Hi All,

I've joined in the hope of a fresh start. I'm currently at 392 lb / 28 st I'm in constant pain and miserable. At one point I lost 70 Ibs / 5 st and felt so much better in myself, my personality changed too, I enjoyed life more, I was more fun and outgoing. I then injured myself and couldn't get to the gym for 18 months, I put it all back on and more. I can't take anymore, changes have to be made!

I have to sort myself out. Surgery had been mentioned but is not an option for me, I need to do this myself. So I'm starting this today, right now! It would be great if some of you would had me as a friends so we can support each other. Come on we can do this!

My first goal is to lose 17lb / 1 st 3 lb by the end of June. I must also keep a journal daily because I know that will really help me. So to a new start! x


  • rumplesnat
    rumplesnat Posts: 372
    I'm excited for you as you begin this new journey! My #1 suggestion is to get moving! Walk, walk, walk and go from there. You can do it!!!
  • yelldan22
    yelldan22 Posts: 35 Member
    Good for you for getting started again. It's really hard when you need to lose a significant amount of weight (me 150 give or take) and not feel discouraged right away. I see you're already breaking it up into mini goals, and that would be my best advice. Like you I also lost 70 pounds previously and put it all back on. I had no excuse, just stopped doing what I knew I should have been doing.

    I agree with the above poster. Just start walking. Add me if you'd like for support. I'm on a hot streak for logging, and I am seriously motivated right now. Good luck and I know you can do it!
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    I started with walking it does not matter how far just do it EVERYDAY! :bigsmile:
    have you thought about putting your name on the waiting list for surgery just incase it is a very long process honey x :wink:
    good luck with what you decide! x
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    Excited for you! Yes..it is tough...but *so* worth every single minute that you invest in yourself! You can do this!!
  • kitten9786
    kitten9786 Posts: 23 Member
    It will be tough I have 113 to lose to get healthy. Mini goals are great way to help you feel like you are meeting them when you pass that weight. I understand about the injury, I have nerve death in most of my body due to an accident a few years ago. There is some days where I cannot get out of bed, but I found a few exercises that I can do when I am stuck in bed because of my nerves.

    I own a couple of the 1 liter powerade bottles and use them for weights, a couple of elastic medical bands for me to use for my legs and arms.

    Add me as a friend and I will help support you!
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    At my heaviest I was 355, believe me when I say the starting point is getting eating on path, and when you can, walk to exercise. It can sometimes be hard, but it does help your body feel better. As the pounds come off things get easier. It's a daunting task sometimes when you have a lot of weight to lose, but just remember that you're not alone, and that this will indeed take time.
  • cagefan
    cagefan Posts: 194 Member
    keep motivated, gets lots of support YOU GOT THIS !!!
  • jzebracki
    jzebracki Posts: 112 Member
    You can do this! We are here to support you. You have taken the most important first step - by starting today! Good luck!
  • kss1231
    kss1231 Posts: 167 Member
    Good for you for taking the first step. You can do this and the people on MFP are very friendly and helpful. I'm having trouble getting motivated so I can use all the help I can get as well. Friend request coming your way! Together, we can do this.
  • terri_journey
    terri_journey Posts: 287 Member
    Congrat's on decideding to get healthy!! You will feel so much better once you get started!! If you need another friend, you can add me. I will be glad to encourage you along the way. It is possible to do!! :smile:
  • You are at the right place!! Good Luck! You can do it! One choice at a time.
  • peggygordon946
    peggygordon946 Posts: 6 Member
    Congrats!! I am at 282 right now so I am in the same boat! Keep motivated and keep looking toward your goal!!! YOU GOT THIS!!!!
  • statickey
    statickey Posts: 309 Member
    you can do it!! Add me if you like
  • lcfairbairn74
    lcfairbairn74 Posts: 412 Member
    When I started, I had 198 pounds to lose. I am on my way and you can do this too!

    I think it's a great idea breaking the weight loss into mini goals, I do exactly the same. But, just personally, I wouldn't give those mini goals specific dates to be achieved by. Aim for the 2 pounds a week, no more. That's a healthy weight loss. You will probably lose more at the beginning but I never gave myself dates to achieve my mini goals by otherwise I would feel like I failed if I took a bit longer than that and it's a long term plan!

    All the best! :flowerforyou:
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    I was once over 400 lbs. It seemed IMPOSSIBLE when I thought, oh gee, you need to lose 240 lbs! But I got over it when I kept thinking I just need to FEEL better and screw how much I lose. It seems to always take me losing 40lbs to notice a difference. My suggestion to you is to go slow at first. I never add exercise until I am usually a month in so I don't feel overwhelmed. You will be amazed how you feel in a couple months just like before. You can add me as a friend for support and encouragement! I still struggle. I still have a lot to lose but I don't hurt anymore. I went from not being able to go grocery shopping because my back hurt to stand that long to now walking a mile a day, or riding 7 miles. etc. Small goals with the purpose being just feel better.
  • Sunshine2plus2
    Sunshine2plus2 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Awesome! You can do it! I started at 330pds and I lost 138pds, it took about a year to loss 100 of that. Eat right, go walking, water, water, water!!!
  • cyberbidder
    cyberbidder Posts: 20
    Hi, I have lost (at one time) 100 pounds. I am not an expert, but here are a few thoughts that helped me. While I averaged a 1 1/4 Lb loss a week my only goal was that the scale was moving in the right direction! Applying the same principle if I goal-ed to walk 2 miles a day but only managed 1/2 half mile that day I imputed that as success not failure! For some people a weekly weigh-in is most conducive to success. I am not one of them. I weigh myself at least once a day, the morningt one is my "official" one, but sometimes several times a day. For some of us this keeps our focus upon what is necessary to lose weight. II think it likely that you are aware of this mention this last because I wish to spare you the upset and distress that i experienced, in case you do not, which is body weight may vary 2-3 lbs from day to day even if you are doing things correctly in order to lose weight.
    God speed
  • AleciaG724
    AleciaG724 Posts: 705 Member
    Yes, it's going to be tough - but we can all do it!

    The thought of having it take 36 months to lose the weight forced me to shoot for two pounds a week and get it done in 18 months. I am not hungry on 1600 calories, unless I wait too long between meals, so I know I can do this long term and maintain afterwards! So by July 24th of 2014 I will weigh 150 pounds. I've lost 10 already and that is 3% of my body weight - woo hoo!

    I'm so excited and motivated by the incredible people here that have done it and are doing it with me!
  • Fitscorcher
    Fitscorcher Posts: 47
    Thank you all for being so friendly and for the lovely messages. I'm feeling good and determined to achieve my goal. I want to be healthy and in less pain. I want to be able to take more work because I love my but it's hard to do when you weight as much as me. I know I can do this though, especially knowing I have a lot of support now.

    Thanks All, it means a lot. x