would you date someone with no lisence?

Ok, just wondering, if you met someone that was awesome but had no license** from a mistake made years ago, would you be able to date them if everything else in their life was right on track?

**Spelling the word license wrong probably did not help my case. **runs and hides**


  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    Correct use of the English language is more important to me than a license.

    I would be led to the question "Why doesn't he/she have their license back?" Is it because they owe fines? Is it because they had too many OWI's? Are they in treatment for the apparent drinking problem?

    I'd want to know why they don't have a license or haven't cared to get one. Where I live, public transportation is not prevalent, so needing a car is essential. So for me, no. I would not date a guy that did not have a license.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    Your love is just one bus ride (with 3 transfers and one 15 minute walk) away. Go for it.
  • holeshottdr
    holeshottdr Posts: 364 Member
    If it was years ago that they lost it, that should have been plenty of time to rectify the situation and get a license reinstated. I'd have to say sorry, you been walking this far, keep on walking...
  • lamoursuffit
    lamoursuffit Posts: 267 Member
    I don't understand how that would possibly matter if you really liked them...
  • bsuzanne88
    bsuzanne88 Posts: 61 Member
    One of my closest friends dates a guy with no license. Court date after court date we learned he won't be able to drive until 2015 or so. Of course it could be sooner depending on a few things. My friend is very happy and they make do with driving. He helps her out with gas and other things. He is a very sweet guy and has learned his lesson. I wouldn't judge anyone if they lost their privilege to drive, especially since meeting this guy.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Been there. Done that. Not going there again. Ever. Pick a man with a job, a car, (a license), and treats his mother with respect. For starters...
  • Yeah. I don't care.
  • erinxo13
    erinxo13 Posts: 892 Member
    Honestly, it's really annoying having to drive people around everywhere. Been there, done that. I'm not a taxi service. I don't mind driving sometimes but I'm not going to drive every time I go out with someone... especially if I'm dating them. :\ I've had to do that with friends and that really makes me resent them.

    Also, other points like - WHY don't you have it? That always seems fishy to me.

    edit: it also really depends where you live, I'm in suburbia so it's necessary....in the city, maybe not so much but still... plus cars are sexy :P
  • leelafit_mtl
    leelafit_mtl Posts: 132 Member
    Lol, maybe because I am living where I am (Quebec, Canada) but here, having a license or not isn't important!! I don't have one myself...
  • ellenxmariex3
    ellenxmariex3 Posts: 165 Member
    When my boyfriend and I got together he was too young to have his license...he was 16 and I was 17 (I'm six months older). It was sort of difficult but he helped me with gas and such.

    Over the summer we lived together and at one point he didn't have a car. That was more difficult because our jobs were in two separate directions. But again, we made do.

    I don't think it's a dealbreaker.
  • RunningOnPurple
    RunningOnPurple Posts: 119 Member
    It can be difficult depending on how far apart you live, what shape your car is in, and how open they are to helping pay for gas, etc.
  • I agree. Knowing how to spell 'license' would probably be more important to me. Just sayin.
  • I had started dating this guy I'm still with & he did not have his license, but I gave him opportunity to get it, and he wanted to make things fair....well, now he has to drive me around bc of my bum knee.

    If he is motivated, and you're not pulling all the weight, you will find your balance within the relationship.
  • KAA1982
    KAA1982 Posts: 90 Member
    I agree that if you care about the person, it should not matter.
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    I'm not really sure what a lisence is? I don't even know if I have one, myself?
  • ravenwcatz
    ravenwcatz Posts: 105 Member
    Depends. Do you live in a major metropolitan area? My Mr. has no license, though that is because he let it lapse due to being a lifelong resident in a city with ample public transportation. Why take the drivers' test if you've never owned a car and never plan to?

    That being said...

    At the very least, I'd say get to know the person. Maybe they're a good guy who screwed up a long time ago and have since learned their lesson. Maybe they're not. But the only way you'll ever find that out is by giving them a chance.
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    Culture is a funny thing. I'm 25 years old, own my own house and work in a fairly serious job. However, I don't have a licence (correct English spelling is without an s!). I don't have a car. I don't particularly want one right now.

    I live in a city where the bicycle rules and when I want to go further afield I use public transport. Maybe one day I'll learn to drive, but the idea that people would just rule out someone because they don't drive is somewhat odd to me!! I notice this in American culture - that it is "so uncool" not to drive. Personally, I think it is "cool" that I burn 350 cals a day getting to and from work on a bicycle while not contributing to climate change.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    If it was years ago that they lost it, that should have been plenty of time to rectify the situation and get a license reinstated. I'd have to say sorry, you been walking this far, keep on walking...

    Not necessarily. In NJ if you get 3 DWIs it's a mandatory 10-year loss of license. They could be in recovery 7 years and still have to finish out their time.

    For me, personally, I won't know, even if they did get their act together b/c I spent 7 yrs with someone who didn't have his license and had to get both of us to work, etc and I'm drived out (I drive for a living now, too lol) I won't do it again!
  • gseburn
    gseburn Posts: 456 Member
    I'm not open to dating, but it would not be a factor for me. It's only in North America that it's such a big deal I think :-)
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I did, briefly. With no intention of ever making the relationship permanent. He was eye candy and a rugby player. And really good in bed.