.Thin By Thanksgiving. *closed group*



  • Wow! Today is already thursday and I have not exercised one day this week :( I don't know what is up with me this week but I am really tired all day and have no energy at all :( Going to try my best to get my run today and maybe even some UFC Trainer or Zumba too. Hope everyone else is doing better than me
  • bjclaywell
    bjclaywell Posts: 165 Member
    Popping in to say howdy...been a crazy week - started the new job, not eating well - but trying. Am working out somewhat, however. My upper body is so sore from doing bridges/planks per my trainer...gonna yell at him tomorrow. :)

    Hope everyone is doing well!!!
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 629 Member
    It has just been a crazy week for me. I haven't really had a lot of time to exercise like I want/should. Hopefully weigh-in Monday won't be too bad.
    My goals this weekend:
    run the Beardsley 5k Saturday
    walk six miles Sunday
    drink plenty of water
    do my best to stay within my calories
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    It has just been a crazy week for me. I haven't really had a lot of time to exercise like I want/should. Hopefully weigh-in Monday won't be too bad.
    My goals this weekend:
    run the Beardsley 5k Saturday
    walk six miles Sunday
    drink plenty of water
    do my best to stay within my calories

    Good luck for your 5K tomorrow. I would love to do one of those! :)
  • bitabee
    bitabee Posts: 209 Member
    Hope everyone is doing well!! 2.5 more days til weigh-in day!!!
    I'm feeling great this week!!!

    Thamre- good luck on your 5k tomorrow!!
    Everyone else, keep it going!! Next week, we'll have to restart weekly challenges!!
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    FINALLY getting measurements in! I still need to take a few, but I will edit this post tonight with the rest. Pretty excited to see I'd lost 1.5" off my hips (my usual problem area) since early April!!

    I also wasn't sure where to take the arm measurement, so it took it across my bicep since that's the widest part. Let me know if that's wrong and I'll change it. :)

    Bust: (right across nipples)
    Waist: 28.5
    Hips (widest part!): 36
    Calves: R- , L-
    Arms: (where they jiggle!) R- 10, L-10.5
    Thighs: (widest part!) R- , L-
  • BeachGurl815
    BeachGurl815 Posts: 295 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I just wanted to say I think everyone is doing a great job. I love seeing how much everyone is losing! How did everyone do with their goals this week? I did very well. I squeezed in two spin classes and got on the elliptical for a bit last night.

    My weekend goals:
    Fit in cardio sometime on Satuday and take spin class on Sunday!
    Going out to dinner tonight at a restaurant with high calorie meals- going to try my best a keeping the calories to a reasonable amount.
    Keep in check with my calories the rest of the weekend
    Get my water in
    I want to weight in under 160 on Monday! I want this really bad!

    Have a great weekend ladies! :flowerforyou:
  • Hey Ladies, we've had some craziness in my neck of the woods. Two deaths in the family, and my daughter was really sick this week. Sorry I bailed on you all, I hope to be back on track by Monday, and I hope to catch up with you all. Take care.
  • CBaumgardner7
    CBaumgardner7 Posts: 212 Member
    OK, so it's been hectic here between work, kids school and then football and soccer season. I know, it's no excuse to bail on my diet but I need to somehow refocus myself. My weight did stay the same at 195 this week so at least it didn't move up. Planning my meals and diet better this week and hopefully get back on track. Hope all is well and hope everyone does awesome. Also, I'm willing to put up a challenge anytime if you want another to help out in any way.:smile:
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    8-15: 159.0
    8-22: 162.4
    8-29: 158.0
    9-6: No weigh in
    9-12: 156.2

    I am back on track and it feels great! I did great with food last week (with the exception of last night when I couldn't stop snacking). I am still not exercising much. I fractured my finger tip last week and if I don't have my hand elevated it throbs so exercising hasn't really been possible. Hopefully it will feel better in a couple of days and I can start running again.

    My goals for the week:
    - Follow my meal plan for dinners
    - No snacking after I close out my diary
    - Drink water!
    - Be more active.

    Lets have a great week ladies!
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 629 Member
    weigh in this morning was 176...no change again. Now that my crazy work week is over I can get back to eating right and exercising and hopefully the scale will start moving again. My weekend was jammed packed...but managed to get in some exercise...did a 5k Saturday morning, went for a 10 mile bike ride Saturday afternoon and a 4 mile walk yesterday morning.

    My goals this week:
    eat right
    start 30 day shred
    drink more water
  • bjclaywell
    bjclaywell Posts: 165 Member
    My weight in this morning was at 191 (last week was 193) - although Saturday morning I was at 189.4. I liked that one better. LOL I don't think I drank enough water over the weekend - need to work on that.

    The next two weeks will be difficult for exercise - part of what keeps me going to the gym is my daughter's swim team schedule there...and for the next two weeks, the pool is closed...SO - my big goal for the next two weeks is to keep going to the gym regularly!!!
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    I'm at 177.6!
  • Hi Ladies,

    Well, I'm aiming to be back on track starting today, especially after a 4lb gain from 2 weeks ago. Yikes. Last week was very full of stress and I definitely did a lot of emotional eating. It was supposed to be a week full of fun with my family, whom I never get to see, instead, my uncle died, my husband's aunt died, and my daughter had a bad asthma flare-up. Not exactly what you'd call fun.

    So, my weigh-in today is 216. I will be purchasing a new scale ASAP because this one is not very consistent, which is so frustrating. Anyway, I hope to do better and at least exercise every day this week. My husband finally went to midnights with his job, so I'd like to work out a schedule with him so I can exercise in the morning while he gets my daughter ready for school. That way it's done, out of the way and I can plan my meals/calories for the rest of the day. As it stands now (WHEN I exercise!) I'm exercising after I drop my son off in the afternoon. Sometimes stuff pops up at that point and my exercise gets pushed to the side, so not a good plan.

    Anyway, I hope you girls have a wonderful week!

    Take care,

  • BeachGurl815
    BeachGurl815 Posts: 295 Member
    Hello all,

    Weigh in this morning at 158.6; down 1.6 this week. Goodbye 160s!

    My September is going to be pretty busy with both boys playing soccer and the oldest in HS marching band. But I will do my best to get my workouts in.

    My goals for the week:
    two spin classes this week, maybe even three if I could fit it in. Weight lifting class on Tuesday.
    plan ahead my meals and stay close to my calorie goals

    Shamrock - sorry for your losses!
  • bitabee
    bitabee Posts: 209 Member
    Awesome numbers!!!

    My weigh-in was 180.0- down 1.6.- so that's good!!!

    Beachgurl- you're in the 150's!!! Yea, buddy!!!!

    Bridget, again so sorry for your losses...glad to see things are settling down for you!!

    Imarunner- awesome work! Scale keeps going down!!

    Bjclaywell- I know the feeling- I am trying to only count my Monday weigh-ins even though sometimes it's lower during the week!

    Thamre- maintaining is good too!!

    Drcarrier- you are amazing!!!

    My goals for this week-

    1. Eat clean- be under cals each day
    2. Exercise everyday.
    3. Be 178 by Monday!!

    Let's do it!!

    I will post the weekly challenge later today! (sorry these have not been so weekly!)
  • Oh no... I've gained and I weigh more than when I started this challenge. I weighed in at 278. I think it is a mixture of bad choices on my vacation, water weight, and it being that time of month. I'm getting back on track today and hopefully the number will be back down next week. I hate seeing such a significant increase. I went from 273.2 to 278. :frown:

    My goals for the week:

    Log every bite every day!
    Drink 8 cups of water a day!
    Exercise 5 out of 7 days and 3 of those days at the gym!
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    EWWW!! Okay so a gain! But this is a new week and I am so committed to make this happen.

    LW: 156.6
    CW: 158.2

    Week goals:
    1) Lose at least 1 lb
    2) Drink at least 8 glasses of water each day (really hard for me)
    3) Be under my cals everyday (also very hard for me)
    4) Workout even when I feel tired and just want to veg out on the couch and watch TV
  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    Well, no loss this week, but it is PMS time for me so am thinking I am a bit bloated. I managed 2 of my 3 goals this week, YAY!!! :)
    New goals are:
    Continue Pilates 3 times a week, but increase time from 30 to 40 minutes
    Live my life as if on my school schedule so I will not be too worn out when school actually starts
    Continue to drink 10 glasses of water a day
    Stop acting as if I was still sick, acknowledge days I don't feel well, but then move on and live like it is in the past, not the present
  • Not sure what my weight is this week but I am guessing 154, I didn't exerise much last week :(

    Goals for this week:
    -Complete c25k week 4
    -Do UFC Trainer 3 days
    -Do Zumba 3 days
    - Drink 8 glasses of water a day
    -Stay away from the box of chips on my frigde
    -Replace breakfast or lunch everyday with Fiber 1 cereal

    Might not be checking in here much for the next 4 weeks, my instructor for this class is being really hard on me for some reason.