Dealing With Husband's Depression

My husband has been struggling with severe depression for about seven years. He's done the meds, the counseling, all of that. Nothing helps. I think it's starting to take it's toll on me now. I just wondered if anyone else out there deals with this kind of thing? Someone to talk to who knows what it's like to not be depressed yourself but to deal with it every single day. Thanks :)


  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    You said that he's had counseling but have you?
  • ladyojessikah
    I have not. Never even thought about it until recently. Lately though it's been getting worse around here. I have wondered if it might do me some good to talk to someone.
  • Cecilia2690
    I personally suffer from depression & have been for the past year & a half. I live with my fiance & I see the toll it takes on her. It affects her mood & our relationship. It breaks my heart to see that I caused this in her, but sometimes, it seems unavoidable. It is a daily struggle within to push the negativity out of my mind & remind myself of my blessings. My depression stems from my relationship insecurities. I'm a very insecure & paranoid person. I fight everyday to get rid of them. Its hard, the hardest thing I have ever had to endure & I'm 22. I have really good days & I have horrible days. In the beginning, I would discuss my feelings with her but I never felt like I was getting anywhere in changing my depression. I figured it to be a bigger toll on her if we discussed it than if we didn't, so I kind of keep it to myself now. I know she understands & probably wants to help but I try not to drag her down as much as possible. This is a battle within me & I'm the only one who can change the way I think & the way I react to things. I just pray that she remains patient with me.
    I'm sure your husband is trying his hardest to overcome his depression. It probably doesn't look as if he is trying at all. I don't think you can tell that I am but I've never tried so hard in my life to change something. Its just something that he is going to handle & I believe he needs you to remain by his side & be patient & be consistent. He's struggling, but I believe he will overcome this one day.
    I apologize if it sounded like I took over your thread with my story. I was just offering a viewpoint from the other. I'll keep him & you in my prayers. I hope things get easier for you. :)
  • yelldan22
    yelldan22 Posts: 35 Member
    You say he's tried medication, but maybe he just didn't get the right combination of medication. I know for some people it takes a long time to get the right combination and dosage down.
  • ladyojessikah
    Cecilia Thank you for the input. I appreciate it. I want him to tell me what is going on with him. I find for us it works better that way. I don't like being out of the loop. I handle it better when he shares. I know he is doing everything he possibly can do deal with this. And I know he is so frustrated and angry with the situation. I try most of the time not to let how I am feeling show or affect him. I don't want to put that on his already overflowing plate. Sometimes though it's so overwhelming and it just spews out. We are doing our best to get through this :)

    yelldan- He has tried so many different combinations over the years. To the point where they are running out of options on this level and they want to try a new level. These would have so many restrictions, like dietary, and side effects. Very scary stuff and I am not sure he is ready for that.