anybody have 150lbs or more to lose?



  • I have a LOT to lose as well. And plenty of life drama and health problems that have hindered over my progress. I am ready to re-start in September. Please feel free to add me!

    I am 5'6.5
    Started here at 357 lbs last October
    Currently around 325 (going to readjust my weight once I officially re-start MFP)

    best of luck to you!! life gets in the way a lot but hey....that's life. :) show it who's boss!
  • im at 360. add 75 to that....that's what? 435? (oh. my. gosh. that's embarassing!)
  • I don't have quite that much to lose anymore, but I did when I started back in March. I weighed 338 when I started, and now I am at 256. I want to be around 150, so I still have a ways to go. I would love to be friends!

    progress is awesome!! (wouldnt it be nice if it went faster, though?)
  • You can do whatever you set your mind to. I've got 100 left and as you can see... I've lost 100 :-)

    what an inspiration! :)
  • Hi,

    Count me in. I started a month ago, lost 10 pounds and have regained 3. Until I was 31 I gained 10 pounds a year. Since then I've sat at this weight for 16 years. I need to lose 160 or so, and I'm getting back on track again this week.

    I'll send you a friend request.


    thanks, Jane! and good luck to you!
  • Thank you everyone for your sweet words! I appreciate it!!

    now....LET'S DO THIS!
  • mdbs2004
    mdbs2004 Posts: 220 Member
    i used to have 175lbs to lose...but that was 126lbs ago. :) Good Luck you can do it!!
  • i used to have 175lbs to lose...but that was 126lbs ago. :) Good Luck you can do it!!

    woooooow! check you out!! :) congrats!
  • yelldan22
    yelldan22 Posts: 35 Member
    I just started back up on MFP. I'm around the same height as you and weigh 334, so I understand how bad it hurts to put that number out into the world. I'm going to send you a friend request because I need some supporters who have as much to lose as I do. Also I'm a newlywed so if you're having any stress with wedding planning I can probably help with keeping you on track since I just went through all that. Good luck!! We can do this!!
  • I just started back up on MFP. I'm around the same height as you and weigh 334, so I understand how bad it hurts to put that number out into the world. I'm going to send you a friend request because I need some supporters who have as much to lose as I do. Also I'm a newlywed so if you're having any stress with wedding planning I can probably help with keeping you on track since I just went through all that. Good luck!! We can do this!!

    Thank you! :)
  • Kinu_M
    Kinu_M Posts: 31
    i only have 12o that i want to loose but i can relate. Imthe largest ive ever been and its time for all of us to ban together and suport each other...would love to have some of you guys friend new just joined today!
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    Best of luck to us all,
    well, come to think of it, it's not luck, it's just making new habits....

    but, i wanted to let the OP know,
    there are multiple groups of members who are striving for,
    or have achieved,
    over 100 lbs of weight loss.

    If you click on the "Groups" tab,
    and then type in 100 lbs, or 150 lbs, etc etc,
    tons of groups will show up, pages of such groups, actually. You are not alone.

    Here are few that popped up, but, this is only small sampling of such groups of amazing people:

    there are many many many more groups like this,
    i just copied a few of these groups off of the list that popped up
    when i typed "100 lbs" into the search bar.

  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    I am aiming for 165 pounds to lose. I am also tallish, and older---it sure does not come off so easily! Looking for friends with the same kind of goals
    I think the support is fabulous! Alana:flowerforyou:
  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    that is incredible! got any tips for someone who needs to lose more than 150 pounds?
  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    reading all these posts has really encouraged me! there isn't anyone around here that's riding in the same boat as me.....

    feel free to add me as a friend~ i will try to encourage you all i can! :flowerforyou:

  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    add me to your list. it's gonna take quite a while for me to lose 160+ pounds.... but it CAN be done! i've lost a hundred before, so here we go again..... this time, i've GOT to get healthy, so i hope this time it's for good....

  • doitforabby
    doitforabby Posts: 137 Member
    This is such a good thread! Its so nice to see that I'm not in this alone. My 1st time trying MFP was 2 1/2 years ago. I did so well for a couple months - somehow, life got in the way and I'm back to where I started 2 1/2 years ago! I'm looking for some friends with similar challanges this time and hopefully that will be the key to me seeing this through! I don't want to be sitting here in another 2 1/2 years wishing I hadn't given up yet again! We are in the process of planning a Disney vacation for August 2013 - I want to be able to fly comfortably, and ride those rides with my kids!
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    Started in May 2011 with 160lbs to lose. I've lost 50lbs, but still have 110 to go. :drinker:
  • AniOnFire
    AniOnFire Posts: 33 Member
    I have... like... 181 to lose if I'm honest with myself... which is just... it makes me very sad to type that, it's also really hard when you try and try and the scale doesn't move, I also have a nasty addiction to sweets and fast food. Its really... it's daunting to realize that you have that much to lose, so much so that as you said, it takes courage to type it... courage to type a number, it's a little silly but I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about. this will take us years to lose not months... it's a little discouraging :(
  • homegirl614
    homegirl614 Posts: 93 Member
    I have about 110 more pounds that I want to lose. I joined this site a few years ago but never really kept up with it. Now I'm back on track and have been using it daily. Just seeing the motivational words from the other members has helped tremendously. I'm glad I have some friends now and I'm trying to make some new ones. Feel free to add me. Good luck with your weight lose goals, you got this!!!!!