I need a 5K buddy!!

I completed couch to 5k a few months ago and I am able to jog 3.75 miles on the treadmill. So I set a goal for myself to run a 5k.

Tonight I took my jog to the street. It was freakin HARD!!!!! I was able to go 1.5 miles before says idling to be done. Not bad for my first street run ever.

So now I am looking for some 5k buddies. Anyone training?


  • bluemagic33
    bluemagic33 Posts: 284 Member
    I am getting ready to run a 5k on 10/6 have been out of training for quite some time, I have just recently started running again, just to ease tension since I have just quit smoking 7 weeks ago and well I don't want to gain weight.. So I would be glad to be your training buddy. Street running is much harder because you can't control, the pace that takes a while to get used too.