yelldan22 Member


  • I am still working on getting over the same cold (caught it 2 weeks ago) but it is out of my chest now and I feel on the mend. I too had it move to my chest in the 2nd week. While I can't say I've done well with watching what I ate over those 2 weeks, I understand it is hard. I tried focusing on just staying within my…
  • Yesterday I was able to fit into my bridesmaids dress for my best friend's wedding. Two months ago I had about 3 inches to go to even get it close to zipping. Yesterday it zipped. Haven't lost much weight yet, but that dress fitting completely made my day.
  • I haven't gotten to this point yet, but I know I will. My therapist told me something that really made sense to me. Most people who have an eating disorder or weight problems all suffer from some sort of anxiety. I know I do. When something comes along that I've never done before and don't know how it will end up I get…
  • Good for you for getting started again. It's really hard when you need to lose a significant amount of weight (me 150 give or take) and not feel discouraged right away. I see you're already breaking it up into mini goals, and that would be my best advice. Like you I also lost 70 pounds previously and put it all back on. I…
  • I gained 2 1/2 pounds over the weekend, but I know that is because of a few factors. One being I drank a ton of wine and other stuff Saturday night and ate fairly badly. On top of that I danced the night away and my legs are aching so bad today. I also ate horrible hangover food yesterday. I know I didn't go 14,000…
  • I'm at the western edge of WI and this weather has definately hampered my workout routine lately. I go to the gym so it's all inside, but it's really hard to want to get up when you know you have to uncover your car from ice and snow at 4:30 am. I've been doing good food wise, but I need the exercise. After missing the…
  • I go through this too, except it is for the full week. I just make sure that I have room for one of those things in my calories for the day. It is not falling off the wagon if you allow yourself one donut that fits into your goal for the day. Or if you have to work out longer the next day to burn those calories. This is a…
  • and are my two go to websites for healthy food. They don't leave you thinking you're eating healthy. And my husband who cringes at the term healthy, eats it. I have this same situation going, but my husband is finally on board which is making things easier. Good Luck!
  • I did the same thing when I met my husband. Two years of hard work down the drain. Don't give yourself a day when you're going to start, just start today. You can do it!!
  • I was watching this the other night, and was thinking the same exact thing. They got to be 600 lbs because of horrible eating habits, and once done they still weren't eating like they should. I may not eat perfectly, but I do what works with my life the best I can. And MFP is helping me get there.
  • Thank you all for the kind words and encouragement. It is greatly appreciated. I made my decision on WLS surgery long before I met my husband and had never had anyone ask me why I wouldn't even consider it. So for him to have asked me a couple times was different for me. I know he means well, but I do agree he doesn't have…
  • I'm 6' and have about 150 lbs to lose. My calorie intake is set to 1940 and I will eat some of my work out calories back sometimes. Joining a gym today to start working out again.
  • Bridesmaids unite!!! My bride-to-be is very supportive of me losing this weight for her wedding, but she would have me in it either way. This is more so for me. Plus it gets me going on getting to my goal weight. 5illy-Thankfully I got married this July otherwise I would have been the fattest, single bridesmaid as well.…
  • You say he's tried medication, but maybe he just didn't get the right combination of medication. I know for some people it takes a long time to get the right combination and dosage down.
  • I have 100 + pounds to lose as well. Aiming for 50 gone by next August for my best friend's wedding. Add me if you'd like. We can do this!
  • I'm in the same boat as you. I lost 70 lbs using MFP 2 years ago and have managed to put it all back on. Met a guy, fell in love, got married, you know the drill. Anyways I'm back on track to losing. Just starting out, but I did it once you best believe I will do it again. Add me if you want support. You're not along in…
  • I'm in. Just starting out. Joining a gym today after work! SW: 336.8 CW: 336.8 GW: 331.8 Weigh in Dates: 9/1 9/8 9/15 9/22 9/31 Total weight lost:
  • I second David's Bridal. Or call around to other bridal shops on if they have any clearance sales. I have heard horror stories of buying offline. They're mostly knockoffs from China.
  • I just started back up on MFP. I'm around the same height as you and weigh 334, so I understand how bad it hurts to put that number out into the world. I'm going to send you a friend request because I need some supporters who have as much to lose as I do. Also I'm a newlywed so if you're having any stress with wedding…
  • Hey my name is Danielle. I'm not new to this. I did this a couple years ago and was quite successful. But I fell off the wagon hardcore after meeting my now husband. I'm trying to get back on track and lose everything I gained back plus another 70 lbs. Add me. I can always use friends and supporters. This is hard to do…
  • Can I get an invite as well? SW 344 CW 330 GW 200 and I'm 6' tall. So that means I have 130 to go. A year and a half ago I was only 70 lbs away from goal. Met my soon-to-be husband in 4 days, and I gained it all back. After the wedding my goal is to drop that 130 lbs in 2 years so we can start trying to have a family at a…
  • We are getting married in 2 weeks, and since we want to wait a couple years before start a family I am going to take that time to get healthy. I have over 100 lbs to lose. I just don't want to have all the issues that go along with a pregnancy at this weight, and I want to be able to have the energy needed to raise a…
  • Same situation as you. But I gained back 50 of the 70 I lost upon meeting my fiance. I did WW for a little here at work, but I found it to be frustrating. I would go up and down each week no matter how I followed it. I know it works for some, but I had great success on this prior to meeting DF. Good luck. Just stay…
  • I am in the same boat you are. Did this a couple years ago and lost 70 lbs. I'm crawling back again. We can do this!!!
  • Have you looked into egg beaters or something like that? That may give the look and consistency you're looking for. Otherwise I'm not sure where or how they prepare their eggs. Pretty positive they're frozen in that form.