-60 mins and I did 2 days of weights, AND I LOST! I actually FEEL like I am losing fat, I swear. Clothes are a little bit looser and I am been getting a lot of comments from co-workers (albeit rude ones, like "you're wasting away" :( but still people are noticing)..

    So those that are getting discouraged.. maybe try something new?! and stick with it?! I was pissed the first week or so of May when I began this "new" outlook but now that I've stuck with it 3 weeks I can DEF see a difference. I also don't loathe working out like I use to.. I know that if I go to the gym with a fairly easy day planned out I am more willing to go and not back out!
  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    Kerri---Glad the new plan is working!

    Looking forward to seeing everyones losses today, and to continue encouraging those who are not loosing like they would like to be!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    4/1: 170.8
    4/8: 169.0
    4/15: 167.0
    4/22: 168.0
    4/29: 166.8
    5/6: 164.6
    5/13: 164.6
    5/20: 163.8

    I lost 0.8 lbs this week. I am happy with this. I jumped on the scale on Monday and was up 3 pounds after the weekend. Must have been mostly water weight :-). I didn't have a ton of motivation to exercise this week so I really concentrated on my food and water. I am really happy to lose this week!
  • Lindz8afish
    Lindz8afish Posts: 342 Member
    First of all, great job for everyone who lost and maintained :) Those that gained, just keep pushing! We've all been there!!

    My weight this week is 167.2!! I'm so excited! I have really started focusing on what goes in my mouth, I did up my calories a few weeks ago and I try to eat back most of my exercise calories. I've stayed away from as much processed food as I possibly could. I didn't even eat anything that was labeled "light" or "low cal". I have made sure to walk at least 2 miles daily, then 2-3 days a week I'm doing Insanity, JM 30 Day Shred or my boxing/cardio class :) I am definitely going to stick to this routine for a while. Hoping next week I can reach the 20 pounds lost mark!!

    Oh I should add, a HUGE change for me was switching from coffee to green tea! Still has caffeine, but supposed to be much better for burning fat :)

    There is an Ox Festival here in town this weekend, so after my husband gets out of work tonight we are going to walk to it. Not sure what all it is about, but I've been told we have to try the Ox sandwich. Makes me worried, so I'm going to do some research to try and guess how many calories I'll be eating ahead of time. Tomorrow night we're eating at my husband's parents house for the first time since I had Lukas. I'm very worried because they are BIG eaters and lots of unhealthy things. I'm going to go for portion control and I'm going to do a big workout tomorrow morning.

    I am sticking to a weekend pact this weekend! 100oz of water, under calories and working out daily! Goodluck to all you weekend pact-ers :)
  • Becky011
    Becky011 Posts: 384
    Great Kerri!!! So glad the new way is working!!! :smile:
    FINALLY broke into the 165's! I was able to get down to 166 in 2006 for about a week but then I stopped... So now I am officially the size I was when I went away to college in 2000! I'm pretty excited about that! This weight sure is coming off slooooowly but surely I guess! I upped my calories to 1600 and all last week I ate ALL of them including ALL my exercise calories (even though I was instructed to eat about 80% of them back)... I have ONLY been doing some easy cardio in the low, fat-burning zone for 45-60 mins and I did 2 days of weights, AND I LOST! I actually FEEL like I am losing fat, I swear. Clothes are a little bit looser and I am been getting a lot of comments from co-workers (albeit rude ones, like "you're wasting away" :( but still people are noticing)..

    So those that are getting discouraged.. maybe try something new?! and stick with it?! I was pissed the first week or so of May when I began this "new" outlook but now that I've stuck with it 3 weeks I can DEF see a difference. I also don't loathe working out like I use to.. I know that if I go to the gym with a fairly easy day planned out I am more willing to go and not back out!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Weekend pact this weekend
    - Minimum 2 alcoholic drinks on Sat
    - 120 minutes of activity (either work out or different than normal activity)
    - Minimum 80 oz of water a day
    - No overeating when eating out

    This weekend my husband I am are doing a zipline tour in Berkshires in Western Ma and I am REALLY nervous. I have never done anything like it and I am afraid of heights. I am tired of my fear of heights stopping me from taking hikes and doing things that I otherwise love to do so this is my first step towards getting past it. I figure I am harnassed in and we aren't going to be too high (I think 50-60 feet off the ground). This is a test run for an excursion I plan on doing on my cruise in October in Antigua (canopy zipline tour of the rain forest). Wish me luck! Hopefully I won't let my fears stop me from doing this.

    Other than that, my parents are coming to visit which means meals out. The good thing is my mom has recently started to watch what she is eating and is trying to get healthier for her upcoming trip. My dad is also watching as well. So hopefully they will be trying to stay on track which will help me make better decisions.

    Have a great weekend!
  • Lindz8afish
    Lindz8afish Posts: 342 Member
    Weekend pact this weekend
    - Minimum 2 alcoholic drinks on Sat
    - 120 minutes of activity (either work out or different than normal activity)
    - Minimum 80 oz of water a day
    - No overeating when eating out

    This weekend my husband I am are doing a zipline tour in Berkshires in Western Ma and I am REALLY nervous. I have never done anything like it and I am afraid of heights. I am tired of my fear of heights stopping me from taking hikes and doing things that I otherwise love to do so this is my first step towards getting past it. I figure I am harnassed in and we aren't going to be too high (I think 50-60 feet off the ground). This is a test run for an excursion I plan on doing on my cruise in October in Antigua (canopy zipline tour of the rain forest). Wish me luck! Hopefully I won't let my fears stop me from doing this.

    Other than that, my parents are coming to visit which means meals out. The good thing is my mom has recently started to watch what she is eating and is trying to get healthier for her upcoming trip. My dad is also watching as well. So hopefully they will be trying to stay on track which will help me make better decisions.

    Have a great weekend!

    I hope you mean MAX 2 alcoholic drinks Saturday LOL!! If not, a minimum of 2 sounds good to me!! haha:laugh: But in all seriousness.. I did a Zipline Canopy Tour in Jamaica and I'm am terrified of heights. It was AMAZING!! But the first two platforms my knees locked up on me, but I got over it and enjoyed the rest. Beautiful views!! Have fun this weekend!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Weekend pact this weekend
    - Minimum 2 alcoholic drinks on Sat
    - 120 minutes of activity (either work out or different than normal activity)
    - Minimum 80 oz of water a day
    - No overeating when eating out

    This weekend my husband I am are doing a zipline tour in Berkshires in Western Ma and I am REALLY nervous. I have never done anything like it and I am afraid of heights. I am tired of my fear of heights stopping me from taking hikes and doing things that I otherwise love to do so this is my first step towards getting past it. I figure I am harnassed in and we aren't going to be too high (I think 50-60 feet off the ground). This is a test run for an excursion I plan on doing on my cruise in October in Antigua (canopy zipline tour of the rain forest). Wish me luck! Hopefully I won't let my fears stop me from doing this.

    Other than that, my parents are coming to visit which means meals out. The good thing is my mom has recently started to watch what she is eating and is trying to get healthier for her upcoming trip. My dad is also watching as well. So hopefully they will be trying to stay on track which will help me make better decisions.

    Have a great weekend!

    I hope you mean MAX 2 alcoholic drinks Saturday LOL!! If not, a minimum of 2 sounds good to me!! haha:laugh: But in all seriousness.. I did a Zipline Canopy Tour in Jamaica and I'm am terrified of heights. It was AMAZING!! But the first two platforms my knees locked up on me, but I got over it and enjoyed the rest. Beautiful views!! Have fun this weekend!

    Wooops.. I did mean Max :-)
  • cupcakelover103
    cupcakelover103 Posts: 197 Member
    I'm down 4.6 pounds this week! But i'm a bit worried because my weight is going up then down, each week. I seem to slack off one week then put in all the effort the next. But this time i'm going to make sure this doesnt happen!
  • Shamrock40
    Shamrock40 Posts: 264
    Okay ladies, I have been super busy the last couple of weeks. My daughter is getting out of school next Friday, so we have her pre-k "graduation" that I have things to do for, her kindergarten orientation, and there are birthday parties every weekend, it seems. Plus I'm busy trying to plan her 5th birthday party, too. I can't believe when I look at the clock every night and it's 9:00 or 10:00. Crazy and very hectic.

    On Wednesday night I managed to knock a very sharp knife off the counter and cut a nice little slice out of my shin. OUCH! I didn't need stitches, but when I tried to get on the elliptical on Thursday, it started bleeding again, so I decided to give the more intense workouts a little rest, and I just stuck to walking for the rest of the week.

    I had a decent day yesterday, but didn't finish logging my diary. My husband graduated from a very difficult 2-week horse-training class, so we went out to dinner to celebrate, and I had a basic salad with oil & vinegar dressing, so I was proud of myself for picking something low-cal. For those of you who don't know, my husband is a police officer, so he learned how to ride horses - something he had never done before - while having to do all sorts of crazy police things. Needless to say, he has been exhausted every day when he comes home, so he's been napping, and I haven't been getting the evening break I usually get to log my food and chill out on the computer for 20-30 minutes while he keeps the kids occupied.

    He's back to his regular schedule tomorrow, and I, too, should be back to my regular schedule. I think my leg will be fine, so I'll be getting back on the elliptical. My goal for the week will be to find a new video on Netflix to try. Something that will give me a good calorie burn and really switch things up. I also have a summer goal: I am going to make a HUGE commitment to exercise every single morning that my husband works, if not every morning, all summer long. With both kids out of school, there will be no "me-time" except for my husband's days off, so my summer goal is to set a more rigid schedule for myself. That will include an earlier bed-time and a set time to wake up every single day. I'm going to miss my time to myself, so maybe I'll be able to find it in the morning. I've never really considered it, because I've never been much of a morning person, but maybe with enough effort, I can make it happen.

    So, my weight for this week was the same as last week: 217. I haven't lost anything in over a month, so I fear I have hit the dreaded plateau. But if I'm being honest with myself, I haven't been nearly as strict as I was the first 3 months. I am also going to start tracking my sodium. I have hypo-thyroidism, and very low blood pressure, so I have never had much of a problem with sodium. However, after looking at my sodium for about a week, on any given day, I noticed I'm well over 2500 probably 4 days out of 7, so I wonder if that's contributing to water retention.

    Anyway, I missed out on the positive thoughts the rest of the week, but in looking back, I saw all of yours, and I am proud of all you ladies for being less critical of yourselves. Congratulations!

    Hopefully I'll be on here a bit more this upcoming week, and I'll be able to post an update on my new workout vid choice. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, girls. Take good care!

  • cupcakelover103
    cupcakelover103 Posts: 197 Member
    Positive thought of the day: Last night was lovely, i had a bit of a cheat day (naughty naughty) and had pizza with the boyfriend and some chocolate for dinner. But i didnt over eat, gave a few slices away and had a lovely rocket salad with it. Best of all i didnt feel guilty, but satisfied. So, despite going over my calories yesterday, who cares?? I certainly don't and today i will hop back on and be under :)
    Hope your all having a lovely weekend. I'm off to complete a 2,500 environmental imapct report due at midnight tonight, eekkk!
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    Hi everyone, Im so lost at the moment I really don't know what to think or do. Im going through a tough time at the moment. Basically TOM is 10days late and Im losing my mind with worry. I can't focus on anything now except this wait and all my energy is channeled into hoping and praying its just a false alarm. Ive been eating more because of the stress, Im forgetting to drink water, I havent exercised in 2 weeks because I cant find the energy to think about doing anything else. The more days that pass by the more I want to cry. I took a test 2 days ago and it was negative but that's not much consolation since TOM still hasn't arrived. I really am in bits.

    I just feel like Im in Limbo. I don't know what to do. Sorry to offload here. This is why Ive been absent for the last while :(

    Well done to everyone who's lost/maintained this week. You are all doing so so well.
  • Shamrock40
    Shamrock40 Posts: 264
    Lorraine! Ah, I have been there, my dear! I'm praying for you girl, and keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you that TOM arrives and SOON so you can get back to normal!! Mine arrived a week late when I started exercising and I figured that was what it was, especially since my husband had the ol' snip-snip. Nevertheless, I did worry because I'm NEVER late. I'll be thinking of you! Keep us posted.
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Happy Monday F2Fers! :happy:

    For some reason this morning I woke up on the good side of the bed and I'm in a fabulous mood! And really after my cheat day yesterday...you would think I'd be down on myself. Let me just share how naughty I was yesterday (I didn't log it!):

    Ate a big breakfast (logged it) consisting of 2 slices of french toast w/ syrup, 2 sausage links, and about a cup of strawberries and kiwis. I typically eat my bowl of healthy cereal and I'm good to go!

    For lunch...well that didn't really exist! I made nacho dip (for my hungover fiance') and of course I ate some too...so lunch was basically two helpings of nacho dip with chips.

    Dinner...ICE CREAM! Yup...I ate an ice cream cone for dinner. I had Better Batter (like cake batter) ice cream with twix pieces and cookie dough mixed in...in a waffle cone and I ate THE WHOLE THING!!!

    Evening snack...another small helping of chips and nacho dip!

    ***AHHHHHHHHHH...embarassing...but soooo good!*** There...I said it...I had to put it out there...I'm human...I have BAD...TERRIBLE days of eating ;))

    TOM decided to show up yesterday...maybe somewhat to blame for my splurge?!?! I wont' point fingers though!

    I hope everyone had a great weekend...I better go...I do actually have work to get done! Have a great Monday!
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Hi everyone, Im so lost at the moment I really don't know what to think or do. Im going through a tough time at the moment. Basically TOM is 10days late and Im losing my mind with worry. I can't focus on anything now except this wait and all my energy is channeled into hoping and praying its just a false alarm. Ive been eating more because of the stress, Im forgetting to drink water, I havent exercised in 2 weeks because I cant find the energy to think about doing anything else. The more days that pass by the more I want to cry. I took a test 2 days ago and it was negative but that's not much consolation since TOM still hasn't arrived. I really am in bits.

    I just feel like Im in Limbo. I don't know what to do. Sorry to offload here. This is why Ive been absent for the last while :(

    Well done to everyone who's lost/maintained this week. You are all doing so so well.

    We're here so that you can unload on us!!!

    I feel your pain...I too was waiting and waiting for TOM to come. I finally started yesterday...about 6 days late. I'm hoping for a false alarm for you as well! Keep your head up! Lots of love and support for you here :)))
  • janana81
    janana81 Posts: 278 Member
    Hi everyone, Im so lost at the moment I really don't know what to think or do. Im going through a tough time at the moment. Basically TOM is 10days late and Im losing my mind with worry. I can't focus on anything now except this wait and all my energy is channeled into hoping and praying its just a false alarm. Ive been eating more because of the stress, Im forgetting to drink water, I havent exercised in 2 weeks because I cant find the energy to think about doing anything else. The more days that pass by the more I want to cry. I took a test 2 days ago and it was negative but that's not much consolation since TOM still hasn't arrived. I really am in bits.

    I just feel like Im in Limbo. I don't know what to do. Sorry to offload here. This is why Ive been absent for the last while :(

    Well done to everyone who's lost/maintained this week. You are all doing so so well.

    I bet TOM is late because of your workout regime, weight loss and new and improved eating habits. TOM could also be late because of the worrying too. I have definitely been there with those false alarms and they scared the HELL out of me. I'm crossing my fingers that TOM shows up soon and you can stop worrying.

    BIG HUGS to you!
  • daklex
    daklex Posts: 93 Member
    I'm so sorry; I just realized I didn't check in on Friday. I did weigh myself though, so here goes...

    4/1 288.9
    4/8 288.0
    4/15 287.6
    4/22 288.0
    4/29 286.4
    5/6 287.4
    5/13 285.6
    5/20 286.0

    Here's hoping for a better week!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Hey ladies- I hope everyone had a great weekend. First to recap last week.

    1) Drink 80 oz+ of water - Not even close only made it 1/5 days
    2) No snacking after closing out my diary - 5/5 days
    3) 200 + minutes of exercise (~40 minutes per day) 180/200
    4) Under 2500 mg sodium daily - Under 1/5 days

    Weekend pact I did really well with except for water consumption. I only had 1 alcoholic drink on Sat. I managed to stay under on calories both days and under on sodium on Sunday. I also had like 5-6 hours of activity (outside of normal activity). I think this is the first weekend since I started that I have stayed under calories both Saturday and Sunday!

    Saturday I also mastered my fear of heights (at least on a small scale). I went on a ziplining canopy tour in Western Mass. It was SO awesome. I was so nervous before we got there I couldn't eat. We went through ground school where we learn how to do it and I was thinking to myself "what the heck are you thinking". The course consists of 11 ziplines, 2 foot bridges, and 3 assisted lowers. I started out very tentative with a big breath and away I went. I am flying down the zipline with the trees flying by, the wind in my face about 50 feet off the ground. I get to the platform at the end of the first zip and it is one of the most beautiful views I have ever seen (at least in Massachusetts). By the time we got to the last 2 runs (which are the fastest and the longest) I was cannonballing for extra speed and I actually looked down as I passed the highest spot (goes over a little gulley ~ 90 feet off the ground). I also got to lower myself on the last lower. You are belayed to one of the instructors but you get to control your own speed and lower yourself like a rock climber. It was awesome. THe drop was only about 20 feet but the fact that I basically allowed myself to fall backwards off a platform that high and trusted myself to lower myself without panicking was amazing. It was the perfect end to a day I couldn't imagine having enough guts to ever experience.

    So on to this week. I am only 1.4 pounds from 20 lbs lost since January. I am really hoping to hit that mark this week. I know it is going to take focus and really get back on track with my exercise and water. So my goals for this week (MOn-Fri)

    1) 80 oz of water daily
    2) 300+ minutes of exercise
    3) under on sodium daily
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