bluemagic33 Member


  • Count me in, I already drink at least 12-16 cups of water a day, Run 2-3 miles 3/4 times a weeks and strength train 2xs /week. I could use this to stay motivated and keeping it all going. I recently quit smoking almost 2 months ago and this is what I have replaced it with :) Want to be held accountable to a team..…
  • I enjoy running, don't know if I would consider myself a runner, but I want to be one. I have done a couple of 5k and doing the glow run STL in Oct. Completed C25K and now working on the C210K. I have been running on an off for two years. I recently quit smoking 8 weeks today, and doing well.. Needed to release some…
  • Big congrats to you, I smoked for 34 years I just quit 7 weeks ago using chantix, no nicotine in them and it takes away the need but not the want.. Sometimes I feel like I will fail, but so far I have been holding pretty strong .. It is a big demon to deal with.. I am a all or nothing so I no I can't even have one drag or…
  • I am getting ready to run a 5k on 10/6 have been out of training for quite some time, I have just recently started running again, just to ease tension since I have just quit smoking 7 weeks ago and well I don't want to gain weight.. So I would be glad to be your training buddy. Street running is much harder because you…
  • Hi, Congrats on your running, When I started I used the C25K program it's is awesome program and is basically what you are doing it is run and walk intervals until you are running more than your walk and increased each week.. It's a free download you can download to ipod or mp3 player and it tells you when to run and when…
  • Still no loss again for me, but I have maintained and not smoking and up to running a solid 5k every day so not even worried about the scale says it is only a number.. and not going to get wrapped up on a number.. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK and happy easter.. 154. 154.
  • No change for me this week still 154 3/19: 154.8 3/26: 155.4 4/2: 154.4 4/9: 154. 4/16: <<<mini goal>>> 150 no change 154.0 4/23: 4/30: 5/7: 5/14: <<<mini goal>>> 144 5/21: 5/28: 6/4: 6/11: Goal 138
  • bump Great photos Vic a true inspirations.. Keep up the great work
  • 3/19: 154.8 3/26: 155.4 4/2: 155.4 4/9: 154.0 move in the right direction anyway ;) still on chantix lets hope it's stays moving.. 4/16: <<<mini goal>>> 150 4/23: 4/30: 5/7: 5/14: <<<mini goal>>> 144 5/21: 5/28: 6/4: 6/11: Goal 138
  • Sounds to me like you found a new love, either you love it our you hate it.. and I think now you are ready for your first 5k :) You can do it.. You just proved it to yourself and all of us... Way to go.. I love running and the way you feel after reaching whatever goal you have set for yourself for the day.. Nothing beats…
  • Wow keep youself busy is a real task, I used to waste alot of time smoking I guess.. But on the brighter side now I am using my extra free time to do remodeling in my house.. My first project was the boys' bathroom.. Spring cleaning first, then waxed the tub and shower painted and gave it a new color, new shower curtain…
  • 3/19: 154.8 3/26: 155.4 4/2: 155.4 no change but not gain...still on chantix for at least another 4 weeks.. Not smoking for 16 days 4/9: 4/16: <<<mini goal>>> 150 4/23: 4/30: 5/7: 5/14: <<<mini goal>>> 144 5/21: 5/28: 6/4: 6/11: Goal 138 This means I only have two weeks to lose 5lbs.... in order to meet my first mini…
  • Day 15 for me doing much better and the cravings are minamal not finding myself thinking about it constantly... My nose is running like crazy, I work in surgery and asked the ENT dr. about it, said it because the cilia is growing back in my lungs and nasal passages.. But sure makes me feel like crap. but I can get through…
  • I completed this challenge, from start to finish.. May not have gotten all the results I wanted either, but I gained some muscle, and definition esp in my arms.. I think I have suceeded in giving up smokes..16 days So far so good anyway, and the cravings are much less severe.. So I am ready to really focus on the summer…
  • Have a great trip tidyjinxx... And congrats on the new miles stone of 40lbs gone whoo hooo.... I knew you would love zumba chick.. I think it's awesome.. Best thing you can do just keep moving, don't worry about doing it right it will come with repetition.. :) 24 hours shift yesterday was busy, Today I gave my boys…
  • my healthy snack 1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese, and one single serve cup any flaovor sugar free jello, filling yet sweet snack less than 100 calories and only 4 grams of carbs :D Black cherry is my favorite jello. to mix with.. Love it
  • anyone doing or has anyone done hip hop abs??? Did you get good results? Just wondering Thanks
  • Water 3/7 at least 12 cups a day sometime 16 strength 2/7 cardio 3/7 Got all the prep work for my son's bathroom today ready to paint on thursday.. Tomarrow is my 24 hour shift so won't be around keep pushing hard.. it's almost over..
  • I did it,, worked 4 hours today prepping and cleaning the boys bathroom to get ready to paint.. Boys are really messy... I swear I think they close their eyes and spin around and pee in the dark.. And they are by no means babies 19 and 23 this year lol.. I stayed busy enough not to even think about smoking whoop whoop...…
  • Wowzer what a chart.. Great job newtomeat!! You are a total rock star :) I am going to stop talking about working on my bathroom and get them done, painted, polished, then shopping for new accessories :P I will continue to stay away from smoking... 12 days some days worse than others... But I am doing it
  • water 12 out of the 19 but i did drink about 8 cups of coffee today also.. Just don't usually count that as water althou I pee just as much :P strength 1/7 cardio 1/7 way to go on the workout today chick.. Hope you love your new shoes, I bought some yesterday.. Nothing but ascis for me to run in.. Love them I am over…
  • I only got 10 in myself today did absoultly nothing today, made dinner and bought shoes on line :P That is the extent of my day. watched it snow all day wound up about 5 inches or a little more.. I HATE SNOW!!!! was suppose to go to a baby shower today, but since it snowed I did'nt go.. Hope you all had a better day..
  • I think this week a challenge should also include more water, 1 oz for each lb of body weight. per day.. I am going to give it a try and measure my oz vs my cups.. So for me it's a 155oz of water a day.. I can do that :) Good Luck on your last week, great idea there chick with splitting it up into three, could work a…
  • Still no loss for me but this should be the end of the gain, usually two weeks into chantix and I will be starting week three here soon. Frustrating but not the end of the world.. Starting back at the YMCA this week. I think I need to mix things up. Hip hop abs or zumba on the days I dont go to they Y.. So I am hoping to…
  • Chick hope you feel better.. Best of luck Jinxxx on your weigh in just remember you worked hard this week, you did all the right things. Don't rely on those numbers... Mya we all get busy don't sweat it.. We know you are with us.. There are only like 4 of us left here??? I am starting back at the YMCA next week for my…
  • water 6/7 cardio5 /7 strength 5/7 Tidyjinx you are most welcome, and I am glad it helped.. Mytac thank you yes both are hard. But I know if I did'nt have to take these meds I would be much better off.. But at least the first 8 weeks I need to continue to take them.. for my own sanity and to ensure I stay away from the…
  • Congrats to all who had losses and even to those who did'nt for getting right back in there a promising yourself a better week :) I dont weigh in till Saturday, but wanted to congradulate all of you for remaining strong on this journey ... 3/19: 154.8 3/26: 4/2: 4/9: 4/16: <<<mini goal>>> 150 4/23: 4/30: 5/7: 5/14: <<<mini…
  • Ok I slipped and had a smoke one day.. Not the end of the world right??? Funny with the chantix, It did not taste good gave me a major headache.. So no I am not proud of it.. It did not make me feel any better by any means.. I just have a hard time getting away from the I want one, instead of the I need one? Oh yes and the…
  • Wow some very interesting stories to read here.. Thank you all for sharing.. Me I am 5"5 what caused me to gain weight, Well like many others I was never the skinny kid always the little fatty and always told so.. From the time I was in 4th grade I tipped the scale at 108 I can remember having to weighed in PE and so…