Motivation Needed In The Midwest

It feels like 25 degrees in Appleton, WI today with a lovely mixture of freezing rain/snow & this is after a major ice storm on Wednesday & before more snow predicted for tomorrow. I'm dying for some fresh air & sunshine!! Thank god our power came back on yesterday so at least I have my trusty treadmill :)

My point is that everyone seems to be in a major funk around here & as I'm new to MFP & just getting started on my healthy life journey, I'm looking for all the motivation I can get. I currently finished a wellness challenge @ work & managed to lose about 6-7 lbs, but I just want to make sure I keep going. Plus now that the challenge is over the unhealthy habits at the office are back in full force. If you think seeing what your journey and/or posts on here would help me out, I'd love to be friends.

--Hoping to prove WI isn't just about the beer & brats! Well, at least most of the time :drinker:


  • misifer
    misifer Posts: 114 Member
    I'm in WI too. WHAT IS WITH THIS WEATHER!??! I'm just south of Madison and this dreary cold stuff is definitely taking a toll on my mood this week.

    P.S. Your avatar is the same picture I'm using as my avatar on a work slimdown challenge I'm doing. Fun! :)
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    First of all, that's a Midwestern spring for you. in the 70s one day, need snow pants the next. I have totally sent my kids to school in shorts and t-shirts with a light jacket when it's turned out to be 40 degrees and aso sent them in sweaters on days it ends up being 80! (I'm in Indiana).

    So, to stay motivated: You know that eventually it will get better and it will be hot and muggy and gross, and you'll be wanting to wear a ton of cute capris and tanks. That's a vain motivation. A really good motivation is how do you feel? Don't you feel awesome after starting to live healthier!?! Going back to Midwestern weather and our nasty, muggy summers, just think how much better you'll feel in all that humidity if you're lighter and more fit! Keep it up! And, beer and brats (try turkey ones, I know, it's sacrilegious, but they're yum, especially boiled in beer before grilling!) are still ok in moderation! We love seasonal beers at our house, especially when the grill is fired up and the sun is out! Just keep the cheese curds to a minimum! ;)
  • yelldan22
    yelldan22 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm at the western edge of WI and this weather has definately hampered my workout routine lately. I go to the gym so it's all inside, but it's really hard to want to get up when you know you have to uncover your car from ice and snow at 4:30 am. I've been doing good food wise, but I need the exercise. After missing the last two mornings at the gym I'm committing myself to a 30 day squat challenge. Almost like a big F U to mother nature. She will not derail me from this. Just keep in mind the weather will turn for the better soon. And then it will be so hot we are asking WTF again. Yay for midwest weather.
  • ALY2380
    ALY2380 Posts: 29
    (try turkey ones, I know, it's sacrilegious, but they're yum, especially boiled in beer before grilling!)

    I'll have to try that this summer.....if summer ever gets here!
  • ALY2380
    ALY2380 Posts: 29
    I'm at the western edge of WI and this weather has definately hampered my workout routine lately. I go to the gym so it's all inside, but it's really hard to want to get up when you know you have to uncover your car from ice and snow at 4:30 am. I've been doing good food wise, but I need the exercise. After missing the last two mornings at the gym I'm committing myself to a 30 day squat challenge. Almost like a big F U to mother nature. She will not derail me from this. Just keep in mind the weather will turn for the better soon. And then it will be so hot we are asking WTF again. Yay for midwest weather.

    Great idea with the challenge!