.Thin By Thanksgiving. *closed group*



  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    8-15: 159.0
    8-22: 162.4
    8-29: 158.0
    9-6: No weigh in
    9-12: 156.2
    9-19: 156.0
    9-26: 156.4

    Slight gain but considering my extremely poor attitude, eating, and exercise habits the last week I am grateful to not see a 4 lb gain. I am getting back to basics this week. I have 3 goals this week.

    1) TRACK everything. I think I only tracked my food 2 days last week. Even if MFP is going to tell me I am going to gain 20 pounds in 5 pounds, I need to track to see how to readjust my diet to make this work again.
    2) MOVE. Even if it is a 15 minutes walk or dancing in my living room with my son, get off my butt and do something.
    3) WATER . I can't remember the last time I drank plain water. I know it is making a difference. I feel sluggish and bloated all the time. So I am going to drink and track water again.

    I have been working on becoming healthier since January. I though it would be easy by now but I guess that habits of 20+ years take longer than 10 months to break. I am making better choices when I do slip up, if not I would have gained a lot more than 0.4 pounds with the food I ate last week. I just need to refocus and simplify. I think I get so caught up in micromanaging my diet that I forget about the overall picture.

    Here is to a great week!
  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    No weight loss this week :( So disappointing.

    I made 2 of my 3 goals, the last one wasn't made because my husband has to work a couple long days so....

    This week's goal
    find my balance while going to school
  • bitabee
    bitabee Posts: 209 Member
    Ladies!! Sorry I've been MIA! Last week was crazy, and my man and I celebrated our two year wedding anniversary this past
    weekend. It was wonderful!! I am so in love with my man!!

    Weigh in- 180.2

    I would like to NEVER see the 180's ever again. I will make that my goal next week.

    To all of you who keep on keepin' on, keep at it!!!

    Drcarrier- I know the feeling. This past spring, I made it halfway to my goal, then sabotaged myself. I don't know why we do this. But you've got this!!! You are so inspiring!!! You have 6 more pounds!?! You can do it!!! And happy belated birthday!!!

    Thamre- love all of your dedication and will power!!!

    Kim- thanks for your never ending support! Hope TOM doesn't knock you out too much!

    Bridget- happy birthday, love!!!

    Cdngurl- how did your goals go!?!

    So, a new week, we have six more weeks. I for one, don't want to be flirting with 180, still, in six weeks!!

    WEEKLY CHALLENGE: (that are not so weekly- my mistake!)
    Set a milage goal for yourself, that can include biking, treadmills, walking, swimming, ellipticals, whatever, and hit it!!

    My goals: 9miles.
    Drink 12 glasses of water at least, daily.
    Don't eat any more junk at home or work!!! It makes me feel like crap, and I eat it anyways!!
    Go back to basics- lots of fruit and veggies, eating cleanly. My body will thank me.
    Burn 400 cals/ day.

    Sorry I have been so unmotivating. I need to step it up.
    much love to all of you beautiful, amazing women, who aren't identified by a number!!!
  • bitabee
    bitabee Posts: 209 Member
    P.s. Amazing job with inches lost, ladies!! That is most important!!! I love it!!!

    My measurements 9/20:

    Bust: 26 (-0.5)
    Waist: 29 (-0.75)
    Navel: 34.5 (-0.5)
    Hips: 40.0 (-0.5)
    LC/RC: 16 each (-0.0)
    LA/RA: 13/12.75 (0.0)
    RTh/Lth: 24 each (-0.5 each)
    Neck: 12.75 (-0.25)

    Total loss: 3.5 inches.

  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    So I’ve fallen off lately but I’m tyring to get back.

    I weighted myself at 154.8 this morning.

    Goals this week:
    Bike to work
    Run total 6 miles
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    So I will be weighing myself after work today and then I will post it.

    So I didn't do so great with my goals this weekend. I did manage to stay under my calories all weekend, but I didn't workout at all and I drank about 4 - 6 glasses of water a day. But that is better than the usual 2.

    Weekly goal:
    1) Workout 5 days this week (I won't be getting any miles logged - I don't have a treadmill and its so gross outside, wind and rain warnings)
    2) Stay under calories all week
    3) Get 8 glasses of water a day

    Could I please get some advice? I followed MFP for my goals and it calculated 1320 calories per day for me and I am doing P90X 5 days a week. I have been finding that if I do my workout at the end of the day I am consuming too FEW calories. Like today at the end of the day I will only have consumed 800 calories. Should I increase my calories? I don't want my body going into starvation mode.
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    Could I please get some advice? I followed MFP for my goals and it calculated 1320 calories per day for me and I am doing P90X 5 days a week. I have been finding that if I do my workout at the end of the day I am consuming too FEW calories. Like today at the end of the day I will only have consumed 800 calories. Should I increase my calories? I don't want my body going into starvation mode.

    I highly suggest eating more calories since P90X is a tough program and you're probably gaining muscle like crazy. I had to jump to 1400 net calories and eat all of it to avoid horrible sluggishness and keep my energy up.

    You could try estimating your calories burned early in the day, logging it, then you'll be able to spread them out across the day rather than trying to squeeze them all in after your workout. Then after you've done the workout, adjust the calories burned as needed. I do this when I play tennis at night and it really helps me. If you have trouble getting enough calories, try throwing in some high calorie good snacks into your day like nuts, avocado, granola, yogurt, etc.
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    LW: 158.4
    CW: 157.8

    So I am down 0.6lbs!! And I am ecstatic that is finally starting to move in the right direction. Now I just need it to rev up a bit. I would love to be 149.9 by the end of this challenge.
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Happy Wednesday! I am glad to report that so far this week has been a huge improvement on last week. I have tracked everything so far and I got out of the house for 1.5 hours yesterday and went and taught a colorguard rehearsal. I still haven't been drinking enough water but I have been better about drinking water. Even with just 2 days of eating healthier and being a little more active I feel so much better. Less sluggish and bloated. Hopefully I can keep it up the rest of the week.

    How is everyone else doing?
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 629 Member
    I try so hard to stay away from the scale during the week, but I always want to make sure I am staying in line. Monday's weigh in I was 174 and this morning I was 170! I am soooo gonna fight for that number the rest of the week/weekend cause that is the number I want next Monday! That is my 90 lb mark and when I hit that (and stay there for a week) I am treating myself to a pedicure!
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 629 Member
    Well, the weekend is almost here. Anyone got any big plans. I hope & pray that I will stay within calories. Sunday we are celebrating my dad's and nephew's birthday. We are eating ham and kumpa (a norwegian potato dumpling...probably very high in calories). I will have to make sure I go for a run that morning...6 miles hopefully.
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    First quiet weekend in a while for us, so I'm looking forward to plenty of relaxation and time to work out. I am down a pound (finally!) and want to maintain that for Monday's weigh in. Going on vacation next weekend so I need to be as good as possible before then!
  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    Hey -Weighed in this morning at 152.5 YAY!
    I biked to work everyday and realized I'm biking 10 miles a day by doing that!

    Keep up the work Ladies

    My goal next week is to make it to 3 classes at the gym and bike to work everyday!
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    Weekly goal:
    1) Workout 5 days this week DONE
    2) Stay under calories all week DONE
    3) Get 8 glasses of water a day DONE

    Wow. I made all my goals!! :happy: So this should be a pretty relaxing weekend. Thank God before my super busy next weekend, Thanksgiving (for all us Canucks).

    Weekend goals (keep it up):
    1) Stay under calories
    2) Get 8 glasses of water a day
    3) Squeeze in one workout
  • bitabee
    bitabee Posts: 209 Member
    Amazing job so far, ladies!!! I am so, so impressed.

    After a lot of thinking, I've decided to stop counting calories, and follow a whole new game plan of focusing on health and being a more beautiful person on the inside. I am going to keep checking in and encouraging, but after being on MFP for almost a year and a half, it's become more of a burden instead of a tool.
    I know it's been amazing for so so many of you, and I hope that continues, but I am taking a well needed break. So, keep up the amazing work, I will still be cheering you on and checking out the losses every Monday!! Excited to see the results in just six more weeks!!!

    Thanks for listening, wonderful ladies!!!
  • Hi ladies,

    I just wanted to let you all know I'm bowing out for now. Even though I haven't been on MFP tracking, I've been doing ok with my will power, and haven't been indulging or over-indulging, I've put on and lost a couple of pounds, so I guess I'm kind of maintaining for now. I have 2 close friends who have just had some devastating news. My best friend was diagnosed with cervical cancer, and another close friend's mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. I'm close to both of them, and am having a hard time coping with the news. I'm trying to be there for them both, as well as do what I need to do for my kids, husband and myself, so in the grand scheme of things, tracking isn't as important to me right now. And when I do get on here, I don't really feel like being sociable. I wish you all the best of luck reaching your goals. I'm sure you all will do great.

    Take care, and if you all want to keep me as a friend, I'll be back on here eventually. :)

  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    I have decided to change my check in day to Sunday instead of Monday because I have an 8 o'clock class on Monday and I like to "check" in first thing in the morning...just too much going on on Monday morning!

    I am pretty much maintaining right now, no weight loss, no lower measurements....SIGH

    My goal again this week is to continue to adapt to my school schedule
  • lovediets
    lovediets Posts: 375 Member
    Is it too late to join you group?
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    I'm just maintaining too:-S I feel your pain Zumba! I am determined to get this moving.
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 629 Member
    weigh in this morning!

    last week: 174
    this week: 173

    I should have been less, but TOM (ugh) oh, a loss is a loss!