Lime Juice and a Graham Cracker. Key Lime pie. YUM! Also, cinnamon and butter buds. Cinnamon Roll! YUMMIER!!!
A cheat day can actually be healthy for you as it kick starts your metabolism. It's like working out. If you do the same excercises everyday, your body gets used to it and doesn't respond as much as if you mix it up all the time. Now, that is not to say that you should have a bad cheat day all the time, but once a month or…
I agree. Knowing how to spell 'license' would probably be more important to me. Just sayin.
Jessica, there is nothing wrong with eating back your calories after 8, just be sure not to eat any starchy carbs such as bread, potatoes or rice and stay away from fruit and sugars. In other words, chow down on chicken, lean meats or fish and fiberous (notstarchy) veggies... pretty much anything green. If you do this, you…
Judging by your pictures, if you are very active, I would take in 1600-1800 calories per day and don't count your excercise calories unless you are going way over 5-600 burned calories per day, then just add whatever you burn over that 500 to your initial goal. Got this advice from my trainer for my wife and she is…
Actually, it does. Under cardiovascular, you will find strength training although, I find it a little low.
ChRistA is SPOT ON. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! It jump starts your metabloism. You want to loose weight, you MUST eat breakfast, even if it is a meal replacemnet shake, and you need to eat consistently throughout the day. At LEAST 4 times per day. 6 is optimal. Hard Love: DON'T MAKE EXCUSES! YOU ARE…
Buddy... REVEL IN YOUR SUCCESS!!! Great job!
Yes. 4 ounces of Apple Cider Vinegar and a tsp of honey, everyday. You will notice a HUGE difference all over your body. However, it does repeat on you for about 20 minutes so don't take it before working out unless you like the taste of vinegar! LOL Oh, and try to get local, organic honey from your area. It will help with…
You didn't mention if you are working out or not. If you aren't, you need to incorporate 20 minutes 5 days a week of cardio, at minimum. Here are some quick tips for healthy weight loss: If it doesn't go bad within 2 weeks, don't eat it! (Except Nuts) Keep your sodium under 2000mg a day. Eat .75-1g of protein (lean) for…
Sharon, you have to realize that if you have just started to work out, your body is going to start growing muscle, and quite rapidly if you have been not excercising at all in the recent past. Remember that muscle is heavier that fat but takes up less space. My wife has lost a total of 25 inches off her body in the last…
I too am going on vacation in March to an all inclusive and honestly, I am not going to worry about it for a week. I mean, don't get me wrong, i am not going to be dumb about it but for a week I am going to enjoy what I paid for. One week is not going to totally blow it for you. Yes, you may gain some weight but a majority…
Have you tried a low carb protein shake to supplement your daily diet? ISOPURE and EAS make very good ones. Keep choc. to a minimum and when you do eat it, opt for the darkest choc you can find. The darker the better for you. Good luck!!!
Eat clean today! Try to keep your sodium under 1200 mg but maintain your diet like you did before yesterday. Drink plenty of water and go workout. Lower sodium will reduce the bloat form the water weight from yesterday, water will cleanse you out and a workout will make you feel better, amongst other things. Also, don't…
REST! Your body needs rest every 4-5 days. Also, don't skimp on your diet just because your not going to excercise. That is the one problem I have with MFP. If you are regularly working out, your body needs to have the same amount of fuel on the day off as the days you are working out. Remember why you are sore in the…
You'd be amazed how much sodium veggies have! While you can pretty much eat as much as you want if you are eating very clean, if the rest of your diet is moderate to high in sodium (1500mg or greater), you may want to keep better track. All that extra sodium will make you bloat and retain water giving you the appearance…
Not only that, Diet Soda can cause side effects that mimick MS if you drink to much!
If you are heavily working out, you need at least 100g a day. MFP is the best calorie tracker on the net but their %'s are wrong when it comes to nutrition! Whatever it tells you to have here, I would almost double it! However, as stated before, make sure it is from lean meats and fish. Good luck!
Coffee is not the culprit although I agree with many here that no more than 3 cups a day and 2 is best. However, be careful how much diet soda you drink! Even though it is sugar, fat and calorie free, it still has effects in it that can slow your weight loss considerably. I recommend that you only have a diet soda once a…
I agree and disagree with Scott. You need to get yourself moving. When a post-surgery patient comes onto my wifes floor to recuperate, they get them up and walking ASAP.The more your blood flows, the faster you will heal, provided you are eating right, taking the appropriate meds and taking your vitamins. BUT, moving…
The elliptical machine seems to burn the most for me. Of course, weight training burns the most and has the best overall effect. 2 hours of these two combined would burn between 1000-1300 calories for me but it depends on your weight and how aggressive you workout. I am pretty hardcore when I lift and keep the trainer at…